Page 7 - MIN TTC 7 OCT 2015
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                                                                                                                        Wednesday 7 October 2015

Art Rules & Right About Now Festival NL Presents:

Reasons to be Pretty: 10 Days 1 Play Created by Aruba’s Emerging Talent!

ORANJESTAD - Surprise!!!       summer program post-pro-           guide those whom are in-     studying abroad and life as      crew. Together you will
Art Rules is BACK! In No-      duction they realized that         terested in applying and/    an international student at      create something out of
vember of 2015, in collabo-    it wasn’t time, just yet, to       or pursuing an education     a performing Arts School.        nothing in 10 days!
ration with the Right About    end they Art Rules season          within an Arts program for   In addition ARA will sup-        Participants will be select-
Now Festival NL, ARA will      of 2015.                           the 2016 fall semester by    port those who need as-          ed based on their appli-
produce its 1st Theater Pro-   During the summer Ira &            having a one-night convo     sistants with creating their     cation submitted through
duction ever! In 3 weeks       Ayra notices that one of           session. The convo session   professional portfolio, seek     the Art Rules website and
the Art Rules program will     the most reoccurring top-          will provide information on  reference letters, audition-     a 15 second audition vid-
work with 20 up and com-       ics among its students is                                       ing prep, international stu-     eo posted on Instagram
ing Artist whom will have      identity. As a Theater Di-                                      dents information and the        tagging the ArtRulesFlicks
10 days to put together a      rector Ira believes that                                        application process.             showcasing why you
full-length production. Di-    this is a topic one can                                         With this pilot we not only      should be part of the 1st
rected by Art Rules Artistic   create endless beautiful                                        aim to create new works          Art Rules Theater Compa-
Director and Theater Artist    work on and what better                                         created by local talent but      ny Ever! Application starts
Ira Kip, Art Rules will chal-  way to do so through the-                                       also support those whom          October 10th through the
lenge its young Artist to get  ater. Reasons to be Pretty                                      want to continue their ed-       20th. Participants who are
up on their feet and cre-      had its first Broadway de-                                      ucation within the Arts.         selected will pay a FL100,
ate something from noth-       but in 2008, written by the                                     10 days & 1 play will kick       - participation fee for
ing in 10 days!                awesome playwright Neil                                         off Monday November              the full 10 days. Rehears-
Due to a strong demand         LaBute. The play is cen-                                        9th and will run its classes     als will be in the evening,
and need for the continu-      tered around identity and                                       through November 26th,           and all class materials will
ation of Arts Education on     questions our standers on                                       with two performances on         be provided. The study-
Aruba, ARA is introducing      beauty. Together with 20                                        November 27tth and the           ing abroad Convosession/
the 10 days 1 Play Theater     Artist Ira will utilize this play                               28th at Cas Di Cultura.          Pizza night! Will be held
Production as a pilot in or-   as an inspiration, creating                                     Art Rules is looking for 20      Nov 18th 6-8pm and will
der to assess and provide      a new production with its                                       Artists who will join the first  be open to the public.
the need for Arts Educa-       participants. Highlighting                                      Art Rules Theater Compa-         Must rsvp, parents are wel-
tion beyond its summer         social issues such as peer                                      ny.                              come! Location TBC.
program. For the past 6        pressure, bullying and                                          We are looking for, actors,      For more info go to Ar-
years ARA has success-         sexuality, they will inves-                                     writers, costume designers, or follow us on
fully contributed to the ad-   tigate how trends, social                                       stage designers, musicians       Facebook and Instagram
vancement of its youth on      media and urban pop cul-                                        and a vibrant production         (Artrulesflicks).q
Aruba by offering higher       ture have settled in to our
education shared by Art-       brains and conditioned
ist from around the world.     our beliefs and standards
While founders Ira & Ayra      on beauty.
Kip wrapped up their 2015      In addition, Art Rules will
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