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                                                                                                       sports Diamars 6 OctOber 2020

                           Goodell: Forfeits possible for NFL virus protocol violations

            (AP)  –  NFL  Commis-                                                                  of  the  protocols  have  been  Titans' outbreak, including:
            sioner    Roger    Goodell                                                             disciplined.  Several  coaches  — A longer onboarding pro-
            has  warned  the  league's                                                             have  been  fined  $100,000  cess for free agent tryouts;
            32  teams  of  penalties  in-                                                          each  and  their  clubs  fined  —  Bans  on  gatherings  out-
            cluding  potential  forfeits                                                           $250,000  for  improper  use  side of the club facility;
            of games for violations of                                                             of face coverings, the Las Ve-  — Limitations on the num-
            COVID-19  protocols  that                                                              gas  Raiders  were  hit  with  a  ber of tryouts permitted per
            force changes in the regu-                                                             $50,000 fine for allowing an  week;
            lar-season schedule.                                                                   unauthorized team employee  —  Implementation  of  a
                                                                                                   into the locker room follow-  league-wide  video  monitor-
            In a memo sent to the teams                                                            ing  a  game  and  on  Monday  ing system to ensure compli-
            Monday  after  a  conference                                                           the  Raiders  had  10  players  ance  with  the  protocols  —
            call involving NFL and club                                                            docked a total of $175,000 for  "particularly the mandate that
            executives,  Goodell  reiterat-                                                        appearing at a function where  all staff and players wear PPE
            ed the need to adhere fully to                                                         face coverings were not used,  while in a club facility and on
            all of the league's health and                                                         nor was social distancing.   travel at all times."
            safety guidelines.                                                                     "Complacency  is  our  shared  The  league  also  is  consid-
            "Protocol  violations  that  re-                                                       opponent,"  he  wrote.  "We  ering  holding  all  meetings
            sult in virus spread requiring                                                         must reinforce our commit-   virtually; requiring masks or
            adjustments  to  the  schedule                                                         ment to full adherence to our  shields  during  practices  and
            or otherwise impacting other                                                           mandatory  safety  protocols  walk-throughs;   decreasing
            teams will result in additional                                                        and best practices.          the size of the traveling party
            financial and competitive dis-                                                         "The  consequences  of  re-  to games; reducing the time
            cipline, including the adjust-                                                         scheduling  or  even  missing  spent  in  lunchrooms  and
            ment or loss of draft choices                                                          games are obvious. Our fans  locker rooms; and daily con-
            or even the forfeit of a game,"                                                        will  be  deprived  of  games.  sulting of proximity tracking
            Goodell wrote in the memo                                                              Competitive  inequities  will  device  information  now  in
            obtained  by  The  Associated  schedule  Sunday's  game  be-  impacted  the  Baltimore  Ra-  be  introduced  into  our  sea-  use  to  identify  areas  where
            Press.                       tween  the  Steelers  and  Ti-  vens.                     son. Players will not be paid  teams  could  eliminate  close
            "Simply  put,  compliance  is  tans  when  Tennessee  had  New England's game at Kan-  for  games  not  played  and  contacts.
            mandatory. Now is the time  the league's first coronavirus  sas  City  was  moved  from  clubs will similarly suffer fi-  "As  we  have  said  before,"
            to recommit ourselves to our  outbreak, which has affected  Sunday to Monday night af-  nancial consequences."      Goodell wrote, "act as if every
            protocols  and  best  practices  20  organization  members,  ter Patriots quarterback Cam  The  league  and  the  players'  person  you  come  in  contact
            for  the  duration  of  the  sea-  including  10  players.  That  Newton  tested  positive  for  association  are  instituting  with has a COVID infection
            son."                        game was moved to Week 7,  COVID-19.                      ramped up health and safety  and take appropriate precau-
            The  NFL  was  forced  to  re-  causing adjustments that also  Goodell  noted  that  violators  procedures in the wake of the  tions."

                             Eagles go from winless to 1st place in NFC East in 1 day

            (AP) — Earning their first  come  to  work  every  day  no  nati last week.
            win of the season in Octo-   matter what the circumstanc-
            ber  put  the  Philadelphia  es, no matter what the situa-  What needs help
            Eagles in first place in the  tion. They practice. It's always  The  defense  is  struggling  in
            NFC East.                    been a next-man-up mental-   coverage  against  tight  ends.
                                         ity and they go to work, and  George  Kittle  is  the  best
            They  need  to  improve  in  that's  what  I've  learned,  and  in  the  NFL,  but  the  Eagles
            many areas to stay there.    that's what's going to carry us  couldn't  even  come  close
            Despite  missing  six  starters  these next four weeks."  to stopping him. He had 15
            on offense, the Eagles (1-2-1)  Carson  Wentz  shook  off  his  catches on 15 targets for 183
            knocked  off  the  also  injury-  league-worst  seventh  inter-  yards and one TD. In Week 2,
            depleted San Francisco 49ers  ception, again used his legs to  Rams tight end Tyler Higbee
            25-20  on  Sunday  night  to  make plays and led a group of  had three TD receptions in a
            move atop the division stand-  reserves to a victory the team  37-19 win against the Eagles.
            ings  at  the  quarter-point  of  desperately needed. His per-  Stock up               "I'm not trying to fill anyone's  will play through it.
            the season.                  fect 42-yard touchdown pass                               boots. I'm trying to make my
            "I  think  the  one  thing  that's  to  Travis  Fulgham,  fresh  off  Third-string  left  tackle  Jor-  own boots," Mailata said. "I'm  Key number
            really  stood  out  this  first  the  practice  squad,  gave  the  dan Mailata played well in his  not a rugby player anymore.  3  —  The  defense  had  not
            month  is  just  how  resilient  Eagles the lead for good.  first career start. He didn't al-  I'm a footballer."   forced  one  turnover  in  17
            this football team is," Eagles  Then  Alex  Singleton's  30-  low a sack, protected Wentz's                         quarters  dating  to  last  sea-
            coach  Doug  Pederson  said  yard interception return for a  blind side and opened some  Stock down                 son before Rodney McLeod's
            Monday. "We have not played  score helped seal it. The de-  running lanes. Mailata had a  Linebacker   Nate   Gerry  interception  inside  the  red
            our best football, I don't feel.  fense had its first three take-  costly  false  start  penalty  but  struggled  again  in  pass  cov-  zone  in  the  second  quar-
            We've kind of shot ourselves  aways  of  the  season  against  bounced back afterward. The  erage,  missed  tackles  against  ter.  Cre'Von  LeBlanc  had  a
            in the foot in the first three,  the 49ers.               Eagles  lost  2019  first-round  the  run  and  has  generally  strip-sack that set up the go-
            four weeks here. Finally over-                            pick Andre Dillard to a sea-  played poorly all season.   ahead  TD.  Then  Singleton
            came  some  of  the  mistakes  What's working             son-ending injury in training                             returned  an  interception  30
            (Sunday) to put ourselves in  Wentz has been using his legs  camp.  They  moved  nine-  Injured                     yards for a score.
            a position to be in first place  more  the  past  two  games,  time Pro Bowl left tackle Ja-  Linebacker T.J. Edwards and
            in the NFC East. But there's  keeping  the  ball  and  scram-  son Peters back to his position  safety Rudy Ford are going to  Next steps
            a long road ahead. We've got  bling  at  times  and  buying  from  right  guard,  where  he  "miss some time" with ham-  The  Eagles  visit  the  Pitts-
            to  learn  from  the  first  four  time to throw it other times.  was filling for injured starter  string  injuries,  according  to  burgh  Steelers  (3-0)  next
            weeks, but at the same time,  He had 37 yards rushing on  Brandon  Brooks.  But  Peters  Pederson.  Right  tackle  Lane  Sunday. The Steelers had an
            learn from it and carry it for-  seven  carries,  including  an  landed  on  injured  reserve  Johnson's  surgically  repaired  unexpected  bye  after  their
            ward.                        11-yard  TD  run  against  the  with a toe injury. Mailata was  ankle  forced  him  to  missed  game  against  Tennessee  was
            "We've just got to keep work-  49ers. That followed a career-  a seventh-round pick in 2018  25  snaps  against  the  Nin-  postponed because of a CO-
            ing and this is what I appre-  best 65 yards rushing and one  after starring as a rugby player  ers.  Pederson  said  Johnson's  VID-19 outbreak among the
            ciate  about  our  guys  is  they  TD in the tie against Cincin-  in Australia.        ankle issue will linger but he  Titans.
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