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u.s. news Diamars 2 Februari 2021
Biden threatens sanctions on Myanmar after military coup
(AP) — President Joe attempt to erase the outcome
Biden is threatening to of a credible election. For
slap new sanctions on almost a decade, the people
Myanmar after a coup of Burma have been steadily
that saw the military ar- working to establish elec-
rest the civilian leaders of tions, civilian governance,
its government. and the peaceful transfer of
power. That progress should
Myanmar, also known as be respected.”
Burma, has been a U.S. de-
mocracy promotion project He noted that the U.S. had
for decades, though there removed sanctions on Bur-
have been recent and serious ma after its transition to de-
concerns about its backslid- mocracy but that it would
ing into authoritarianism. not hesitate to restore them.
Disappointment with for-
mer opposition leader Aung “The reversal of that prog-
San Suu Kyii, who has been ress will necessitate an im-
detained by the military, has mediate review of our sanc-
run high. tion laws and authorities,
followed by appropriate
“The military’s seizure of action,” Biden said. “The
power in Burma, the deten- and the declaration of a na- try’s transition to democracy “In a democracy, force United States will stand up
tion of Aung San Suu Kyi tional state of emergency are and the rule of law,” Biden should never seek to over- for democracy wherever it is
and other civilian officials, a direct assault on the coun- said in a statement. rule the will of the people or under attack.”
State agency bungles ballot referendum for child sex victims
(AP) — A proposed Penn- about the mistake, first re-
sylvania state constitu- ported by Spotlight PA.
tional amendment allow- “I think the people that
ing lawsuits for otherwise should be very upset are one,
outdated child sexual the victims who will not have
abuse claims was not ad- justice, delayed once again
vertised as required, de- by this administration’s in-
laying the necessary voter competency, and the people
referendum for at least of Pennsylvania who can’t
two years, the Wolf ad- trust this administration to
ministration disclosed perform the basic processes,”
Monday. Gottesman said.
The Pennsylvania Depart- Constitutional amendments
ment of State in a news re- must pass both chambers in
lease called it “simple human two successive two-year ses-
error” and apologized, say- sions before going before
ing the mistake was discov- voters in a referendum as the
ered late last week. As a re- final OK. That had been ex-
sult, Secretary of State Kathy pected to occur in the May 18
Boockvar is leaving her job, primary.
and the inspector general will
be looking into the matter. The proposals also have to be
“The delay caused by this advertised in each two-year
human error will be heart- session, but that did not hap-
breaking for thousands of pen for the statute-of-limi- sylvania, conducted with new civil lawsuits, no matter how ingly weeks later, and it had
survivors of childhood sexual tations amendment during voting machines and a greatly long ago the alleged abuse oc- support from Wolf, Demo-
assault, advocates and legisla- the session that ended Nov. expanded vote-by-mail regi- curred. cratic Attorney General Josh
tors, and I join the Depart- 30. The Wolf administration men. She declined comment Victims of childhood sexual Shapiro, Senate Democratic
ment of State in apologizing vowed Monday to install Monday. abuse have long sought an- leaders and victim advocates.
to you,” Democratic Gov. new controls and tracking to “I’m just shocked,” said state other chance to sue their per- However, Senate Repub-
Tom Wolf said in a statement. ensure the mistake is not re- Rep. Mark Rozzi, D-Berks, a petrators or institutions that licans blocked a floor vote
“I share your anger and frus- peated. prime backer of the amend- covered it up. Many of them on it, calling it unconstitu-
tration that this happened, ment. “I just can’t believe that lost the chance to sue when tional. It also had opposition
and I stand with you in your The Department of State said this is where we are at right they turned 18, or as young from Pennsylvania’s Roman
fight for justice.” its workers “advertised oth- now in this process, that the adults, depending on the Catholic bishops and the in-
er proposed constitutional secretary of state has dropped state law at the time. surance industry, which said
He and other Democrats on amendments passed during the ball.” In 2018, a landmark that its premiums had never
Monday suggested lawmak- the last legislative session, but state grand jury report gave accounted for the potential of
ers instead pass the two-year through simple human error Just last week, the state House the fight new life, recom- such liability.
lawsuit window as regular mistakenly failed to include gave what was then thought mending that the now-adult
legislation, which would this proposed constitutional to have been its final approv- victims of child sexual abuse The state’s dioceses opened
make the proposed constitu- amendment in the advertise- al to a proposal to change the get a two-year reprieve from temporary victim compen-
tional amendment unneces- ments.” Pennsylvania Constitution time limits in state law that sation funds and lawmakers
sary. As Wolf’s top elections offi- to give those who say they otherwise bars them from later agreed to set in motion
House Republican spokes- cial, Boockvar played a prom- were victims of child sexual suing. the multi-year process for
person Jason Gottesman inent role in the hotly con- abuse a retroactive two-year The House of Representa- amending the constitution to
said caucus leaders are angry tested 2020 election in Penn- “window” in which to file tives passed it overwhelm- allow the two-year window.