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                      Friday 20 March 2020
            UN chief: World at war with a virus, recession near certain

            By EDITH M. LEDERER                             inequalities,  reversing  hard-won  development  chains."
            UNITED NATIONS (AP) — U.N. Secretary-General  gains and poverty reduction," he warned.          Guterres  said  resources  need  to  get  into  the
            Antonio Guterres said Thursday the world "is at  Guterres called for global action to tackle the  hands  of  people,  noting  that  some  countries
            war with a virus" and warned that "a global re-  health  emergency,  the  social  impact  of  the  are  adopting  cash  transfers  and  universal  in-
            cession — perhaps of record dimensions — is a  pandemic,  and  the  economic  response  and  come.
            near certainty."                                recovery.                                       "We need to take it to the next level to ensure
            The  U.N.  chief  said  "people  are  suffering,  sick  "If we let the virus spread like wildfire – especially  support  reaches  those  entirely  dependent  on
            and scared" and stressed that current respons-  in the most vulnerable regions of the world -- it  the informal economy and countries less able
            es by individual countries will not address "the  would kill millions of people," he said.      to respond," he said.
            global scale and complexity of the crisis."       "And  we  need  to  immediately  move  away  The secretary-general stressed that remittances
            "This is a moment that demands coordinated,  from a situation where each country is under-      "are a lifeline in the developing world – espe-
            decisive,  and  innovative  policy  action  from  taking its own health strategies to one that en-  cially now."
            the  world's  leading  economies,"  Guterres  told  sures, in full transparency, a coordinated global  He said countries have committed to reducing
            reporters from U.N. headquarters in New York.  response,  including  helping  countries  that  are  remittance fees to 3 percent, but the COVID-19
            "We must recognize that the poorest countries  less prepared to tackle the crisis," Guterres said.  crisis requires that they get as close to zero as
            and  most  vulnerable  —  especially  women  —  The  secretary-general  said  governments  must  possible.
            will be the hardest hit."                       give  strongest  support  to  the  global  effort  to  G20  leaders  have  also  waived  interest  pay-
            The  secretary-general  welcomed  next  week's  fight the virus led by the U.N. World Health Or-  ments to protect their own citizens and econo-
            emergency summit of leaders of the Group of  ganization, including responding to its $675 mil-  mies, he said.
            20 major economic powers to respond to the  lion appeal.                                        "We must apply that same logic to the most vul-
            COVID-19 pandemic. He said he will participate  "Health spending must be scaled up right away  nerable countries in our global village and al-
            with the message that this is an unprecedent-   to meet urgent needs and the surge in demand  leviate their debt burden," Guterres said.
            ed  situation  which  requires  creativity  —  "and  —  expanding  testing,  bolstering  facilities,  sup-  The  secretary-general  was  asked  where  the
            the magnitude of the response must match its  porting health care workers, and ensuring ad-     money was going to come from to fund his am-
            scale."                                         equate supplies — with full respect for human  bitious program, given that many G20 countries
            "COVID-19  is  killing  people,  as  well  as  attack-  rights and without stigma," Guterres said.  are dealing with COVID-19 outbreaks at home.
            ing the real economy at its core – trade, supply  Unlike  the  2008  financial  crisis,  he  said,  banks  "We  see  that  whenever  there  is  a  problem  in
            chains,  businesses,  jobs,"  Guterres  said.  "Entire  must be part of the solution and "the liquidity of  the banking system, trillions appear to solve the
            countries and cities are in lock down. Borders  the financial system must be guaranteed, and  problems of the banks," he said. "And these tril-
            are  closing.  Companies  are  struggling  to  stay  banks must use their resilience to support their  lions must appear now."
            in business and families are simply struggling to  customers."                                  "Governments, central banks must work to guar-
            stay afloat."                                   Guterres said the focus must be on the most vul-  antee that there is liquidity in the economy but
            The International Labor Organization just report-  nerable people — low-wage workers, small and  also that funds are mobilized to those that are
            ed that workers around the world could lose as  medium enterprises — and "that means wage  most in need," both individuals and the poorest
            much as $3.4 trillion in income by the end of this  support, insurance, social protection, prevent-  countries, the U.N. chief said.
            year, he said.                                  ing bankruptcies and job loss."                 Guterres stressed the need for solidarity saying
            The secretary-general said world leaders have  "That also means designing fiscal and monetary  political, religious and community leaders must
            the opportunity to steer the recovery from the  responses to ensure that the burden does not  convey  a  very  strong  message  that  the  fight
            coronavirus pandemic "toward a more sustain-    fall on those who can least afford it," he said.  against  COVID-19  must  be  done  together  —
            able and inclusive path."                       "And we must refrain from the temptation of re-  and that "it's very important to fight fake news"
            "But poorly coordinated policies risk locking in  sorting to protectionism. This is the time to dis-  and social media campaigns that try to spread
            — or even worsening — already unsustainable  mantle  trade  barriers  and  re-establish  supply  fear, antagonism and create divisions.q

            Thailand says all int'l arrivals need virus-free certificate

            BANGKOK  (AP)  —  Thai-      expected  to  sharply  cut  would  be  required  only  disease  into  Thailand,  so  major holiday and shutting
            land's  government  is  im-  the number of visitors. Thai-  for  people  arriving  from  that's  why  I  tell  you  that  down  schools  nationwide.
            posing  stricter  rules  on  in-  land has been reluctant to  "disease  infected  zones"  everyone  who  is  about  to  Provincial  governors  have
            ternational  travel  that  re-  endanger  its  large  tourism  — South Korea, China, Ma-  enter Thailand should have  been empowered to close
            quire  people  arriving  from  industry,  which  accounts  cao, Hong Kong, Italy and  a health certificate," Prime  venues where people gath-
            all countries to have health  for  about  12%  of  its  econ-  Iran  —  or  who  had  visited  Minister   Prayuth   Chan-  er, including massage par-
            certificates stating they do  omy,  according  to  official  "ongoing local transmission  ocha  said.  "That  is  an  ex-  lors,  entertainment  places,
            not  have  the  coronavirus,  figures.                    areas" — the United States,  tension from four countries  gyms  and  sports  venues.
            along  with  medical  insur-  The  Civil  Aviation  Author-  parts  of  Japan,  Britain  and  two  territories,  but  to-  The popular tourist destina-
            ance covering the disease.   ity of Thailand on Thursday  and  eight  other  European  day  we  need  it  from  ev-  tion of Phuket on Thursday
            The  measures  fall  short  of  night issued the new guide-  countries.                ery country as we attempt  joined  Bangkok  and  other
            the  total  bans  on  interna-  lines  covering  arrivals,  say-  The health certificates now  to  control  the  outbreak  in  provinces in applying such
            tional  flights  many  coun-  ing  they  would  come  into  required for all arrivals must  the country and lower the  restrictions.
            tries have enacted, but are  effect at midnight Saturday  be issued within 72 hours of  number of infected people  Postponing    the   annual
                                         night Thai time.             departure,  and  the  insur-  as much as we can."         public holiday of Songkran
                                         The  practicality  of  the  ance  must  cover  $100,000  Thailand  on  Thursday  re-   is  meant  to  discourage
                                         measures  is  unclear,  since  in medical costs.          ported  60  new  confirmed  the  gathering  and  move-
                                         many countries will not test  Thai  citizens  also  need  to  cases of the virus, bringing  ment  of  large  numbers  of
                                         people for the coronavirus  have  health  certificates  its total to 272. It has regis-  people.  Millions  of  Thais
                                         unless  they  already  have  but  not  insurance  policies.  tered  one  death  and  dis-  normally travel from the big
                                         symptoms and meet other  In addition they will have to  charged 42 recovered pa-       cities  where  they  work  to
                                         criteria.                    self-quarantine for 14 days.  tients.                     their hometowns during the
                                         The decision comes just two  Quarantine rules for arriving  On  Tuesday  the  govern-  three-day  holiday  to  cel-
                                         days after the government  foreigners remain unclear.     ment announced a raft of  ebrate the traditional New
                                         announced  that  medical  "Today  we  are  trying  to  measures to combat the vi-      Year. It will be rescheduled
                                         certificates  and  insurance  block  those  who  bring  the  rus, including postponing a  later this year.q
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