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               Thursday 12 december 2019
            Post Aruba emitted a new set of “archaeological stamps 2019”

            ORANJESTAD  —Post  Aruba  N.V.                                                                              Malmok near a burial site. Archae-
            emitted a new set of “Archaeologi-                                                                          ologists  study  “shell  middens”  to
            cal Stamps 2019”.                                                                                           discover what kind of food ancient
                                                                                                                        people  ate.  These  deposits  show
            The  set  consists  of  four  stamps                                                                        that Amerindians ate conch, turtle,
            namely 100c, 130c, 220c and 320c,                                                                           clams, fish and snails.
            for a total amount of Afl.7, 70. The
            first-day-envelope  costs  Afl.  9,  45.                                                                    320 cents: Burial Practices
            The stamps are designed by Alfon-                                                                           Amerindian  burial  practices  were
            so  the  Windt.  They  are  printed  by                                                                     deliberate  and  often  elaborate,
            the Johan Enschedé Security Print.                                                                          incorporating  rich  grave  goods
                                                                                                                        that  identified  the  person’s  sta-
            100 cents: Tools                                                                                            tus  in  the  community.  During  the
            This  stamp  represents  an  Ancient                                                                        Ceramic  Period,  the  house  func-
            Hammer and Grain Grinder. Imag-                                                                             tioned  as  both  living  space  and
            ine all the tasks you do in one day                                                                         burial  ground.  Many  graves  were
            and the many different tools need-                                                                          discovered under the dirt floors of
            ed to complete them. Amerindians                                                                            houses and village plazas. People
            spent  a  lot  of  time  making,  recy-                                                                     living in the Ceramic period often
            cling  and  repairing  tools  from  the                                                                     buried  their  dead  in  jars  or  urns.
            materials readily available to them                                                                         This type of burial is referred to as
            such  as  stone,  shell,  coral,  wood                                                                      an  “urn  burial”,  which  can  be  di-
            and bone.                                                                                                   vided in primary and secondary. In
                                                                                                                        a primary urn burial, the individual
            130  cents:  Excavating  Ceramic                                                                            is  buried  right  after  death  and  all
            Objects; Eating and Drinking                                                                                bones are present. In a secondary
            This stamp represents bowls, uten-                                                                          urn burial, all or some of the bones
            sils and cups, everything you need  ing.  These  were  just  a  few  of  the  although  shell  was  much  more  from a body buried in a pit or left to
            to  eat,  drink  and  share  food.  Al-  techniques  used  by  artisans.  This  common.  Among  the  Caiquetio,  desiccate in the open air, are col-
            though the materials are different,  skill  is  most  prominently  displayed  the  smallest,  most  finely  crafted  lected after some time and rebur-
            ancient dishware served the same  in  exquisitely  crafted  stone  and  beads would have held the high-     ied in an urn.
            purpose as it does today. The kitch-  shell beads. The workmanship is so  est value. The skill required to shape
            en  was  and  is  a  busy  place.  Am-  precise, that attempts to replicate  and drill these tiny pieces was very  These  stamps  are  available  at  all
            erindians worked together to pre-   it  have  failed.  Finely  crafted  pot-  much appreciated. Many of these  the  Post  Office  locations  in  Oran-
            pare and cook food in communal  tery was delicately painted, mold-      objects were discovered in graves,  jestad, San Nicolas and Sta. Cruz.
            areas  outside  the  home.  Archae-  ed,  incised  and  punctured.  Bead  illustrating  their  importance.  Huge  Make sure that you have this set in
            ologists  have  discovered  many  necklaces  were  not  only  forms  of  deposits of shells called “shell mid-  your collection as the stock is lim-
            artefacts used for processing and  decoration  and  personal  status,  dens”  have  been  discovered  in  ited.  For  more  information  on  the
            storing food.                       but also used as currency in trad-  Aruba. A “shell midden” is a heap  “Archaeological  Stamps  2019”  is-
                                                ing relations. The value was deter-  that  is  primarily  made  up  of  shells  sue,  please  contact  the  Philatelic
            220 cents: Beauty and Currency      mined  by  the  craftsmanship,  the  and  marine  remains  that  have  Department  at  +297  528-7678  /
            From  the  smallest  pendant  to  the  length of the necklace and the size  been  discarded  after  the  edible  main  office  located  at  J.E.  Iraus-
            most  finely  decorated  ceramic,  of the beads.                        part  of  the  animal  was  removed.  quinplein  #  9,  Oranjestad  or  vis-
            the  skill  and  creativity  of  Amerin-                                Most “middens” are located near  it  their  Facebook  page:  Aruba
            dians is unmistakable; drilling, pol-  In  Aruba,  both  shell  and  stone  the  shore  except  for  one  pre-ce-  Stamps and Webpage: postaruba.
            ishing,  painting,  grinding  model-  necklaces have been discovered,  ramic  deposit  located  inland  at  com. q

                                                                                                                             Canada and

                                                                                                                             USA honorees

                                                                                                                             EAGLE  BEACH  —  Recently,
                                                                                                                             Marouska  Heyliger  honored
                                                                                                                             Tammy  and  Bob  Berry  from
                                                                                                                             Ontario with their Distinguished
                                                                                                                             visitors certificate and Pamela
                                                                                                                             and  Richard  Rupp  from  Iowa
                                                                                                                             with their Goodwill Ambassa-
                                                                                                                             dors certificate in the name of
                                                                                                                             the Aruba Tourism Authority.

                                                                                                                             The  event  which  commemo-
                                                                                                                             rates the Berry’s 10th and the
                                                                                                                             Rupp’s  26th  consecutive  visit
                                                                                                                             to the island was held at Divi
                                                                                                                             Village  Resort.  Both  honor-
                                                                                                                             ees love coming to the island
                                                                                                                             for  its  friendly  people,  safety
                                                                                                                             of  the  island  and  beautiful
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