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                  Thursday 17 augusT 2023

            Americans are divided along party lines over Trump’s actions in

            election cases

            Continued from Front                                                                                                fended  democracy,  while
                                                                                                                                23%  say  he  threatened  it.
            The poll finds 85% of Demo-                                                                                         About  a  third  of  Repub-
            crats approve of the crimi-                                                                                         licans  say  he  neither  de-
            nal  charges  brought  Aug.                                                                                         fended nor threatened de-
            2 by Special Counsel Jack                                                                                           mocracy.
            Smith, compared with 47%                                                                                            “Trump and a lot of his sup-
            of  independents  and  just                                                                                         porters are saying, ‘They’re
            16%  of  Republicans.  Over-                                                                                        just using this to get at him
            all,  3  in  10  Americans  dis-                                                                                    in the election,’” said Dav-
            approve,  including  about                                                                                          id  Biggar,  a  60-year-old
            two-thirds of Republicans.                                                                                          Republican  from  Navarre,
            The  survey  suggests  that                                                                                         Florida  who  twice  voted
            the unprecedented indict-                                                                                           against Trump. “I think he’s
            ments of a former president                                                                                         being  targeted  because
            have  done  little  to  shake                                                                                       he  did  stuff  that  he  needs
            up a fundamental divide in                                                                                          to be tried for.”
            the electorate: The majority                                                                                        Americans largely disagree
            of  Americans  disapprove                                                                                           with  Trump’s  contention
            of  Trump,  but  he  remains                                                                                        that the 2020 election was
            popular within the GOP.                                                                                             stolen  from  him.  Seven  in
            Overall,  35%  of  Americans                                                                                        10 say that Biden was legiti-
            have  a  favorable  view  of                                                                                        mately  elected  president,
            Trump  and  62%  unfavora-   Former President Donald Trump waves as he steps off his plane at Ronald Reagan Washington   a number that’s been con-
            ble.  Among  Republicans,    National Airport, Aug. 3, 2023, in Arlington, Va.                     Associated Press   sistent  in  the  last  year.  But
            though,  seven  in  10  view                                                                                        among  Republicans,  57%
            the  former  president  favo-  Only  about  2  in  10  U.S.  have their political rival ar-  when it comes to the Jan. 6  say Biden’s election was il-
            rably,  and  about  6  in  10  adults  —  17%  —  say  they  rested and put in jail,” said  insurrection  and  the  Geor-  legitimate, compared with
            say they want him to make  have  “a  great  deal”  of  Cary Arnold, a 56-year-old  gia  charges,  along  with  32%  of  independents  and
            another  run  for  the  White  confidence  in  the  people  Republican  from  Elders-  the  case  involving  classi-  2% of Democrats.
            House.                       running the Justice Depart-  burg,  Maryland.  “Just  on  fied  documents  found  at  Treasa  Howell,  a  58-year-
            The  poll  was  conducted  ment. The low level of con-    the  surface  that’s  a  very,  his  home  in  Florida,  only  old   Republican   from
            Aug.  10-14  ,  before  Trump  fidence  spans  the  political  very bad look. That’s some-  about  one-third  say  Trump  Springfield,  Missouri,  said
            and 18 of his allies were in-  spectrum,  with  just  26%  of  thing  that  you  would  ex-  acted  illegally  in  allegedly  a  lot  of  the  accusations
            dicted Monday in Georgia  Democrats,  14%  of  inde-      pect  to  see  in  third  world  covering  up  hush  money  against Trump ring true, but
            over their efforts to overturn  pendents  and  7%  of  Re-  countries  that  are  run  by  payments  to  a  woman  she  believes  they’re  moti-
            the  state’s  election  results  publicans saying they have  dictators.”  Trump’s  actions  who  said  he  had  an  affair  vated more by politics than
            but  with  strong  indications  a great deal of confidence  did not cross the line to mer-  with her. That was the basis  justice  and  Trump  is  being
            that  charges  were  immi-   in the federal law enforce-  it criminal charges, he said.  for charges Trump faces in  singled out.
            nent. At the time of the sur-  ment  agency.  About  half  “I  have  not  seen  anything  New  York  City  brought  by  “I  honestly  don’t  feel  like
            vey, 51% of U.S. adults be-  of  Americans  have  “only  that seemed to be illegal,”  Manhattan  District  Attor-   anybody  in  the  political
            lieved Trump acted illegally  some” confidence in DOJ,  Arnold  said.  “I  know  peo-  ney Alvin Bragg.             arena  plays  100%  fair,”
            in that case, including 16%  while  about  a  third  have  ple  have  said  that  he  did  Overall, Americans say that  Howell  said.  “I  feel  like  it
            of Republicans. That’s con-  “hardly any confidence at  things illegally, but none of  Trump’s  actions  after  the  was  a  political  indictment,
            sistent  with  an  AP-NORC  all.” Republicans are much  the things that they’ve said  2020  presidential  election  but I absolutely believe it’s
            poll conducted in June.      more likely than Democrats  make any sense.”              did  more  to  threaten  de-  true.  And  that’s  my  prob-
            Trump  has  denied  wrong-   to  have  hardly  any  confi-  Trump  has  been  indicted  mocracy than to defend it,  lem with Trump.”
            doing and says the charges  dence  in  the  Justice  De-  four  times  since  April,  but  54% to 19%. One-quarter of  But  if  Trump  wins  the  GOP
            against  him  are  politically  partment, 48% to 18%.     Americans do not view the  U.S.  adults  say  he  did  nei-  nomination and faces a re-
            motivated as he seeks a re-  “Trump is obviously running  indictments equally.         ther.  Republicans  are  split  match against Biden, she’ll
            match against Democratic  for president and the sitting  While  about  half  believe  on  the  impact  of  Trump’s  reluctantly vote for him, she
            President Joe Biden.         administration is pushing to  Trump did something illegal  decisions:  43%  say  he  de-  said.q
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