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               Thursday 10 december 2020
                                                                      clear a vaccine would pan  impossible,  since  the  shots  stein  of  the  Immunization
                                                                      out.                         don't contain any virus.     Action  Coalition,  a  retired
                                                                      In the survey of 1,117 Ameri-  Protecting their family, their  Army colonel who directed
                                                                      can adults conducted Dec.  community  and  their  own  the  Defense  Department's
                                                                      3-7, about 3 in 10 said they  health  are  chief  drivers  for  immunization  program.  He
                                                                      are very or extremely confi-  people who want the vac-    said  many  eventually  will
                                                                      dent that the first available  cine.                      decide it's "far, far better to
                                                                      vaccines  will  have  been  Roughly       three-quarters  take  this  vaccine  than  run
                                                                      properly  tested  for  safety  said  life  won't  go  back  to  the risk of coronavirus infec-
                                                                      and  effectiveness.  About  normal until enough of the  tion."
                                                                      an equal number said they  country is vaccinated.         Adding  to  the  challenge
                                                                      are not confident. The rest  "Even  if  it  helps  a  little  bit,  are  political  divisions  that
                                                                      fell somewhere in the mid-   I'd take it," said Ralph Mar-  have  hamstrung  public
                                                                      dle.                         tinez,  67,  who  manages  a  health efforts to curtail the
                                                                      About 7 in 10 of those who  grocery  store  in  Dallas.  "I  outbreak. The poll found 6
                                                                      said  they  won't  get  vac-  honestly think they wouldn't  in  10  Democrats  said  they
                                                                      cinated  are  concerned  put  something  out  there  will  get  vaccinated  com-
            Vail Health Hospital pharmacy technician Rob Brown practices   about  side  effects.  Pfizer  that would hurt us."  pared  with  4  in  10  Repub-
            measuring the exact dosage for a mock Covid-19 vaccine in
            the sterile compounding room in the hospital's pharmacy, Tues-  and  Moderna  say  testing  Over  the  summer,  about  licans; about a third of Re-
            day, Dec. 8, 2020 in Vail, Colo.                          has  uncovered  no  serious  a  third  of  Martinez's  em-  publicans said they won't.
                                                     Associated Press   ones  so  far.  As  with  many  ployees were out with CO-  Only  about  1  in  5  Ameri-
                                                                      vaccines,  recipients  may  VID-19.  He  wears  a  mask  cans are very or extremely
            Continued from Front         Early data suggests the two  experience  fever,  fatigue  daily but worries about the  confident  that  vaccines
            Amid  a  frightening  surge  U.S. frontrunners -- one vac-  or sore arms from the injec-  constant  public  contact  will  be  safely  and  quickly
            in  COVID-19  that  promises  cine  made  by  Pfizer  and  tion, signs the immune sys-  and  is  concerned  that  his  distributed,  or  fairly  distrib-
            a  bleak  winter  across  the  BioNTech  and  another  by  tem is revving up.          87-year-old  mother  is  simi-  uted, though majorities are
            country,  the  challenge  for  Moderna and the National  But  other  risks  might  not  larly  exposed  running  her  at  least  somewhat  confi-
            health  authorities  is  to  fig-  Institutes  of  Health  --  of-  crop up until vaccines are  business.           dent.
            ure out what it will take to  fer  strong  protection.  The  more  widely  used.  British  COVID-19 has killed or hos-  Nancy  Nolan,  64,  teaches
            make people trust the shots  Food  and  Drug  Adminis-    health  authorities  are  ex-  pitalized  Black,  Hispanic  English  as  a  second  lan-
            that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the  tration is poring over study  amining  two  possible  al-  and  Native  Americans  at  guage  at  a  New  Jersey
            top  U.S.  infectious-disease  results to be sure the shots  lergic reactions on the first  far higher rates than white  community  college  and
            expert, calls the light at the  are safe before deciding in  day  the  country  began  Americans.  Yet  53%  of  has  seen  the  difficulty  her
            end of the tunnel.           the  coming  days  whether  mass vaccinations with the  white  Americans  said  they  students  face  in  getting
            "If Dr. Fauci says it's good, I  to allow mass vaccinations,  Pfizer shot.             will  get  vaccinated,  com-  coronavirus  testing  and
            will  do  it,"  said  Mary  Lang,  as Britain began doing with  Among  Americans  who  pared  with  24%  of  Black  care.
            71,  of  Fremont,  California.  Pfizer's shots on Tuesday.  won't  get  vaccinated,  the  Americans and 34% of His-  "I don't think it'll be fairly dis-
            She  added:  "Hopefully  if  Despite  the  hopeful  news,  poll  found  43%  are  con-  panics like Martinez.       tributed,"  she  said.  "I  hope
            enough of us get the vac-    feelings  haven't  changed  cerned  the  vaccine  itself  Because of insufficient sam-  I'm wrong."
            cine, we can make this vi-   much  from  an  AP-NORC  could infect them — some-        ple  size,  the  survey  could  She  raised  concerns,  too,
            rus go away."                poll  in  May,  before  it  was  thing  that's  scientifically  not  analyze  results  among  over the speed with which
                                                                                                   Native  Americans  or  other  the  vaccine  was  devel-
                                                                                                   racial  and  ethnic  groups  oped: "If I rush, I could have
                                                                                                   that make up a smaller pro-  a  car  accident,  I  could
                                                                                                   portion of the U.S. popula-  make a mistake."
                                                                                                   tion.                        Experts  have  stressed  that
                                                                                                   Horace Carpenter of Dav-     no corners were cut during
                                                                                                   enport, Florida, knows that  development,    attributing
                                                                                                   as a Black man at age 86,  the speedy work to billions
                                                                                                   he is vulnerable. "I'd like to  in government funding and
                                                                                                   see  it  come  out  first,"  he  over a decade of  behind-
                                                                                                   said of the vaccine. But he  the-scenes research.
                                                                                                   said he, too, plans to follow  Health workers and nursing
                                                                                                   Fauci's advice.              home  residents  are  set  to
                                                                                                   Given the nation's long his-  be first in line for the scarce
                                                                                                   tory  of  racial  health  care  initial  doses.  Plans  call  for
                                                                                                   disparities  and  research  other    essential   workers
                                                                                                   abuses  against  Black  peo-  and  people  over  65  or  at
                                                                                                   ple,  Carpenter  isn't  sur-  increased  risk  because  of
                                                                                                   prised  that  minority  com-  other  health  problems  to
                                                                                                   munities are more hesitant  follow, before enough vac-
                                                                                                   about the new vaccines.      cine  arrives  for  everyone,
                                                                                                   "There  is  such  racial  in-  probably in the spring.
                                                                                                   equality in our society," he  The  poll  found  majorities
                                                                                                   said.  "There's  bound  to  be  of  Americans  agree  with
                                                                                                   some hiccups."               that  priority  list.  And  59%
                                                                                                   Health  experts  say  it  is  not  think vaccinating teachers
                                                                                                   surprising that people have  should  be  a  high  priority,
                                                                                                   doubts because it will take  too.  Most  also  agree  with
                                                                                                   time for the vaccines' study  higher  priority  for  hard-hit
                                                                                                   results  to  become  widely  communities  of  color  and
                                                                                                   known.                       people  in  crowded  living
                                                                                                   "Sometimes  you  have  to  conditions  such  as  home-
                                                                                                   ask  people  more  than  less  shelters  and  college
                                                                                                   once,"  said  John  Graben-  dorms.q
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