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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diamars 6 OctOber 2020

                                   Police chief, city official plead guilty in hiring scam

            (AP)  —  Two  former  offi-                                                                                         the questions to the oral por-
            cials of Connecticut's largest                                                                                      tion of the police chief exam
            city  pleaded  guilty  Monday                                                                                       and the scoring guide to the
            to  federal  charges  stemming                                                                                      written part, to Perez and tai-
            from what prosecutors called                                                                                        lored the scoring criteria for
            a corrupt process that led to                                                                                       that exam in Perez's favor.
            the  police  chief's  appoint-                                                                                      Perez had two police officers
            ment in 2018.                                                                                                       secretly take the written por-
            Former  Bridgeport  Police                                                                                          tion of the exam for him, in-
            Chief  Armando  "A.J."  Perez                                                                                       vestigators said.
            and  the  city's  former  acting                                                                                    Perez also asked an officer to
            personnel  director,  David                                                                                         write answers to the oral ex-
            Dunn,  face  up  to  two  years                                                                                     amination  questions  provid-
            in  prison  under  plea  deals                                                                                      ed by Dunn, the complaints
            approved  by  U.S.  District                                                                                        say.  The  officer,  however,
            Judge Kari Dooley in Bridge-                                                                                        was placed on administrative
            port. They also agreed to pay                                                                                       leave  before  he  could  com-
            more than $149,000 apiece in                                                                                        plete  the  answers,  investiga-
            restitution to the city.                                                                                            tors said. Perez asked the of-
            Perez, 64, admitted to receiv-                                                                                      ficer to sneak into the police
            ing  confidential  information                                                                                      station  to  get  the  questions
            about  the  police  chief's  ex-                                                                                    and  answers,  but  that  never
            amination  stolen  by  Dunn,                                                                                        happened,  the  complaints
            including  the  questions  for                                                                                      said.
            an  oral  examination  and  the                                                                                     Dunn  instructed  officials  to
            scoring guide for written es-                                                                                       eliminate scoring penalties if
            says.  He  also  admitted  that                                                                                     the candidates did not have a
            he had two officers complete  4  for  Perez  and  Jan.  11  for  Perez to be among the three  wearing suits and ties, admit-  bachelor's  degree  or  did  not
            his  essays,  passed  the  work  Dunn.                    finalists, prosecutors said.   ted  they  committed  crimes.  live in the city, the complaint
            off as his own and lied to fed-  Perez talked to reporters after  Ganim has not been charged,  They  answered  "yes"  when  said. Perez was the only ap-
            eral authorities in an effort to  his court appearance.   and there was no mention of  the judge asked them if they  plicant  without  a  bachelor's
            cover up his actions.        "I accepted responsibility for  him  during  Monday's  court  were  entering  pleas  because  degree  and  did  not  live  in
            "Plainly  put,  the  defendant  what I did," he said. "I apol-  hearings.  Investigators  said  they were guilty and wheth-  Bridgeport, authorities said.
            ...  and  Mr.  Dunn  corruptly  ogized  to  the  good  people,  Ganim's  chief  of  staff  told  er  they  understood  the  plea  Dunn,  according  to  investi-
            agreed to perpetrate a scheme  people  that  I  served  with  Dunn the mayor wanted the  agreements, the ramifications  gators, falsely denied that he
            to rig the open and competi-  pride and I gave 37 years of  police chief test conducted in  and their rights.       told  a  member  of  the  panel
            tive examination required by  my life to them. I am so sor-  a professional, fair and timely  Dooley said Perez also could  ranking  the  chief  candidates
            the city's charter in order to  ry. I apologize. We're going to  manner.               face potential deportation be-  that the mayor wanted Perez
            make sure that Mr. Perez was  move on and we're going to  Perez and his lawyer, Robert  cause of his guilty pleas to the  to  be  among  the  top  three
            one of the three examination  make this city the best city in  Frost Jr., were present in the  two felonies. Perez was born  candidates.
            finalists  and  thereby  eligible  the state of Connecticut."  courtroom,  as  were  Dunn  in  Havana  and  is  a  natural-  Ganim served seven years in
            to  be  named  the  permanent  After Perez was ranked among  and  his  attorney,  Frederick  ized citizen.          prison for corruption related
            police chief," federal prosecu-  the  top  three  candidates,  he  Paoletti Jr., for a second hear-  Dunn  did  not  talk  to  the  to  his  first  tenure  as  mayor
            tor Jonathan Francis told the  was appointed police chief by  ing  that  followed  Perez's.  media  Monday.  Paoletti  said  from 1991 to his resignation
            judge.                       Mayor  Joe  Ganim.  Ganim,  Everyone  in  the  courtroom,  Dunn was a decent, respect-  in 2003. He was convicted of
            Perez and Dunn, 73, resigned  who has been close to Perez  including the judge and staff,  ed man who took the "coura-  steering city contracts in ex-
            from  their  jobs  after  being  for  years,  has  denied  any  wore  masks  under  corona-  geous  step  of  unequivocally  change for private gifts.
            arrested  last  month.  Both  wrongdoing  in  connection  virus  precautions,  and  the  accepting  responsibility  for  He  was  released  in  prison
            pleaded  guilty  to  conspiracy  with the testing process  and  hearings  were  available  for  his  mistakes  and  his  con-  in  2010  and  returned  to  the
            to  commit  wire  fraud  and  Perez's appointment.        public viewing via video con-  duct."                     mayor's  office  in  2015  after
            making  false  statements  to  Dunn, however, told one of  ference.                    According  to  the  criminal  apologizing  and  asking  resi-
            federal  investigators.  Sen-  the panelists scoring the can-  Under questioning by Dool-  complaints, Dunn gave con-  dents for a second chance.
            tencings  were  set  for  Jan.  didates  that  Ganim  wanted  ey,  Perez  and  Dunn,  both  fidential materials, including

                          Lawsuit says Omaha Police used excessive force at protests

            (AP) — A lawsuit accuses Omaha police of using  ready broken out.                                is more than in the previous seven years combined.
            excessive  force  when  they  responded  to  protests  "Omaha has always been supportive of free speech  In one of the biggest arrests, more than 100 people
            against police brutality and racial injustice in Ne-  and public demonstrations and will continue to do  were  detained  in  downtown  Omaha  on  July  25.
            braska's largest city earlier this year.        so," Kratz said. "The police make every effort to co-  That mass arrest was cited in the lawsuit because
            The American Civil Liberties Union of Nebraska  operate and protect demonstrators as long as they  the protests were peaceful and the people who were
            said Monday it would file a federal lawsuit chal-  obey the law and police commands."            arrested were held in crowded cells at a jail that was
            lenging  police  tactics  that  included  firing  pepper  On  several  nights  this  spring  and  summer,  hun-  battling  a  COVID-19  outbreak.  The  ACLU  said
            balls at protesters and making mass arrests during  dreds of people gathered in Omaha to protest. The  several protesters heard police say the arrests were
            the protests in May, June and July.             ACLU says the majority of the protests were dem-  designed to discourage further protests.
            "The  answer  to  protests  against  police  brutality  onstrating  peacefully  although  the  city  also  saw  Afterward, city prosecutors dismissed most of the
            shouldn't  be  more  brutality,"  said  Danielle  Con-  instances of violence and vandalism during some  charges against protesters because of a lack of evi-
            rad, executive director of the ACLU of Nebraska.  of the protests. On May 30, a protester was killed  dence.  City  officials  also  changed  their  policy  to
            "Omaha  Police  have  put  Black  Omahans  and  all  during a scuffle with a downtown bar owner after  require police officers to use body cameras to get
            Omahans  calling  for  justice  in  the  unacceptable  a protest involving several thousand people turned  pictures of each individual they arrest during pro-
            position  of  deciding  between  their  constitutional  chaotic and the windows of the bar and several oth-  tests instead of doing mass arrests.
            rights and their own health and safety."        er nearby businesses were smashed.               The lawsuit was filed on behalf of eight protesters,
            Omaha City Attorney Paul Kratz said he believes  Police used pepper balls and tear gas as part of their  bystanders and a journalist who were at the pro-
            police acted properly. Previously, city officials de-  effort to disperse the crowds and arrested dozens of  tests. The ACLU also argued that the ordinances
            fended  the  arrests  made  during  protests  because  protesters for failing to leave. The Omaha World-  police used to arrest protesters should be thrown
            police believed the gatherings had the potential to  Herald reports that Omaha police used pepper ball  out because they are too broad and they restrict free
            become violent and in some cases violence had al-  guns 157 times during the first half of 2020, which  speech too much.
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