Page 9 - MIN TTC 7 OCT 2015
P. 9

                                                                                                                                                                      Wednesday 7 October 2015

As part of the Iron Chef Aruba event:

     Bartenders and Wine Professionals Compete For Top Honors

EAGLE BEACH – The ex-          bartenders competing are
citement is building for       Sandro Tromp from White
Iron Chef Aruba, the fina-     Modern Cuisine, represent-
le event of the Eat Local      ing spirit distributor Romar
Restaurant Week, taking        Trading Company; Zulay
place this Thursday eve-       Duran with the Gianni’s
ning at the Alhambra Ca-       Restaurant Group, repre-
sino & Shops. Iron Chef        senting Arion Wine Com-
Aruba challenges three of      pany, and Danny van der
the island’s top chefs in a    Linden with Hollywood
three-course mystery bas-      Smokehouse, representing
ket format, competing live     PepiaEst. Each bartend-
in front of an audience of     er is tasked with creating
140 guests.                    and presenting an origi-
Guests of the event will       nal cocktail, which will be
be enjoying a four-course      voted on by guests of Iron
meal prepared by the Divi      Chef Aruba.
Resorts culinary team un-      Produced by Island Temp-
der the direction of Execu-    tations, Iron Chef Aruba is
tive Chef Gerard Coste,        graciously sponsored by
while enjoying wine paired     the Aruba Tourism Author-
with each course by the        ity, Divi Resorts, Alhambra
Iron Chef Aruba Junior         Casino & Shops, ASD Aruba
Wine Sommelier competi-        Hotel & Restaurant Equip-
tors. Representing Pepia       ment Supplies, Romar Trad-
Est. is Jimmy Koopman.         ing, Arion Wine Company,
Arion Wine Company will        PepiaEst, U.S. Meat Export
be fielding Reinier Madu-      Federation, Gandelman,
ro, and Fernanda Jimenez       Ling & Sons, and Caribbe-
represents Romar Trading.      an Overseas.q
Wine expert Franz Sydow
will be judging the com-
petitors’ pairing creativity.
Prior to dinner, guests
will enjoy a cocktail hour
downstairs at Fusion Wine
Bar, where the Iron Chef
Bartenders’ Brawl will be
contested. The local top
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