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A32     sports
                  Diaranson 6 Januari 2021

                         Ravens rookie Dobbins belatedly achieves star status in NFL

            ( AP ) - J.K. Dobbins knew                                                                                          Then  I’m  like,  ‘He  might
            his  spectacular  career  at                                                                                        get hit right there,’ and then
            Ohio  State  provided  no                                                                                           he’ll just do something crazy.
            guarantee  that  he  would                                                                                          That’s  why  he’s  out  there.
            immediately  become  an                                                                                             He’s  just  doing  amazing
            NFL star.                                                                                                           things."

            Dobbins was the first Buck-                                                                                         Despite  the  slow  start  and
            eyes running back to rush for                                                                                       missing a game in December
            1,000  yards  as  a  freshman,                                                                                      while  on  the  reserve/COV-
            sophomore  and  junior.  He                                                                                         ID-19 list, Dobbins finished
            finished with 4,459 yards on                                                                                        his first NFL season with 805
            the ground — second most in                                                                                         yards rushing, averaging a ro-
            school history — and scored                                                                                         bust 6 yards per carry. He set
            43  touchdowns  for  the  Big                                                                                       a  Ravens  rookie  record  for
            Ten powerhouse before leav-                                                                                         touchdowns  with  nine,  and
            ing with one year of eligibil-                                                                                      his six straight games with at
            ity remaining.                                                                                                      least 50 yards on the ground
            Drafted in the second round                                                                                         and a rushing TD is tied for
            last  April  by  the  Baltimore                                                                                     the longest streak by a rookie
            Ravens,  Dobbins  arrived  at                                                                                       since the 1970 merger.
            training camp fourth on the                                                                                         “He’s  been  working  for  his
            depth chart behind Mark In-  Cincinnati.                  ning  back  for  the  playoff-  open  field,  a  feature  he  put  opportunity and growing and
            gram, Gus Edwards and Jus-   “That was one of the growing  bound Ravens, who open on  on  full  display  during  a  72-  learning,"  Baltimore  coach
            tice Hill.                   points of my career, because  the road Sunday against AFC  yard  touchdown  run  against  John  Harbaugh  said.  “He’s
            “My expectation was to come  I’ve always been able to work  South  champion  Tennes-   the Bengals.                 done a great job and he’s got
            in  and  play,"  Dobbins  said.  so  hard  and  be  able  to  play  see. For Dobbins, everything  “I'm not 6-3, 250, so people  a great attitude. We love him
            “I'm  not  going  to  pull  the  right away,” Dobbins said.  turned out exactly as planned.  kind  of  want  to  label  me  as  as a person and as a player.”
            rookie card and say, ‘Oh, I’m  “So, that was such a process  “As soon as they drafted me,  a scatback or something like  Harbaugh isn't the only NFL
            a  rookie.  I’m  just  going  to  for  me.  But  I  always  saw  it  my  thought  process  was,  that,  but  no,  that’s  not  me,"  coach  to  be  impressed  with
            wait this out and be patient.’  as  just  keep  learning,  keep  ‘Let’s go in here, let’s get bet-  Dobbins  said.  “I  can  get  in  Dobbins' development. Mike
            That’s not me.'"             watching  film,  keep  learn-  ter,  and  I’m  going  to  find  a  there and mix it up with the  Vrabel  of  the  Titans  knows
            So, he worked hard and did  ing things to do to get better,  way  to  get  on  this  field  and  big guys a little bit. I can be a  he will be seeing a better back
            his best whenever he got the  even though I was only get-  help  this  team  win  as  many  little powerful. I take pride in  than  the  one  who  rushed
            chance  to  carry  the  football  ting one carry. That carry that  games  as  possible  —  get  us  not just being a running back,  for  70  yards  on  15  attempts
            — which wasn’t often during  I  got,  I  made  my  mind  up  to a Super Bowl, if that’s pos-  but an offensive weapon."  against  Tennessee  on  Nov.
            the first six weeks of the sea-  that I’m going to go hard."  sible,’"  Dobbins  said.  “And  Dobbins is so slick that he's  22.
            son. At that point, he had 25  The rookie stayed the course,  that’s just what I’ve been do-  even impressed Ravens quar-  “The  more  carries  you  get,
            attempts for 154 yards, which  and  his  diligence  and  pa-  ing.”                    terback  Lamar  Jackson,  an  the  more  confidence  you
            pretty  much  amounted  to  a  tience have paid off. Dobbins  At 5-foot-10 and 212 pounds,  elusive runner with his own  get," Vrabel noted. “You get a
            typical  Saturday  afternoon  has scored in each of his past  Dobbins  has  the  ability  to  impressive set of moves.  better feel for how things are
            for Dobbins at Ohio State.   six games, and on Sunday he  squeeze  through  a  tiny  hole  “Being  honest,  he’s  just  ex-  going to be blocked, and how
            Dobbins never got down on  rambled  for  160  yards  and  and  the  strength  to  bust  a  plosive," Jackson said. “I’ll be  runs  may  break,  where  the
            himself,  even  when  he  had  two  touchdowns  in  Cincin-  tackle  or  two  if  met  at  the  on  the  field  (watching  him)  cut may be. It seems like he's
            just one carry (for 34 yards)  nati.                      line.  He  also  has  the  speed  and  I’m  like,  ‘Bro,  you  are  playing with a greater confi-
            in  an  October  game  against  He is now the featured run-  to whisk past pursuers in the  unbelievable  with  the  ball.’  dence level."

                                 Messages to betting pals led to Trippier’s soccer ban

            (AP)  —  As  Kieran  Trip-   sponded. “Don’t blame me if  betting  imposed,  a  10-week  understood.  The  purpose  of  “It’s  happening,"  Trippier
            pier  was  trying  to  secure  something goes wrong. ... It  ban  from  football  was  im-  the  messaging  is  quite  clear.  texted in the evening, which
            a  move  from  Tottenham,  shouldn’t but just letting you  posed.                      MB was seeking reassurance  led  to  Hawley  placing  bets
            the   England     defender  no."                          While the FA prevents anyone  that he should bet heavily on  of  65  pounds  (7-2)  and  40
            was  sending  messages  on  Then Trippier added, using a  involved in football being in-  KT’s transfer to Atlético; KT  pounds (9-4).
            WhatsApp to keep friends  term for betting: “Lump on if  volved in betting, eight of the  provided such reassurance.  In the early hours of July 13,
            updated with the progress  you want mate."                20 Premier League clubs fea-  “In  those  circumstances,  it  Hawley  wagered  another  20
            of the transfer.             By  providing  inside  infor-  ture gambling firms on their  seems to us that we have no  pounds at odds of 6/4.
                                         mation  that  could  be  used  jerseys as sponsors and odds  option  but  to  conclude  that  “Come  Madrid  with  me  to
            They  were  more  than  just  for  betting,  Trippier  was  in  are offered on transfers.  KT knew that MB would bet  sign  mate,"  Tripper  wrote  at
            keen  on  knowing  which  breach  of  the  English  Foot-  Trippier's  suspension  was  upon  the  transfer  and,  ac-  9:10 a.m. to the “Pint” What-
            country  Trippier  would  be  ball  Association  rules  de-  initially  extended  to  apply  cordingly, the regulatory de-  sApp chat group shortly after
            moving  to.  They  hoped  to  signed to protect the integrity  worldwide  by  FIFA,  but  it  fense must fail.”     Hawley posted a message.
            personally make a bit of cash,  of the game.              was  paused  at  the  weekend,                            About  90  minutes  later,
            too, on him leaving England  “Could only put a little bit on  to allow an appeal.      The FA findings point to me-  Hawley placed another bet of
            for Spain to join Atletico Ma-  mate, they massively restrict-  The  FA  regulatory  com-  dia reports on July 10, 2019  20 pounds on the transfer at
            drid.                        ed  the  bet,  keep  me  posted  mission  said  the  messages  showing  Atletico  was  step-  odds of 4-1. There were two
            “Shall  I  lump  on  you  going  pal,” Brady updated Trippier,  “very strongly suggest" Brady  ping up attempts to sign Trip-  further  bets  of  22  pounds
            there?" one friend, Matthew  who  replied:  “No  worries  "would  bet  on  the  transfer"  pier.                    at  odds  of  5-6  that  day  and
            Brady, who owns a personal  mate”.                        and Trippier knew.           The next day, another friend  Hawley  bet  20  pounds  and
            assistant  service  for  sports  Details  of  the  messages  —  “We  simply  do  not  accept  of  Trippier's  sent  a  mes-  300 pounds on July 16 as the
            stars,  texted  Trippier  on  the  and  others  to  friends  about  that these messages would be  sage  saying  he's  got  odds  of  transfer  neared  conclusion
            evening of July 14, 2019.    the  transfer  and  betting  —  read  by  KT  as  ‘banter,'"  the  6-1  on  the  transfer.  Twenty  before  being  announced  the
            “Can  do  mate,"  Trippier  re-  were  contained  in  the  41-  FA commission said of Trip-  pounds ($27) was bet by an-  following day.
            plied.                       page  findings  published  by  pier. "There is nothing about  other friend, Oliver Hawley,  Trippier, who scored in Eng-
            Brady    wanted   certainty:  the  FA  on  Tuesday.  Even  the  words  used  by  the  men  who placed another two bets  land's 2018 World Cup semi-
            “100% Tripps?”               though  Trippier  was  not  ac-  which is consistent with ban-  later on: 42.15 pounds and 50  final loss to Croatia, has not
            “Yeah  mate,"  the  player  re-  cused of any match fixing or  ter  as  that  word  is  normally  pounds at odds of 7-2.  commented on the ban.
   27   28   29   30   31   32