Page 25 - AHATA
P. 25
LOCAL Friday 20 March 2020
Aruba’s Nature is to be Cherished
ST. CRUZ — The national Bubali Magic
park Arikok comprises al- This beautiful close-up im-
most 18 % of the island. Its age of the pink bird is cour-
rugged terrain, desert-like tesy of Michiel Overstee-
hills filled with tall cacti, gen of the Aruba Birdlife
breathtaking coastline and Conservation. This impor-
protected local flora and tant foundation showcases
fauna welcome you to be and builds awareness of
explored. There is numer- Aruba’s birds and other na-
ous wildlife to discover like tive flora and fauna. You
for example the sea turtle may have seen a ‘pink
who lays his eggs on the cloud’ lately at the Bubali
park’s beaches. There are or Spanish Lagoon Wet-
more places on the island lands areas? It’s most likely
that are a preserved area to be Roseate Spoonbills
like the Bubali Plas which is (Ajaia ajaja) or ‘Chucharon
a bird sanctuary. Cora’ as they are known in
The national park Arikok This unusual looking bird for-
takes you on a memorable ages in shallow muddy wa-
journey of the islands past ter while sweeping its flat-
offering unique geological, tened bill from side to side
cultural and historical sites. to catch small fish, crustae-
These can all be enjoyed ceans and other aquatic
and explored either on the same female hatches. hatching. Sea turtles pre- hatchlings usually wait for invertebrates. The Roseate
your own or during guided A very rare occurrence fer nesting in the cool and the cue of cooling surface Spoonbill remains an un-
tours. A wide variety of ed- of daytime nesting and dark hours of the night. And sand before emerging. common sight as they are
ucational and informative vulnerable to degrada-
programs and fun activities tion of feeding and nest-
is available. ing habitats (Wetlands).
(Source: arikok national
Did you know that four of park)
the in total seven species
of sea turtle lay their eggs The affore mentioned is
on Aruba's beaches? In just a part of what Aruba’s
the national park, a Least nature has to offer. The is-
Tern (Sternula antillarum) land has the most beauti-
keeps a strict eye on a very ful beaches but it is also
special event taking place worthwhile to go beyond
below on the beach: a this and get an idea of
majestic Leatherback (Der- our entire island. There will
mochelys coriacea) heads be a life after COVID-19
back to sea after laying where Aruba’s treasures
her eggs, while another will be waiting for you to be
nest laid 2 months ago by discovered!q
Aruba to Me
ORANJESTAD — Aruba Today welcomes readers to participate in our
newspaper. You can see that in our Honored Guest-publications,
specials like on Valentine’s Day and on other occasions. Throughout
the year you are always welcome to send us your vacation picture(s)
together with completing the sentence: Aruba to me is …….. (Email:
Please do note: By submitting photos, text or any other materials, you
give permission to The Aruba Today Newspaper, Caribbean Speed
Printers and any of its affiliated companies to use said materials, as
well as names, likeness, etc. for promotional purposes without com-
Last but not least: check out our website and Facebook page! Thank
you for supporting our free newspaper, we strive to make you a hap-
py reader every day again.
For today’s newspaper we received a great picture from Jordan C.
Schenk from Colorado, USA.
He wrote:
“Aruba to me…… is the start to a new chapter in life!”
The picture shows the proposal celebration of Samantha J. Humbert
and Jordan Schenk at Passions on the beach. March 17, 2020.q