Page 8 - MIN TTC 7 OCT 2015
P. 8


LOCALWednesday 7 October 2015

De Palm Tours earns MLT Vacations 2015 Quality Assurance Award

ORANJESTAD - De Palm         apolis, MN this October.     you do for our mutual cus-   preceding 6 months.            makes for a winning team.”
Tours again received the     MLT Vacations, a leading     tomers.”                     Mary Hirschfelt, who man-      Out of the more than 4,000
MLT Vacations Quality As-    provider of vacation pack-   The Quality Assurance        ages the daily operations      hotel, destination manage-
surance Award presented      ages in the U.S., recently   Award recognizes quali-      of MLT Vacations account       ment companies and car
at MLT University in Minne-  announced the winners        fying hotels, destination    did a remarkable job main-     rental partners offered by
                             during their annual travel   management companies         taining this level of service  MLT Vacations globally, an
                             agency educational and       and rental car agencies      throughout the entire year     elite group of 207 hotels, 19
                             networking event.            in Europe, Mexico, the Ca-   and the past years”, said      destination management
                             “You are the best of the     ribbean, Latin America,
                             best and we are proud of     and the United States. For
                             our partnership with you,”   the 2015 award, data was
                             MLT Vacations President      gathered from hundreds
                             John Caldwell told honor-    of thousands of customers
                             ees during the event. “Your  who traveled with MLT Va-
                             passion for hospitality and  cations. The annual Quality
                             your commitment to de-       Assurance Award is earned
                             livering the highest levels  by partners that achieve a
                             of customer service are      99% customer satisfaction
                             unmatched in the industry    index and product delivery
                             and are evident in all that  performance during the

                                                                                       Warren Stanley GM of De        companies and 3 car rent-
                                                                                       Palm. “Her years of experi-    al companies earned MLT
                                                                                       ence and expertise along       Vacations’ Quality Assur-
                                                                                       with Stephanie Koole’s         ance Award designation
                                                                                       handling of these accounts     for 2015.q
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