Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210106
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                                                                                          world news Diaranson 6 Januari 2021

                              Saudis take on burden of oil output cut to support price

            (AP) — Saudi Arabia said                                                                                            would partially withdraw the
            Tuesday  it  will  cut  its  oil                                                                                    7.7  million  barrels  a  day  in
            production  by  1  million                                                                                          production  cuts  agreed  last
            barrels  a  day,  taking  on                                                                                        year.
            the  burden  of  supporting
            prices in the energy mar-                                                                                           OPEC faces conflicting pres-
            ket as a “goodwill gesture”                                                                                         sures after last year’s plunge
            after a meeting with other                                                                                          in oil prices as the pandemic
            crude-producing      coun-                                                                                          held  back  energy  use  and
            tries.                                                                                                              travel. Last year’s output cuts
                                                                                                                                kept  prices  from  collapsing
            The  decision  came  after  a                                                                                       even  more  than  they  would
            meeting  between  countries                                                                                         have.  Raising  production
            that are part of the OPEC oil                                                                                       now  as  recovery  beckons  in
            cartel  and  allies  like  Russia                                                                                   the  distance  would  increase
            that  have  coordinated  their                                                                                      revenues   for   producing
            production  levels  in  recent                                                                                      countries that have seen their
            years  in  an  effort  to  sway                                                                                     budgets  hard  hit  by  lower
            the  market.  The  pandemic                                                                                         prices.  But  pumping  too
            has sowed uncertainty about                                                                                         much too soon could under-
            when  an  economic  recovery                                                                                        mine the modest rebound in
            might  arrive  and  boost  sag-                                                                                     energy prices.
            ging demand for energy.
            Leading  OPEC  member                                                                                               The  decision  Tuesday  saw
            Saudi  Arabia  urged  cau-   energy  minister,  Abdulaziz  “We hope this gesture of good  500,000  barrels  at  the  start  energy  prices  jump.  Oil  ral-
            tion,  saying  demand  for  oil  bin Salman, told a news con-  will not be in vain,” he said.  of the new year and then to  lied 5.4% to $50.18 per barrel
            remains  fragile  even  as  the  ference  on  Tuesday  that  his  OPEC  countries  and  allies  reassess the oil market every  on the New York Mercantile
            vaccination  rollout  raises  country  would  unilaterally  like  Russia  had  decided  in  month. Their goal is to even-  Exchange  while  the  inter-
            hopes for an eventual return  cut its output to help support  December  to  gingerly  in-  tually increase production by  national  benchmark,  Brent
            to more normal behavior. Its  prices.                     crease  daily  production  by  2 million barrels a day. That  crude, rose 5.4% to $53.84.

                         Germany extends lockdown until Jan 31 and toughens curbs

            (AP) — The German gov-       they have a good reason to go
            ernment said Tuesday it is  further.
            extending  the  country’s  “In  particular,  day  trips  are
            lockdown  by  three  weeks  not  a  good  reason,”  Merkel
            until  Jan.  31,  tightening  said. She pointed to a string
            curbs  on  social  contacts  of recent incidents in which
            and  planning  limits  on  day-trippers  hoping  to  ski
            people’s  movements  in  or  sled  have  overrun  winter
            the worst-affected regions  resorts even though lifts and
            as it tries to reduce stub-  other facilities are closed.
            bornly high infection fig-   Merkel  and  the  governors
            ures  and  worrying  num-    plan  to  confer  again  Jan.  25
            bers  of  coronavirus-relat-  on  what  happens  after  the
            ed deaths.                   end of the month.
                                         Germany launched a nation-
            Chancellor  Angela  Merkel  wide  partial  shutdown  on
            said it was “absolutely neces-  Nov.  2,  closing  restaurants,
            sary” to maintain restrictions,  bars,  leisure  and  sports  fa-
            particularly in light of a more  cilities. That failed to reduce
            infectious variant of the virus  infections,  and  the  current
            that emerged in England.     lockdown  --  which  also  work properly.                 was  too  hesitant  in  order-  borders.
            “We must reach a point where  closed  nonessential  shops  On  Tuesday,  the  infec-   ing  the  BioNTech-Pfizer  “A high number of vaccinat-
            we can once again follow the  and  schools  --  took  effect  tion  rate  stood  at  1,34.7  per  vaccine,  the  only  one  so  far  ed people in Germany com-
            chains  of  infection,”  Merkel  Dec.  16.  It  was  initially  due  100,000 nationwide, and 944  cleared for use in the 27-na-  bined with many who aren’t
            said after a lengthy videocon-  to run through Jan. 10.   more  deaths  were  reported  tion bloc.                  vaccinated  in  our  neighbor-
            ference  with  Germany’s  16  Authorities  say  Germany’s  to  authorities  in  24  hours,  Germany  had  vaccinated  hood won’t be good for Ger-
            state  governors.  “Otherwise,  reported  numbers  for  CO-  one of the highest daily death  nearly  317,000  people  by  many,” she said. “So we don’t
            we  will  just  go  keep  going  VID-19  cases  are  distorted  tolls yet in a country that had  Tuesday, just over a week into  want  national  solo  efforts.
            back into a lockdown after a  by lower testing and delayed  a  relatively  low  COVID-19  the campaign. That’s a better  We  think  the  most  effective
            short relaxation.”           reporting  over  the  Christ-  mortality  rate  during  the  showing than in several oth-  health  protection  for  us  can
            The  chancellor  said  that  re-  mas and New Year’s period.  pandemic’s first phase.  er  EU  countries,  but  critics  be  attained  through  a  com-
            strictions  on  social  contacts  The country’s disease control                        have  pointed  to  faster  prog-  mon European procedure.”
            will be tightened. People will  center says it expects to have  Merkel  said  the  emergence  ress in the U.K., the United  Health Minister Jens Spahn,
            be allowed to meet only one  a  reliable  picture  of  what  is  of the new variant in England  States and Israel.  who has faced criticism from
            person  outside  their  own  going on only from Jan. 17,  is “one reason more” to keep  Merkel said it was “right and  inside  Germany’s  govern-
            household.                   Merkel said.                 up  restrictions.  A  few  cases  important” for the EU rather  ing  coalition,  has  repeatedly
            In  a  new  move,  authorities  But  even  according  to  the  of the variant have been de-  than  individual  countries  to  said  that  vaccinations  are
            across  Germany  will  allow  current  figures,  Germany  is  tected in Germany.       order vaccines for the whole  progressing  as  expected  and
            people  in  areas  with  more  far  from  its  declared  aim  of  The  chancellor  defended  bloc.  She  said  that  it  “is  in  that the slow start is because
            than 200 new infections  per  getting new confirmed cases  Germany’s  approach  to  vac-  Germany’s  interests”  since  teams are first going to nurs-
            100,000 residents over seven  below  50  per  100,000  resi-  cinations  following  criticism  the country is surrounded by  ing  homes  to  vaccinate  the
            days  to  travel  only  15  kilo-  dents over seven days — the  fueled  by  perceptions  that  other  EU  member  nations  most vulnerable. Merkel said
            meters (just over nine miles)  maximum level at which of-  Europe has made a slow start  and in the middle of the EU  she thinks Spahn is doing “a
            from their hometown unless  ficials say contact-tracing can  and that the European Union  trade zone that relies on open  great job.”
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