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Thursday 10 december 2020 locAl

                                                                      Civic integration as art: the absurdity of

                                                                      integrating as a Venezuelan in Aruba

              Expositie in Zuid-Korea van het project ‘Between Two Waters’
            By Caribisch Netwerk         negative) experiences as a
            ORANJESTAD - “Integration  Venezuelan  on  the  island
            in  Aruba  is  pretty  absurd.  that are related to the situ-  Increasing discrimination  immigration  at  the  airport
            You  have  to  comply  with  ation  in  his  native  country,  The  artist  refers  to  his  most  (Aruba  has  a  pre-clearing  “Venezuelans are now the
            rules that are not even from  González  devised  a  new  recent  experience  with  system  for  America),  and  lowest  layer  in  Aruban  so-
            here,  but  from  the  Nether-  art  method:  integration  as  what he sees again as evi-  had a stamp in my passport  ciety. We are good for sex,
            lands.  And  if  you  are  talk-  art and art as integration.  dence  of  increasing  dis-  from  the  Aruban  immigra-  cheap  work  that  no  one
            ing  about  Aruban  culture;                              crimination  on  the  island  tion.  But  then  the  Aruban  wants  to  do,  many  times
            at Christmas they tradition-  With  success,  because  af-  against  Venezuelans.  “I  immigration officer refused  work that is then not paid.
            ally  eat  ayaca  here.  That  ter  years  of  struggling  to  would fly to Miami on busi-  to  let  me  leave.  ”  He  has  I'm not saying this as xeno-
            dish  comes  from  Venezu-   get funding for his work on  ness. The US allows me be-   been working for weeks to  phobic;  my  children  are
            ela. ”                       the  island,  he  got  it  from  cause  I  have  a  business  get  clarification  from  the  half  Aruban  and  my  Aru-
                                         the  Netherlands.  As  a  re-  visa. Moreover, US, likewise  Aruban  government.  Jus-  ban  family  allowed  me  to
            Nelson  González  is  an  art-  sult, he has exhibited work  more  than  60  countries  in  tice  Minister  Andin  Bikker  further  develop  myself  as
            ist,  born  in  Venezuela  and  in  Cuba,  Santo  Domingo,  the  world,  has  an  agree-  says  that  if  Venezuelans  an  artist.  But  it  is  unfortu-
            17  years  residing  in  Aruba.  the  Netherlands  and  even  ment  that  Venezuelans  have a valid residence per-  nate that the value of Ven-
            He is married to an Aruban  South  Korea,  among  oth-    can also enter with expired  mit,  their  identity  is  known,  ezuelans as people and in-
            and has four children. “Her  ers.  “So  I  represent  Aruba  passports. ”              and  are  admitted  to  the  dividuals  is  determined  by
            family was very happy that  abroad,  but  without  their                               country   of   destination,  the political and economic
            I  came  from  outside.  Be-  contribution  because  I  re-  After  all,  Venezuela  has  they  will  also  be  admitted  situation. ”
            cause on the island almost  ceive  support  for  my  art  two    governments    and  to  Aruba  with  an  expired
            everyone is related. ”       from  the  Netherlands.  But  the  situation  makes  it  very  passport.  Where  this  went  González does have hope:
                                         for  the  Aruban  immigra-   difficult  for  Venezuelans  wrong  with  González  re-   "I am sure that if things go
            Because  of  this  embrace  tion  officer  recently,  I  am  abroad  to  get  their  pass-  mains unknown, as the jus-  well in Venezuela as it was
            of  his  Aruban  family,  but  considered  a  Venezuelan  ports  renewed.  González:  tice department only gives  35  years  ago,  that  appre-
            at the same time his (often  again. ”                     “I  had  already  passed  US  vague answers.              ciation will come again."q

              Urgent Care Aruba (UCA) together

              with Medlab Aruba offers Pre-Travel

              COVID-19 PCR Testing

              NOORD  —  After  enjoying  a  nice  Noord 63. Offers you the Pre-Trav-
              vacation  on  our  beautiful  island,  el  COVID-19  PCR  Testing  con-
              it  is  time  to  head  back  home  or  ducted by the facility’s own lab-
              to  another  destination.  This  also  oratory  Medlab  Aruba.  You  can
              means  that  it  is  time  to  conduct  also  request  our  remote  testing
              your  pre-travel  PCR  test  nasal  service at your location. Test and
              swab before your departure. This  results  are  recognized  by  airlines
              article  will  provide  you  informa-  and  government  entities.  Testing
              tion on where to go as well as the  availability is from Monday to Fri-
              testing process.                   day: 7am-4pm. Conduct your test
                                                 before  11am  and  receive  your
              Urgent  Care  Aruba  (UCA)  locat-  results  in  the  afternoon.  Price  for
              ed at the Noord Medical Center,  the test is $126 and results are sent   electronically.  It  is  important  to  WhatsApp:  +297  5975549,  info@
                                                                                    mention  that  the  Pre-Travel  CO-, www.urgentcare.
                                                                                    VID-19 PCR Testing is not covered  aw,  like  us  on  Facebook:  Urgent
                                                                                    by  the  Aruba  Visitor’s  insurance.  Care  Aruba  and  Instagram:  @
                                                                                    Leaving on a Saturday, Sunday, or  Arubadoctor. Laboratory Medlab
                                                                                    Monday? Complete your test on  For more information or questions
                                                                                    Friday  before  11am  and  receive  contact  telephone  number  +297
                                                                                    your results in the afternoon. If you  5861600, WhatsApp +297 5975544,
                                                                                    are  experiencing  COVID-19  like,, like us
                                                                                    symptoms,  we  recommend  for  on  Facebook  Laboratorio  Med-
                                                                                    you  to  conduct  this  test  only  via  lab Aruba and Instagram @labo-
                                                                                    appointment.                       ratorioaruba.  We  would  like  to
                                                                                                                       thank you for choosing Aruba as
                                                                                    For  questions  and/or  information  your  destination  location.  Safe
                                                                                    contact us at: Urgent Care Aruba  Travels and hope to see you soon
                                                                                    Telephone number: +297 5860048,  again!q
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