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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 17 augusT 2023

            UN envoy says ICC should prosecute Taliban for

            crimes against humanity for denying girls education

            By EDITH M. LEDERER
            Associated Press
            UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The
            International Criminal Court
            should  prosecute  Taliban
            leaders for a crime against
            humanity for denying edu-
            cation and employment to
            Afghan  girls  and  women,
            the  U.N.  special  envoy  for
            global education said.
            Gordon Brown told a virtual
            U.N.  press  conference  on
            the  second  anniversary  of
            the Taliban takeover of Af-
            ghanistan on Tuesday that
            its  rulers  are  responsible
            for  “the  most  egregious,
            vicious  and  indefensible
            violation of women’s rights
            and girls’ rights in the world
            The former British prime min-
            ister said he has sent a legal   Gordon Brown, United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education and former Prime Minister of the
            opinion  to  ICC  prosecutor   United Kingdom, holds a news conference at U.N. headquarters, on Sept. 16, 2016.
            Karim Khan that shows the                                                                          Associated Press
            denial  of  education  and  their harsh interpretation of  en’s  education  and  em-   structions.”
            employment is “gender dis-   Islamic  law,  or  Sharia,  bar-  ployment  have  “no  basis  The Taliban’s chief spokes-
            crimination,  which  should  ring  girls  from  school  be-  in the Quran or the Islamic  man,  Zabihullah  Mujahid,
            count  as  a  crime  against  yond  the  sixth  grade  and  religion” and to lift them.  brushed  aside  questions
            humanity, and it should be  women  from  most  jobs,  He said he believes “there’s  about  restrictions  on  girls
            prosecuted by the Interna-   public  spaces  and  gyms  a  split  within  the  regime,”  and  women  in  an  Associ-
            tional Criminal Court.”      and recently closing beau-   with  many  people  in  the  ated  Press  interview  late
            The  Taliban  took  power  in  ty salons.                 education    ministry   and  Monday  in  Kabul,  saying
            August  2021,  during  the  fi-  Brown  urged  major  Muslim  around  the  government  the  status  quo  will  remain.
            nal  weeks  of  the  U.S.  and  countries to send a delega-  in  the  capital,  Kabul,  who  He  also  said  the  Taliban
            NATO  forces’  pullout  after  tion  of  clerics  to  Afghani-  want  to  see  the  rights  of  view  their  rule  of  Afghani-
            20 years of war.             stan’s southern city of Kan-  girls to education restored.  stan as open-ended, draw-
            As they did during their pre-  dahar, the home of Taliban  “And I believe that the cler-  ing legitimacy from Islamic
            vious  rule  of  Afghanistan  supreme  leader  Hibatullah  ics in Kandahar have stood  law  and  facing  no  signifi-
            from 1996 to 2001, the Tal-  Akhundzada,  to  make  the  firmly  against  that,  and  in-  cant threat.q
            iban  gradually  reimposed  case  that  bans  on  wom-    deed  continue  to  issue  in-

            Czechs ratify defense treaty that makes it easier to

            deploy U.S. troops in Czech territory

            PRAGUE (AP) — The Czech  gal  framework  for  possible  in the country at a time of  Ukraine.
            Republic  on  Wednesday  deployment  of  U.S.  troops  Russian  aggression  against  Czech  Defense  Minister
            completed  the  ratification                                                           Jana  Cernochova  signed
            of a defense treaty with the                                                           the  treaty  together  with
            United States that deepens                                                             U.S.   Defense   Secretary
            military  cooperation  and                                                             Lloyd Austin in Washington,
            makes  it  easier  to  deploy                                                          D.C.  on  May  23.  The  U.S.
            U.S.  troops  in  Czech  terri-                                                        has similar agreements with
            tory.                                                                                  24  other  NATO  members,
            Czech  Prime  Minister  Petr                                                           including Poland, Slovakia,
            Fiala’s  signature  was  the                                                           Hungary,  Lithuania,  Latvia,
            final step in the ratification                                                         Estonia,  Romania  and  Bul-
            process  of  the  Defense                                                              garia that form the eastern
            Cooperation  Agreement,                                                                flank of the alliance.
            which had been endorsed                                                                Any  deployment  of  U.S.
            by  both  houses  of  Parlia-                                                          forces would still need ap-
            ment  in  July  and  by  Presi-  NATO  Secretary  General  Jens  Stoltenberg  talks  to  U.S.  army   proval  by  the  Czech  gov-
            dent Petr Pavel on Aug 1.    soldiers while visiting Prague, Czech Republic, on Sept. 9, 2015.   ernment and Parliament.q
            The  document  sets  a  le-                                           Associated Press
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