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                                                                                                       sports Diaranson 6 Januari 2021

                         AP source: 3 NFL teams granted permission to talk to Brady

            (AP) — Panthers offensive                                                                                           Carolina  players  went  on  to
            coordinator  Joe  Brady  is                                                                                         have at least 1,000 yards from
            becoming a popular name                                                                                             scrimmage, marking only the
            for NFL teams looking to                                                                                            fifth team in the Super Bowl
            fill  head  coaching  vacan-                                                                                        era that has happened.
            cies.                                                                                                               The  Panthers  finished  the
                                                                                                                                season 5-11 and in third place
            A  person  familiar  with  the                                                                                      in the NFC South.
            situation  says  the  Chargers,
            Falcons  and  Texans  have  all                                                                                     Brady was hired by Carolina
            asked  for  and  received  per-                                                                                     last  season  after  spending
            mission  from  the  Panthers                                                                                        one  season  as  LSU’s  pass-
            to  interview  Brady  for  their                                                                                    ing game coordinator, where
            head coaching jobs.                                                                                                 he  helped  the  Tigers  win  a
            The person spoke to The As-                                                                                         national  championship  and
            sociated Press on condition of                                                                                      quarterback Joe Burrow win
            anonymity  Tuesday  because                                                                                         the  Heisman  Trophy  and
            the  team  does  not  release                                                                                       become  the  first  pick  in  the
            names  of  assistant  coaches                                                                                       2020 draft.
            who have been granted per-                                                                                          Prior  to  LSU,  Brady  served
            mission  to  speak  with  other                                                                                     two years as an offensive as-
            teams.                                                                                                              sistant with the Saints.
            The 31-year-old Brady could                                                                                         Along  with  the  Chargers,
            be on a meteoric rise up the                                                                                        Falcons and Texans, the Jets,
            coaching ranks after just one                                                                                       Jaguars  and  Lions  are  also
            season as an NFL coordina-   Carolina finished 21st in the  and 24th in scoring. Although  Caffrey only played in three  looking to fill head coaching
            tor.                         league  in  offense  last  season  running back Christian Mc-  games because of injury, four  vacancies.

                        Great expectations: mackinnon, avs embracing contender role

            Denver  (ap)  —  nathan                                                                                             edouard  bellemare  and  matt
            mackinnon views pressure                                                                                            calvert form the fourth line.
            almost  like  shots  on  goal                                                                                       The  early  defensive  pairings
            — the more, the better.                                                                                             are  toews/makar,  samuel  gi-
                                                                                                                                rard/johnson, ryan graves/ian
            That’s why the colorado ava-                                                                                        cole and dennis gilbert/conor
            lanche forward fully embrac-                                                                                        timmins.
            es his team being mentioned                                                                                         Burnaby joe
            among the stanley cup favor-
            ites.                                                                                                               Being  from  the  same  gen-
            With mackinnon, one of the                                                                                          eral area in british columbia,
            top playmakers in the league,                                                                                       toews  is  quite  familiar  with
            and cale makar, the defensive                                                                                       sakic.  But  he  never  had  the
            phenom  who’s  coming  off                                                                                          chance to cross paths with the
            a  rookie-of-the-year  cam-                                                                                         hall  of  fame  forward  turned
            paign, they’re not that youth-                                                                                      gm — until now.
            ful team filled with speed and                                                                                      “there  are  streets  named  af-
            promise.                                                                                                            ter him in burnaby that i’ve
            They’re flat-out legit.                                                                                             driven down to go to differ-
                                                                                                                                ent hockey rinks,” toews said,
            “our  expectation  is  to  win                                                                                      referring to the city where sa-
            the  cup,  not  just  claw  and                                                                                     kic once lived and earned the
            scrape our way into the play-  healthy.                   rado coach jared bednar said.  The  additions  of  toews  and  nickname  burnaby  joe.  “he
            offs,”  said  mackinnon,  who  “for  myself  and  the  whole  “we  want  to  be  considered  saad  were  a  way  for  general  was kind of a tall figure when
            finished  runner-up  in  the  team,  we’re  very  motivated,  one of the favorites.”   manager  joe  sakic  to  bolster  i was growing up. I watched a
            mvp  race  after  a  season  in  because you don’t have many  Bo knows defense         an already deep roster in this  lot of avalanche games when
            which he had 35 goals and 58  chances  to  win,”  said  mack-                          time of a flat salary cap.   they were at their peak.”
            assists in 69 games. “the pres-  innon. “we need to do every-  The  avalanche  will  give  “they’re  both  really  good  Schedule watch
            sure is obviously a nice thing  thing in our power not to ...  young  defenseman  bowen  players,”  said  francouz,  who
            to have.”                    Waste it and take advantage of  byram  every  opportunity  to  figures  to  split  time  in  net   Colorado  opens  the  season
            The avs are coming off an in-  the special group we have.”  be a contributor on the blue  with  grubauer  during  the   against  the  st.  Louis  blues
            jury-riddled season in which  For  the  most  part,  this  will  line.  Byram  was  the  fourth  compressed  season.  “they’ll   at ball arena on jan. 13. The
            they  advanced  to  the  west-  be the same nucleus as a sea-  overall  pick  in  the  2019  be  the  special  spice  for  this   team faces west division op-
            ern  conference  semifinals  son  ago.  They  did  add  de-  draft  and  played  last  season  team.”               ponents anaheim, arizona, los
            inside the bubble before be-  fenseman  devon  toews  in  a  with vancouver of the west-  Line dancing              angeles, minnesota, st. Louis,
            ing eliminated by dallas dur-  trade  with  the  new  york  is-  ern hockey league, where he                        san jose and vegas a total of
            ing  overtime  of  game  7.  In  landers and forward brandon  had 14 goals and 38 assists in  Barring injuries, bednar plans  eight times each.
            that pivotal game, they had to  saad in another deal with chi-  50 games.              to  get  a  look  at  these  early  The  team’s  regular-season
            rely on a third-string goalten-  cago.                    “this is a real gifted, real spe-  pairings:  andre  burakovsky,  finale  is  scheduled  for  may
            der due to injuries to philipp  Those  additions,  along  with  cial  player,”  bednar  said  of  mackinnon  and  mikko  ran-  8, which will be the latest in
            grubauer and pavel francouz.  the  play  of  mackinnon  and  byram,  who’s  a  co-captain  tanen  on  the  top  line,  fol-  team history.
            Also missing were captain ga-  makar — 12 goals and 38 as-  for  team  canada  at  the  2021  lowed  by  landeskog,  nazem  “it’s  a  lot  of  hockey  and  a
            briel landeskog and defense-  sists a season ago in earning  world  junior  championship.  kadri  and  saad  on  the  sec-  condensed  schedule  but  it’s
            man erik johnson.            the calder trophy — are why  “we certainly feel he’ll be able  ond. The third line will con-  lots of time for recovery and
            Mackinnon  can  only  imag-  the avs remain a trendy cup  to  help  us  if  not  now  then  sist  of  valeri  nichushkin,  j.t.  the  ability  to  leave  it  all  out
            ine  what  might  have  trans-  pick.                     certainly in the near future.”  Compher  and  joonas  dons-  there  every  game,”  mackin-
            pired had colorado remained  “we want the pressure,” colo-  New look                   koi, while tyson jost, pierre-  non said.
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