Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20210202
P. 28

A28     u.s. news
                   Diamars 2 Februari 2021

                             Biden to meet Republicans who propose lesser virus aid

                                                                                                                                with  a  51-vote  majority  in
                                                                                                                                the Senate, rather than the 60
                                                                                                                                votes typically needed to ad-

                                                                                                                                “If  you  can’t  find  bipartisan
                                                                                                                                compromise on COVID-19,
                                                                                                                                I don’t know where you can
                                                                                                                                find it,” said Ohio Sen. Rob
                                                                                                                                Portman, who also signed the
                                                                                                                                But  even  as  Biden  extended
                                                                                                                                the invitation to the Repub-
                                                                                                                                lican  lawmakers,  Psaki  said
                                                                                                                                that $1,400 relief checks, sub-
                                                                                                                                stantial  funding  for  reopen-
                                                                                                                                ing schools, aid to small busi-
                                                                                                                                nesses  and  hurting  families,
                                                                                                                                and more is badly needed.
                                                                                                                                “As  leading  economists  have
                                                                                                                                said, the danger now is not in
                                                                                                                                doing too much. It is in doing
                                                                                                                                too little,” Psaki said.
                                                                                                                                Biden also spoke on Sunday
                                                                                                                                with  House  Speaker  Nancy
                                                                                                                                Pelosi  and  Senate  Major-
                                                                                                                                ity  Leader  Chuck  Schumer,
                                                                                                                                who are facing pressure from
                                                                                                                                the more liberal Democratic
                                                                                                                                members  to  move  forward
                                                                                                                                with Biden’s legislation with
                                                                                                                                or  without  Republican  sup-
                                                                                                                                The other GOP senators in-
            (AP)  —  President  Joe  new majority in Congress.        edented  set  of  crises.  ...  We  some stimulus money.  vited to meet with Biden are
            Biden is to meet on Mon-     The goal is for COVID pas-   have got to act, and we have  The meeting to be hosted by  Lisa  Murkowski  of  Alaska,
            day  with  a  group  of  10  sage  by  March,  when  extra  got to act now.”           Biden  would  amount  to  the  Mitt Romney of Utah, Shel-
            Republican  senators  who  unemployment        assistance  An  invitation  to  the  GOP  most public involvement for  ley  Moore  Capito  of  West
            have proposed $618 billion  and  other  pandemic  aid  ex-  senators to meet at the White  the president in the negotia-  Virginia,  Todd  Young  of  In-
            in coronavirus aid, about a  pires.                       House  came  hours  after  tions for the next round of vi-  diana,  Jerry  Moran  of  Kan-
            third of the $1.9 trillion he  “We recognize your calls for  the  lawmakers  sent  Biden  a  rus relief.            sas,  Mike  Rounds  of  South
            is seeking as congressional  unity  and  want  to  work  in  letter on Sunday urging him  White  House  press  secre-  Dakota,  and  Thom  Tillis  of
            Democrats  are  poised  to  good faith with your Admin-   to negotiate rather than try to  tary  Jen  Psaki  said  Sunday  North Carolina.
            move ahead without GOP  istration  to  meet  the  health,  ram through his relief pack-  that  while  Biden  wants  “a  Brian  Deese,  the  top  White
            support.                     economic, and societal chal-  age  solely  on  Democratic  full  exchange  of  views,”  the  House  economic  adviser
                                         lenges of the COVID crisis,”  votes.                      president remains in favor of  leading  the  administration’s
            The Republican group’s pro-  the  10  GOP  senators  wrote  The cornerstone of the GOP  moving forward with the big-  outreach  to  Congress,  indi-
            posal  focuses  on  the  pan-  to Biden. “We share many of  plan  is  $160  billion  for  the  ger relief package.  cated the White House could
            demic’s  health  effects  rather  your priorities.”       health care response — vac-  “With the virus posing a grave  be  open  to  negotiating  on
            than  its  economic  toll,  tap-  The  overture  from  the  co-  cine  distribution,  a  “massive  threat to the country and eco-  further  limiting  who  would
            ping  into  bipartisan  urgency  alition  of  10  GOP  senators,  expansion” of testing, protec-  nomic conditions grim for so  receive stimulus checks.
            to shore up the nation’s vac-  mostly centrists, is an attempt  tive gear and funds for rural  many, the need for action is  “That is certainly a place that
            cine  distribution  and  vastly  to show that at least some in  hospitals, according to a draft.  urgent, and the scale of what  we’re willing to sit down and
            expanding virus testing with  the  Republican  ranks  want  Other elements of the pack-  must be done is large,” Psaki  think  about,  are  there  ways
            $160  billion  in  aid.  Their  to  work  with  Biden’s  new  age are similar but at far lesser  said.              to  make  the  entire  package
            slimmed  down  $1,000  di-   administration,  rather  than  amounts, with $20 billion to  Winning  the  support  of  10  more effective?” Deese said.
            rect  payments  would  go  to  simply  operating  as  the  op-  reopen  schools  and  $40  bil-  Republicans  would  be  sig-  As  a  candidate,  Biden  said
            fewer  households  than  the  position  in  the  minority  in  lion for Paycheck Protection  nificant for Biden in the 50-  his  decades  in  the  Senate
            $1,400  Biden  has  proposed,  Congress. But Democrats are  Program business aid.      50 Senate where Vice Presi-  and his eight years as Barack
            and they would avoid costly  wary of using too much time  Under  the  GOP  propos-     dent  Kamala  Harris  is  the  Obama’s  vice  president  give
            assistance to states and cities  courting  GOP  support  that  al,  $1,000  direct  payments  tie-breaker.  If  all  Democrats  him credibility as a deal-mak-
            that Democrats argue are just  may  not  materialize  or  de-  would go to individuals earn-  were  to  back  an  eventual  er and would help him bring
            as important.                liver too meager a package as  ing  up  to  $40,000  a  year,  or  compromise bill, the legisla-  Republicans  and  Democrats
            Gone are Democratic priori-  they believe happened during  $80,000  for  couples.  The  tion would reach the 60-vote  to  consensus  on  the  most
            ties such as a gradual lifting of  the 2009 recovery.     proposal  would  begin  to  threshold  necessary  to  over-  important matters facing the
            the federal minimum wage to  The  accelerating  talks  came  phase  out  the  benefit  after  come  potential  blocking  ef-  country.
            $15 an hour.                 as  the  Congressional  Bud-  that,  with  no  payments  for  forts  and  pass  under  regular  But less than two weeks into
            Engaging the White House in  get  Office  delivered  mixed  individuals  earning  more  Senate procedures.          his  presidency,  Biden  has
            high-profile  bipartisan  talks  economic  forecasts  Monday  than  $50,000,  or  $100,000  The  plea  for  Biden  to  give  shown  frustration  with  the
            is certain to appeal to Biden’s  with robust growth expected  for couples. That’s less than  bipartisan  negotiations  more  pace of negotiations at a time
            wish to unify the nation. But  at a 4.5% annual rate but em-  Biden’s  proposal  of$1,400  time  comes  as  the  presi-  when the economy is show-
            it  may  stall  the  Democrats’  ployment rates not to return  direct payments at higher in-  dent has shown signs of im-  ing further evidence of wear
            rush to roll out their broader  to  pre-pandemic  levels  for  comes levels.           patience  as  the  more  liberal  from  the  pandemic.  Last
            budget resolutions for House  several years.              With Biden’s plan, the direct  wing  of  his  party  considers  week, 847,000 Americans ap-
            and  Senate  votes  as  soon  “We all want bipartisanship,”  payments  would  be  phased  passing  the  relief  package  plied  for  unemployment
            as  this  week  as  they  lay  the  said  Sen.  Bernie  Sanders,  out  at  higher  income  levels,  through  a  process  known  as  benefits, a sign that layoffs re-
            groundwork for approving a  I-Vt., Sunday. “But right now  and  families  with  incomes  budget  reconciliation.  That  main high as the coronavirus
            COVID relief bill with their  this country faces an unprec-  up to $300,000 could receive  would  allow  the  bill  to  pass  pandemic continues to rage.
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