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A32    sports
                   Diamars 6 OctOber 2020

               Barcelona says pandemic                                    Rays' Kiermaier: ‘They don't like us, we

                impact cost the club $238                                                        don't like them’

                                 million                                                                                        tin Meadows has been taking

                                                                                                                                live at-bats and could return
                                                                                                                                to the lineup after being side-
                                                                                                                                lined by a left oblique strain
                                                                                                                                since Sept. 18. Cash said the
                                                                                                                                25-year-old  is  "in  a  pretty
                                                                                                                                good  spot"  but  wouldn't  say
                                                                                                                                whether Meadows would be
                                                                                                                                on the team's ALDS roster.
                                                                                                                                "We  want  to  make  sure  that
                                                                                                                                he's  running  good  and  that
                                                                                                                                the timing is as good as possi-
             (AP) — The impact of the  planned  milestone  of  1  bil-                                                          ble for us to make a decision,"
            coronavirus pandemic has  lion  euros  ($1.2  billion)  in                                                          Cash said.
            cost Barcelona more than  revenue.  Without  the  pan-
            200  million  euros  ($234  demic, the club said it would                                                           Bronx Bombers
            million)  in  revenue,  the  have  closed  the  year  with                                                          The  Yankees  struggled  with
            club said Monday.            a  profit  of  2  million  euros   (AP) — After losing eight  ented  team  that  I'm  looking  injuries and inconsistent play
                                         ($2.3 million).              of  10  games  in  a  conten-  forward to facing," Snell said.  but  also  10-game  winning
            Barcelona  reported  losses  of  Barcelona  said  "efforts  to   tious  regular-season  se-  Here are some things to look  streak toward the end of the
            97 million euros ($113 mil-  control and reduce spending   ries,  the  New  York  Yan-  for in the series:          season.  They're  at  their  best
            lion) for the 2019-20 season,  to cover for the lost revenue"   kees  just  can't  shake  the                       when  they're  hitting  home
            blaming  the  deficit  on  "the  saved the club 74 million eu-  AL  East  rival  Tampa  Bay  Bad Blood              runs.  First  baseman  Luke
            effects of COVID-19."        ros ($86.7 million).         Rays.                        Hard feelings between these  Voit  led  the  majors  with  22
            The Catalan club said its rev-  The  club  also  announced                             teams  date  to  spring  train-  and the Yankees were fifth in
            enues  reached  855  million  a  new  financing  model  for   Not  only  will  the  Bronx  ing 2008. They hit a peak on  the majors with 94. They hit
            euros  ($1  billion),  but  they  the renovation of the Camp   Bombers face the Rays in the  Sept. 1 when Aroldis Chap-  seven homers in a two-game
            would have been 203 million  Nou,  with  a  formula  that   AL  Division  Series  at  Petco  man threw a 101 mph pitch  sweep of the Cleveland Indi-
            euros  ($238  million)  higher  "protects all current financial   Park  in  one  of  MLB's  bub-  near  Mike  Brosseau's  head.  ans in a wild-card series.
            in  a  "scenario  without  CO-  assets  and  land  owned"  by   bles, but the teams that have a  That  led  Tampa  Bay  man-
            VID-19," which would have  Barcelona.                     recent history of throwing at  ager Kevin Cash to say, "I've  "When we've got a full line-
            allowed the club to reach the                             each others' hitters are shar-  got a whole damn stable full  up  and  everyone's  healthy
                                                                      ing  the  same  resort  hotel  in  of  guys  that  throw  98  miles  and  they're  in  there,  we've
                                                                      northern San Diego County.   an hour," and the Rays began  got  something  special  here
              Turkish Grand Prix to be held                           Outfielder Brett Gardner said  wearing  blue  T-shirts  with  in  New  York,"  said  slugger
                                                                      he's  cordial  when  he  passes  four horses lined up behind  Aaron  Judge,  who  is  from
                 without Formula One fans                             Rays players at the hotel.   a fence.                     Northern California. "That's
                                                                                                   Chapman  earned  a  three-
                                                                                                                                why we're excited going into
                                                                      "Obviously it's not ideal but  game  suspension  that  re-  this postseason having every-
            (AP)  —  Plans  to  hold  said in a statement. Most F1    it's the cards that we've been  mains  under  appeal.  Both  body healthy. It's a scary line-
            the  Turkish  Grand  Prix  races  this  season  have  been   dealt  and  I  feel  we've  got  a  managers  were  suspended  up we've got when everyone
            with  Formula  One  fans  held  without  fans.  Almost    group of guys that's very pro-  for one game apiece.      is full go."
            next  month  have  been  3,000  fans  were  allowed  to   fessional and just business as  Yankees  starter  Masahiro
            scrapped,  the  Istanbul  attend the Tuscan Grand Prix    usual."                      Tanaka  had  hit  Joey  Wendle  Former Padres
            governor's    office   said  last month, and Russian orga-                             with  a  95  mph  fastball  in  There was a lot of pre-series
            Monday.                      nizers said there were 30,000   Rays  outfielder  Kevin  Ki-  the  first  inning.  The  next  talk  about  learning  the  lay-
                                         people per day over the week-  ermaier  minced  no  words  day,  New  York  reliever  Ben  out of Petco Park. While the
            Organizers had hoped to wel-  end in Sochi late last month.   when  he  said:  "They  don't  Heller was tossed for hitting  Yankees  haven't  played  at
            come as many as 100,000 fans  Turkey  has  been  accused  of   like  us,  we  don't  like  them,  Hunter Renfroe.   Petco  Park  since  2016,  the
            to  the  Istanbul  Park  circuit  hiding the true extent of the   and it's going to continue to                     Rays played here last season
            for the first Turkish F1 race  coronavirus' spread after the   stay that way."         California Cole              and they have former Padres
            since 2011 after the event was  health minister revealed that   Responded Gardner: "I think  Cole grew up a Yankees fan  outfielders  Hunter  Renfroe
            added to the calendar as a late  the daily COVID-19 figures   the  feeling's  probably  mu-  in  the  heart  of  Angels  and  and  Manuel  Margot  to  give
            replacement  amid  the  coro-  published  by  the  ministry   tual."                   Dodgers territory, pitched at  them the lowdown on the big
            navirus pandemic.            since  July  29  reflected  only                          UCLA  and  then  spent  five  downtown ballpark.
            However,  authorities  now  patients with symptoms and    Game  1  is  Monday  night,  seasons  with  Pittsburgh  and
            say that will not be possible.  excluded asymptomatic posi-  when  Yankees  ace  Gerrit  two  with  Houston  before  Comfortable Snell
            "The    Provincial   Public  tive cases.                  Cole — a Southern Califor-   realizing his dream when he  Snell  was  injured  last  year
            Health Committee ... decid-  Turkey has reported 324,443   nia  native  —  opposes  Blake  signed a $324 million, nine-  when the Rays visited the Pa-
            ed  that  the  aforementioned  "patients"  and  8,441  deaths   Snell, the 2018 AL Cy Young  year  contract  with  the  Yan-  dres, but he loves Petco Park.
            race take place without spec-  from   COVID-19     since   Award winner.               kees.                        "The  chance  of  my  team
            tators,"  the  governor's  office  March.                 "They got the best of us this                             coming to San Diego to play
                                                                      year,  arguably  the  best  team  Thanks  to  the  oddness  of  is rare. I'm taking it like some-
                                                                      in baseball," Gardner said of  2020,  he'll  make  his  second  thing that's pretty unique. It's
                                                                      the  Rays,  the  AL's  top  seed.  postseason start for the Yan-  not  going  to  happen  again,
                                                                      "They had a really good sea-  kees  in  an  NL  ballpark  and  most  likely.  I'm  enjoying  it
                                                                      son, ran away with the divi-  could  come  back  on  short  because I love this stadium, I
                                                                      sion. Obviously it's up to us  rest for a Game 5.         love this stadium.
                                                                      to come out and play better  He went 2-0 with a 0.57 ERA
                                                                      against these guys."         in  two  starts  against  Tampa  "It's  going  to  be  even  more
                                                                                                   Bay in last year's ALDS. He  weird  when  it's  like,  'The
                                                                      Snell  said  he's  not  concen-  was 0-1 in three starts against  Tampa  Bay  Rays  host  the
                                                                      trating  on  the  hard  feelings  them this regular season.  New York Yankees at San Di-
                                                                      between  these  teams  in  re-                            ego.' It'll be weird but I'm en-
                                                                      cent seasons.                Mending Meadows              joying it. It's a beautiful place
                                                                      "I just know they're a very tal-  All-Star Rays outfielder Aus-  to be."
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