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A4   U.S. NEWS
                  Thursday 17 augusT 2023

             Plea negotiations could mean no 9/11 defendants face the death


            By  ELLEN  KNICKMEYER  and                                                                                          senger-filled missiles, hitting
            JENNIFER PELTZ                                                                                                      New  York’s  World  Trade
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Center  and  the  Pentagon
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            near  Washington.  A  fourth
            suspected    architect   of                                                                                         plane  was  headed  for
            the  Sept.  11,  2001,  attacks                                                                                     Washington  but  crashed
            and  his  fellow  defendants                                                                                        in  Pennsylvania  after  crew
            may never face the death                                                                                            members  and  passengers
            penalty under plea agree-                                                                                           tried to storm the cockpit.
            ments  now  under  consid-                                                                                          It  was  Mohammed  who
            eration to bring an end to                                                                                          presented  the  very  idea
            their  more  than  decade-                                                                                          of  such  an  attack  on  the
            long  prosecution,  the  Pen-                                                                                       United  States  to  al-Qaida
            tagon  and  FBI  have  ad-                                                                                          leader  Osama  bin  Laden,
            vised  families  of  some  of                                                                                       and  who  received  autho-
            the thousands killed.                                                                                               rization  from  bin  Laden  to
            The notice, made in a letter                                                                                        craft  what  became  the
            that was sent to several of                                                                                         9/11  attacks,  the  United
            the  families  and  obtained                                                                                        States’  9/11  Commission
            by  The  Associated  Press,                                                                                         concluded.  The  four  other
            comes  1  1/2  years  after                                                                                         defendants are alleged to
            military  prosecutors  and                                                                                          have supported the hijack-
            defense lawyers began ex-                                                                                           ers in various ways.
            ploring  a  negotiated  reso-                                                                                       The attacks led to the U.S.
            lution to the case.                                                                                                 “war  on  terror,”  which  in-
            The  prosecution  of  Khalid   This  Saturday  March  1,  2003,  photo  obtained  by  The  Associated  Press  shows  Khalid  Shaikh   cluded  U.S.  invasions  and
            Sheikh  Mohammed  and        Mohammad, the alleged Sept. 11 mastermind, shortly after his capture during a raid in Pakistan.   prolonged wars in Afghani-
            four others held at the U.S.                                                                       Associated Press   stan,  where  al-Qaida  was
            detention  center  in  Guan-  ing  entering  into  pre-trial  outrage over the prospect  bers  only  this  week.  It  asks   based,  and  in  Iraq,  which
            tanamo  Bay,  Cuba,  has     agreements,”     or   PTAs,  of ending the case short of  them  to  respond  by  Mon-  had  no  connection  with
            been  troubled  by  repeat-  the  letter  said.  It  told  the  a verdict. The military pros-  day  to  the  FBI’s  victim  ser-  the attacks.
            ed  delays  and  legal  dis-  families that while no plea  ecutors  pledged  to  take  vices division with any com-  Jim Riches, who lost his fire-
            putes,  especially  over  the   agreement  “has  been  fi-  their  views  into  consider-  ments  or  questions  about   fighter  son  Jimmy  in  9/11,
            legal  ramifications  of  the   nalized, and may never be  ation and present them to  the possibility of such a plea   went  to  Guantanamo  for
            interrogation  under  torture   finalized,  it  is  possible  that  the military authorities who  agreement. The FBI had no   pretrial hearings in 2009. He
            that the men initially under-  a PTA in this case would re-  would make the final deci-  comment  Wednesday  on     remains  deeply  frustrated
            went while in CIA custody.   move  the  possibility  of  the  sion on accepting any plea  the letter.               that  the  case  remains  un-
            No trial date has been set.  death penalty.”              agreement.                   On Sept. 11, 2001, conspira-  resolved 14 years later. He
            “The  Office  of  the  Chief   Some  of  relatives  of  the  The  letter,  dated  Aug.  1,  tors from the al-Qaida mili-  said  he  laughed  bitterly
            Prosecutor  has  been  ne-   nearly 3,000 people killed in  was  received  by  at  least  tant  group  seized  control   when he opened the gov-
            gotiating  and  is  consider-  the terror attacks expressed  some  of  the  family  mem-  of jets to use them as pas-  ernment’s letter Monday.q

            Former Brazilian military police officer convicted in 2015 deaths

            arrested in New Hampshire

            BOSTON  (AP)  —  A  former                                                             and  Customs  Enforcement  attempted  homicides  and
            military  police  officer  who                                                         and  Removal  Operations  torture in the poor suburbs
            was  convicted  of  multiple                                                           office based in Boston said  of Fortaleza, the capital of
            murders and sentenced to                                                               in a news release Wednes-    the Ceara state.
            more than 200 years in pris-                                                           day.                         Vidal Filho attended the tri-
            on for his part in a 2015 Bra-                                                         He  was  arrested  Monday  al remotely, as he had fled
            zilian  massacre  has  been                                                            in  Rye,  New  Hampshire  Brazil for the U.S. in 2019, on-
            arrested in New Hampshire,                                                             and  will  remain  in  custody  line news site G1 reported.
            immigration officials said.                                                            pending  a  hearing  be-     In total, some 20 police of-
            Antônio José de Abreu Vi-                                                              fore  a  federal  immigration  ficers  are  standing  trial  for
            dal  Filho,  29,  became  the                                                          judge.  No  further  details  the massacre.
            subject  of  an  active  Inter-                                                        were  provided  on  how  he  The  crimes  took  place  in
            pol  Red  Notice  issued  by                                                           was tracked to New Hamp-     Nov.  2015  after  the  death
            the  international  criminal                                                           shire or his activities there.  of a police officer and dur-
            police  organization  after                                                            Vidal  Filho  was  convicted  ing what’s become known
            he  was  convicted  of  11                                                             by a criminal court in Brazil,  as  the  “Curio  Massacre,”
            murders  and  sentenced  in   This  image  provided  by  U.S.  Immigration  and  Customs   along with three other mili-  after  the  name  of  the
            June to nearly 276 years in   Enforcement (ICE) shows former Brazilian military police officer   tary  police  officers,  for  the  neighborhood  in  Fortaleza
            prison, the U.S. Immigration   Antonio Jose De Abreu Vidal Filho, right.               slaying of 11 people, three  where they occurred.q
                                                                                  Associated Press
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