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A32     sports
                   Diamars 2 Februari 2021

                                    Red Sox 2B, 2008 AL MVP Dustin Pedroia retires

            (AP)  —  Red  Sox  second                                                                                           the title. “He’s been here the
            baseman  Dustin  Pedroia,                                                                                           longest. He’s won two World
            who was the AL Rookie of                                                                                            Series.  So  to  have  him  here
            the  Year  in  2007  and  the                                                                                       — it’s always better with him
            MVP  in  his  second  sea-                                                                                          here than when he’s gone.”
            son  but  played  in  a  total                                                                                      In  2019,  Pedroia  played  just
            of  nine  games  in  the  last                                                                                      six  games.  He  continued  to
            three  years  because  of  a                                                                                        speak  of  a  comeback  before
            knee  injury,  retired  on                                                                                          having what the Red Sox said
            Monday.                                                                                                             was  a  “significant  setback”
                                                                                                                                in the offseason. He did not
            A four-time All-Star who was                                                                                        play  at  all  in  the  pandemic-
            the longest-tenured player on                                                                                       shortened 2020 season,
            the  Red  Sox  roster,  Pedroia                                                                                     “It sucks,” Machado said after
            played  in  two  World  Series                                                                                      the 2019 setback. “Obviously,
            over 17 seasons and collected                                                                                       he could down as one of the
            a third ring in 2018, when he                                                                                       greatest Red Sox to play this
            was injured. In his career, he                                                                                      game.”
            batted .299 with 140 homers
            and 725 RBIs.                                                                                                       Notes:  Pedroia  has  one  sea-
            “Dustin  came  to  represent                                                                                        son  remaining  in  a  $110
            the  kind  of  grit,  passion,                                                                                      million,  eight-year  contract.
            and  competitive  drive  that  accomplish  with  determina-  their entire career.      rushing  back  in  2018,  when  Of his $12 million salary for
            resonates  with  baseball  fans  tion and hard work.”     But  his  career  effectively  he  lasted  only  three  games  2021, $2.5 million is deferred
            everywhere  and  especially  Pedroia, 37, is the only player  ended early in the 2017 sea-  before going back on the in-  without interest and payable
            with Red Sox fans,” Red Sox  ever  to  earn  Rookie  of  the  son  when  Baltimore’s  Man-  jured list.             on July 15, 2028. His contract
            owner John Henry said. “We  Year,  Gold  Glove  and  MVP  ny Machado slid into second  “He’s  the  heart  and  soul  of  called for deferred payments
            are forever grateful to him for  awards  along  with  a  World  base,  spikes-up,  and  con-  this  team,”  infielder  Brock  for  previous  salaries  of  $2
            what he brought to our club  Series  championship  in  his  nected with Pedroia’s left leg.  Holt  said  before  the  World  million each on July 15 this
            and to our region as an im-  first  two  full  seasons.  Only  Pedroia played in 105 games  Series, after the Red Sox won  year  and  in  2022,  2023  and
            portant  role  model  showing  nine  other  players  have  ac-  that  year  but  had  surgery  a franchise-record 108 regu-  2024,  and  $2.5  million  each
            all of us how much one can  complished  those  feats  in  afterward;  he  admitted  to  lar-season games en route to  in 2025, 2026 and 2027.

                        Revamped, ranked: Florida finding new path without Johnson

                                                                      of the Year award. The Ga-  with Keyontae, of course. A  a  change  that’s  working  as
                                                                      tors  (10-4,  6-3  SEC)  have  lot  of  people  are  having  to  well as putting speedy point
                                                                      learned  to  play  —  and  win  make  adjustments,  and  we  guards Tre Mann and Tyree
                                                                      — without their best player  are  making  significant  ad-  Appleby in the starting line-
                                                                      and within a completely re-  justments.                  up together.
                                                                      vamped system.              “It’s  easy  to  say,  ‘Well,  let’s  “If you combine our wing-
                                                                      “We’re scoring a little better  just  play  this  way  to  win.’  spans,  it’s  crazy,”  Castleton
                                                                      on  the  interior,  better  than  You  don’t  really  have  time.  said. The Gators entered the
                                                                      we have in a long time here,”  We’re not given another pre-  season wanting to play faster
                                                                      White  said.  “It’s  opened  season.  So,  again,  we  came  than  they  ever  have  under
                                                                      some things up.”            back  from  Christmas  and  White. The plan was to push
                                                                      White is being modest. Flor-  you’re  balancing  changing  and  press,  hoping  to  get
                                                                      ida  has  won  four  in  a  row,  what you’re doing, your of-  more easy baskets in transi-
                                                                      including a 26-point victory  fensive  and  defensive  phi-  tion. Tempo remains a huge
                                                                      at home against No. 6 Ten-  losophies, while you’re bal-  part  of  what  Florida  is  do-
                                                                      nessee and a five-point win  ancing  the  next  scouting  ing, with Mann and Appleby
                                                                      at No. 11 West Virginia. The  report. … It’s just been one  running the show.
                                                                      streak got the Gators ranked  game after another, so, yeah,  White  wants  his  team  get-
                                                                      Monday for the first time in  very challenging for obvious  ting  up  a  shot  in  the  first
              (AP)  —  Florida  coach  the  scheme  the  Gators  had   more than 14 months.       reasons.”                    eight seconds of the posses-
              Mike  White  makes  in-     honed  throughout  summer   They entered the Associated  Florida hosts South Carolina  sion. If not, then the Gators
              season  adjustments  reg-   workouts,  training  camp   Press  men’s  college  basket-  (4-6, 2-4) on Wednesday be-  settle into their offense and
              ularly.  A  tweak  here,  a  and  the  first  few  weeks  of   ball poll at No. 22, their first  fore playing three of its next  pound the ball down low to
              wrinkle there. Just some-   the  season.  They  installed   Top  25  ranking  since  Nov.  four on the road, a daunting  Castleton  and  Payne.  That
              thing to give opponents a  a  heavy  dose  of  ball-screen   25,  2019.  Getting  back  has  stretch that includes trips to  inside-out  play  has  result-
              different look.             action,  with  big  men  pick-  been  a  tough  road,  no  pot-  LSU, Tennessee and Arkan-  ed  in  more  open  looks  for
                                          ing and rolling to the basket   hole  more  daunting  than  sas.                     sharp-shooter  Noah  Locke
              It’s expected, really.      early and often.            seeing  Johnson  slam  face-  No one would be surprised  as well as fellow guard Scot-
              But  after  standout  forward  It was a bold move that came   first onto the floor at Florida  to  see  the  new-look  Ga-  tie Lewis.
              Keyontae Johnson collapsed  after  an  honest  assessment   State  on  Dec.  12  and  then  tors win any or all of them.  “Everybody’s   focus   has
              on  the  court  in  early  De-  of White’s roster, a self-scout   spending the next two weeks  They  are  averaging  82.5  been, like, amazing,” Apple-
              cember and was hospitalized  that showed Florida had no   wondering about his health  points  during  their  modest  by  said.  “Coach  came  into
              for 10 nights, White and his  one  to  aptly  fill  Johnson’s   and future.         winning streak, getting con-  practice, told us that we had
              staff  literally  went  back  to  role.                 “It’s  been  very  difficult,”  sistent  contributions  from  to revamp some things. Just
              the  drawing  board.  They  It  now  looks  like  the  best   White  said.  “I  don’t  want  Michigan  transfer  Colin  being locked in and focused
              scrapped everything.        decision of White’s six-year   to sit here and moan about  Castleton  and  fellow  for-  and everything, I think that’s
              They  flushed  the  dribble-  tenure  in  Gainesville,  one   it,  though.  We’re  all  going  ward Omar Payne.  what helped everybody just
              drive  offense  that  was  de-  that should garner him con-  through  stuff.  Ours  is  par-  White’s   retooled   lineup  stay  on  the  right  track  and
              signed  to  take  advantage  of  sideration  for  the  South-  ticularly  unique  with  the  has  the  big  men  often  on  learn what we had to do to
              Johnson’s slashing strengths,  eastern Conference’s Coach   trauma that these guys faced  the court at the same time,  be better.”
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