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                  Thursday 17 augusT 2023

            U.N. chief urges deployment of police special forces and military

            support to combat gangs in Haiti

            By EDITH M. LEDERER                                                                                                 nents,  recruiting  children
            Associated Press                                                                                                    and  using  sexual  violence
            UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The                                                                                           and  rape  against  women
            United Nations chief urged                                                                                          and girls.
            the   international   com-                                                                                          “Gangs    have    become
            munity  on  Tuesday  to  de-                                                                                        more   structured,   feder-
            ploy  a  multinational  force                                                                                       ated,  and  autonomous
            comprising  “police  special                                                                                        in  their  efforts  to  confront
            forces and military support                                                                                         state  authority,  weakening
            units”  to  Haiti  to  combat                                                                                       state  institutions,  and  con-
            gangs  with  sophisticated                                                                                          solidating  control  over  the
            weapons  and  restore  se-                                                                                          population,” the secretary-
            curity  to  the  impoverished                                                                                       general  said.  “They  target
            Caribbean nation.                                                                                                   police stations, courts, pris-
            Secretary-General  António                                                                                          ons, schools, hospitals, and
            Guterres said in a 12-page                                                                                          strategic  installations  such
            letter  to  the  U.N.  Secu-                                                                                        as  ports,  oil  terminals  and
            rity  Council  obtained  by                                                                                         major roadways.”
            The  Associated  Press  that                                                                                        Haiti’s  Prime  Minister  Ariel
            “  Addressing  the  security   United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres addresses the assembly during the opening   Henry  sent  an  urgent  ap-
            situation  in  Haiti  requires  a   session of a three-day U.N. Food and Agriculture Agency’s summit on food systems in Rome,   peal  last  October  for  “the
            range  of  coercive  law  en-  July 24, 2023.                                                                       immediate  deployment  of
            forcement  measures,  in-                                                                          Associated Press   a specialized armed force,
            cluding active use of force  nya’s  offer  to  lead  an  in-  Haiti’s  police,  with  experts  from  the  north,  south  and  in  sufficient  quantity”  to
            in  targeted  police  opera-  ternational  force  as  well  estimating  they  now  con-  east  of  the  country,  and  stop  the  gangs.  However,
            tions against heavily armed  as  renewed  pledges  of  trol some 80% of the capi-      violence is spreading to the  no  country  stepped  up  to
            gangs.”                      support from the Bahamas  tal,  Port-au-Prince.  There  Artibonite  region  in  cen-   lead such a force until Ke-
            The  letter  was  a  response  and  Jamaica,  and  the  are  only  about  10,000  po-  tral  Haiti  and  other  areas,  nya’s offer in late July. U.S.
            to a Security Council reso-  announcement  by  Anti-      lice  officers  for  the  coun-  blocking the delivery of aid  Ambassador  Linda  Thom-
            lution  adopted  on  July  14  gua and Barbuda that it is  try’s  more  than  11  million  and goods.               as-Greenfield said on Aug.
            asking  Guterres  to  come  considering contributing to  people, and more than 30  He  cited  reports  of  gangs  1  that  the  United  States
            up  with  “a  full  range  of  the  force.  He  urged  more  were killed from January to  shooting  people  in  public  would  introduce  a  U.N.
            options”  within  30  days  to  countries,  especially  from  June, according to Human  spaces  and  their  homes,  Security  Council  resolution
            help combat Haiti’s armed  the Americas, to contribute  Rights Watch.                  burning  people  alive  in  authorizing Kenya to lead a
            gangs including a non-U.N.  and “build on this new mo-    Guterres  said  the  gangs  public  transportation  ve-   multinational  police  force
            multinational force.         mentum.”                     have encircled the capital,  hicles,  mutilating  and  ex-  to fight the gangs and pro-
            Guterres  welcomed  Ke-      Gangs  have  overpowered  effectively  cutting  roads  ecuting  perceived  oppo-       vide 1,000 officers. q

             Militia clashes in Libyan capital have

             killed 45

            By JACK JEFFERY              ing to local media reports.  ployed to areas where the
            Associated Press             Hamza  was  later  released  fighting  was  most  intense,
            CAIRO  (AP)  —  The  death  as  part  of  deal  aimed  at  including the southern Fer-
            toll  in  this  week’s  clashes  quelling  the  violence,  the  naj neighborhood and the
            between  rival  militias  in  reports said.               al-Shouk  Road.  A  situation
            Libya’s  capital  rose  to  45  The death toll rose Wednes-  room  had  been  set  up  to
            on  Wednesday  as  troops  day  to  45,  up  from  the  27  monitor developments, but
            fanned  out  across  Tripoli  dead  reported  Tuesday,  by Wednesday a tentative
            to restore calm after a 24-  as  more  casualties  were  calm  had  returned  to  the
            hour  bout  of  fighting  that  confirmed, said Malek Mer-  city.                      Libyan security forces stand guard in Tripoli, Libya, Tuesday,
            was the city’s most intense  set,  the  spokesperson  for  The  violence  underscored   Aug. 16, 2023.
            violence this year.          Libya’s  Emergency  Medi-    the  fragility  of  war-torn                                         Associated Press
            The clashes erupted late on  cine  and  Support  Center.  Libya  following  the  2011  and  the  west,  each  sup-  armed hostilities and to en-
            Monday  between  militia-    An additional 146 were in-   uprising  turned  civil  war,  ported by an array of well-  gage  in  dialogue  in  order
            men from the 444 brigade  jured, up from 106 on Tues-     which  toppled  and  later  armed militias and different  to de-escalate the situation
            and  the  Special  Deter-    day. It remains unclear how  killed   longtime   dictator  foreign  governments.  Both  and restore calm.”
            rence  Force,  and  contin-  many of the dead were mi-    Moammar  Gadhafi.  Amid  of Libya’s legislative cham-     Tripoli  has  seen  similar  epi-
            ued into Tuesday  evening.  litiamen or civilians.        the  chaos,  militias  grew  in  bers  called  for  an  end  to  sodes of violence in recent
            Tensions  flared  after  Mah-  Libyan  security  forces  pa-  wealth and power, particu-  the bloodshed in separate  years, although most have
            moud  Hamza,  a  senior  trolled  the  streets  and  larly in Tripoli and the west  statements on Tuesday.          only  lasted  a  couple  of
            commander  of  the  444  fanned  out  across  Tripoli  of the country.                 In   a   statement   issued  hours.  Last  August,  clashes
            brigade, was allegedly de-   on  Wednesday.  The  coun-   Since 2014, Libya has been  Wednesday, The European  between  two  other  militia
            tained by the rival group at  try’s  Interior  Ministry  said  divided  between  rival  ad-  Union called on “all parties  active  in  the  capital  killed
            an airport in Tripoli, accord-  security  forces  were  de-  ministrations  in  the  east  to continue to refrain from  at least 23 people.q
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