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A28     u.s. news
                   Diamars 6 OctOber 2020

                            New Jersey governor: Trump fundraiser 'put lives at risk'

                                                                      with  Trump  and  an  indoor  "This borders on reckless in  Trump  during  the  indoor
                                                                      roundtable with him that one  terms of exposing people."  roundtable.
                                                                      attendee  said  lasted  45  min-  The  president  attended  a  Rich said the event involved
                                                                      utes or more.                campaign  fundraiser  at  his  about  19  people  and  lasted
                                                                      "The  actions  leading  up  to  Trump National Golf Course  perhaps 45 minutes. Roberts
                                                                      and following this event have  on Thursday afternoon after  did not return messages Sun-
                                                                      put lives at risk," Murphy said  disclosing  that  a  close  aide  day  seeking  comment  about
                                                                      at an afternoon news confer-  tested  positive  for  the  virus.  the video, which was posted
                                                                      ence.  "This  is  very  much  a  Murphy  said  the  gathering  on  a  local  news  site,  The
                                                                      race against the clock."     may have violated state rules  Lakewood Scoop.
                                                                      Murphy,  a  Democrat,  made  on  large  gatherings  during  Of the 206 guests at the event,
                                                                      several  television  appear-  the pandemic.               Murphy said, 184 have been
                                                                      ances  Monday,  saying  state  However,   White   House  contacted  by  health  officials
                                                                      and federal officials were still  spokesman  Judd  Deere  said  in New Jersey. Many people
                                                                      working  on  contact  tracing  the president didn't have any  reacted positively to the out-
            (AP)  —  President  Donald  level" and said it should have  and had reached most of the  contact  with  donors  or  staff  reach,  but  some  questioned
            Trump's  fundraiser  at  his  been  canceled.  He  said  the  guests.  He  urged  anyone  at  that  would  be  considered  where the state got their con-
            Bedminster  golf  club  hours  state  is  trying  to  keep  tabs  the club while the president  close,  based  on  the  CDC  tact  information  from  and
            before he announced he had  on the 206 attendees and 19  was  there  to  quarantine  for  guidelines of longer than 15  were  "not  so  positive,"  said
            contracted  the  coronavirus  workers in an effort to thwart  two weeks.               minutes and within 6 feet.   Health  Commissioner  Judy
            was  wrong  and  "put  lives  at  a  potential  outbreak  stem-  "If  you  think  you've  been  But Dr. Rich Roberts, a phar-  Persichilli.
            risk,"  New  Jersey  Gov.  Phil  ming  from  the  gathering  in  touch  or  in  the  midst  of  maceutical  executive  from  "We  are  overwhelmingly  in
            Murphy said Monday.          Thursday.                    someone  who  is  COVID  New  Jersey  who  made  a  need  of  more  federal  sup-
            Murphy  called  the  trip  the  Guests  at  that  event  said  it  positive  you've  got  to  take  video  describing  the  event,  port," Murphy said.
            "wrong  decision  at  every  included a photo opportunity  yourself off the field," he said.  said he sat a seat away from

                           Officer wounded in Breonna Taylor protests out of hospital

            (AP)  —  A  police  officer  dicted on charges of wanton  Another officer, Maj. Aubrey
            wounded  during  protests  endangerment for firing into  Gregory, was treated for a hip
            rekindled  by  the  announce-  a home next to Taylor's, but  wound and released. Gregory
            ment  that  no  officers  were  not on charges involving the  returned to work last week.
            being charged in the death of  Black woman's death.       Larynzo D. Johnson, 26, was
            Breonna Taylor has been re-  Desroches  was  shot  in  the  charged  with  two  counts  of
            leased from the hospital.    abdomen  and  underwent  assault on a police officer and
            Louisville Metro Police Offi-  surgery.  He  was  released  14 counts of wanton endan-
            cer Robinson Desroches and  from  the  hospital  Sunday  germent of a police officer.
            another officer were shot on  "and  is  currently  recovering  Johnson  has  pleaded  not
            Sept. 23 during protests held  with family," Louisville police  guilty. His bond was set at $1
            after  prosecutors  announced  spokeswoman  Alicia  Smiley  million.
            a single officer had been in-  told news outlets.

                       Toomey says he won't run for another Senate term or governor

            (AP) — Republican U.S. Sen.  years.                       lentown, Toomey said he will  candid about it.            is term-limited.
            Pat Toomey will not seek re-  Toomey's decision will force  serve out the final two years  "I'm looking forward to more  With  both  offices  open  in
            election in 2022 and plans to  Pennsylvania  Republicans  to  of his second term, "and after  time back at home," he said.  2022,  Democrats  have  a
            leave public service, he con-  look elsewhere for candidates  that my plan is to go back to  Toomey  is  a  stalwart  pro-  bench of prospects who have
            firmed,  a  surprise  move  for  for both seats in a politically  the private sector."  ponent  of  free  markets  and  won  statewide  races  —  Lt.
            the fiercely anti-tax and anti-  divided state where both par-  "I  always  thought  that  I'd  smaller  government  who  Gov.  John  Fetterman,  state
            regulation Pennsylvania law-  ties have shown they can win  probably serve just two terms  was  staunchly  supported  in  Attorney  General  Josh  Sha-
            maker who had been seen as  statewide races.              and  often  mentioned  that  the past by the billionaire in-  piro  and  state  Treasurer  Joe
            the favorite to be the party's  At  a  news  conference  near  along the way," Toomey said  dustrialists  Charles  and  Da-  Torsella  —  and  a  statewide
            nominee for governor in two  his  home  in  suburban  Al-  at the news conference at the  vid  Koch  and  the  Club  for  voter  registration  advantage
                                                                      studios  of  WVLT-TV,  stand-  Growth,  the  take-no-pris-  over Republicans.
                                                                      ing  with  his  wife  and  three  oners  free-markets  advocacy  Republicans are left without
                                                                      children,  the  youngest  of  group Toomey once led.      any  natural  heir  or  obvious
                                                                      whom is 10.                  But  Toomey  had  often  ex-  front-runner  for  either  gov-
                                                                      Toomey  called  his  reasons  pressed frustration with how  ernor or U.S. Senate.
                                                                      "personal,  not  political,"  and  the  Senate  operates  and  had  The last time anything similar
                                                                      that  18  years  in  public  of-  never promised to run for a  happened was in 2010, when
                                                                      fice — including six years in  third term. Still, the news of  then-Gov.  Ed  Rendell  was
                                                                      the  U.S.  House  from  1999  his  future  plans  that  broke  term-limited  and  then-U.S.
                                                                      through  2004  —  is  a  long  Sunday  has  reshuffled  the  Sen.  Arlen  Specter  switched
                                                                      time and had demanded sac-   deck for Republicans looking  parties  to  become  a  Demo-
                                                                      rifices from his family.     ahead to the two major state-  crat in his re-election bid. He
                                                                      Toomey  had  long  expressed  wide races in two years.    was beaten in the primary.
                                                                      an  interest  in  running  for  As Pennsylvania's only state-  The advantage is likely to go
                                                                      governor,  and  he  drew  calls  wide  elected  Republican  of-  to  the  party  that  loses  No-
                                                                      on a daily basis from people  ficial  outside  of  the  courts,  vember's  presidential  elec-
                                                                      who  he  said  wanted  to  help  Toomey  had  been  widely  tions. In mid-term elections,
                                                                      him run for governor or for  considered the favorite to be  the  party  of  the  president
                                                                      re-election  to  the  Senate.  the gubernatorial nominee if  tends  to  lose  seats  in  Con-
                                                                      Once his mind was made up,  he  wanted  it  in  2022,  when  gress.
                                                                      he said, he felt he should be  Democratic  Gov.  Tom  Wolf
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