Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20200417
P. 32
Friday 17 april 2020
When the world is grieving
are dying. And many were de-
nied access to victims of corona-
virus without choice according
to several newspaper stories. Did
well-meaning decision-makers in
power make the wrong decision?
Why couldn’t at least one person
suit up in full protective gear and
stay until death visited? How can
any political or medical institution
in a democratic country prevent a
priest, rabbi, minister or pastor from
being at the bedside of the dying?
A pandemic does not strip these
liberties—people in power do.
By Melissa Martin emotional brain spins out of con- “A brutal hallmark of the pandem- Melissa Martin, Ph.D. is an author,
columnist, educator, and therapist. She
OHIO, U.S. — Individuals across the trol. And fear of the unknown can ic is the way it isolates its victims lives in U.S.
globe have died from COVID-19. spark reactions and overreactions. even in their final moments. Pa-
Whether we knew them personally Feeling detached while others die tients die alone in hospital rooms, Some nurses are using FaceTime to
or not—we may cry, feel sadness, is a defense mechanism the mind cut off from their spouses, children, allow families in parking lots to say
experience loss, and find ourselves uses when pain is overwhelming. siblings and often their pastors or final good-byes to a parent or rela-
mourning. Why? Because we are Escaping into elements (i.e., alco- rabbis. The emotional end-of-life tive right before death.
reminded of our own experiences hol, drugs, food) is an unhealthy moments, if they happen at all,
with loved ones who have died. coping tool. Fear feeds fear. And unfold over an electronic tablet “One of Israel’s largest hospitals
These past painful emotions can many individuals in my office have or phone, with a stranger serving has begun to allow close family
resurface during tragedies. Feel- shared they are afraid of death as an intermediary,” according to members to be at the bedside of
ings of hopelessness and help- because they are unsure of the a recent article in The Wall Street dying coronavirus patients and is
lessness can temporarily return. afterlife. A universal truth says that Journal. hoping others around the world will
Experiencing a range of emotions pain and suffering are part of the begin to follow suit,” according to
comes with being a human being. human condition. But while you’re However, a recent article in USA a recent article in The Algemeiner.
And grief is a mixture of swirling in the trenches, philosophy takes a Today reported, “There is no
and twirling feelings. backseat. Reflection comes after sweeping regulation that prohib- If one hospital is making the ethical
the calamity ends. its visitors, but many hospitals im- and moral decision to allow close
Fear often tags along with grief. We plemented a no-visitor policy,” in family to be with their dying loved
fear the people we love most will The coronavirus pandemic had reference to dying patients from ones, why not hospitals in other
die. We fear we will die. Our surviv- touched planet earth residents COVID-19. “Limits on visitors have countries? No doubt, after the
al alarm for safety blasts through- from north to south and from east taken an emotional toll on health pandemic has ended and truth
out the mind and body. Being to west. Grieving for humans you care workers as well as the families abounds, hospitals will change
concerned and cautious is men- do not know is natural. We are of patients who have died alone. policy for any future virus crises. No
tally healthy. Being afraid is part of more alike than different. And hu- These deaths in isolation prompted need to blame doctors, nurses, or
the human hardware and it moti- mans are relational creatures. We health care workers and officials to medical staff—the blame goes to
vates us to use social distancing, want to love and be loved. We question when patients can have the armchair warriors that make
wash our hands, and wear masks. want to belong. We want to share visitors or whether it should be al- decisions from fancy administra-
However, when fear jumps on a our grief with others. lowed at all.” tive offices.
zooming emotional rollercoaster, it
can turn into panic and terror. The Families want to gather around Some hospitals are buying iPads Nonetheless, the season for griev-
logical brain goes offline and the hospital beds when loved ones to give to patients for virtual visits. ing has arrived on planet Earth. q
Your favorite hotel staff
ORANJESTAD — We are far and make sure she or he will
away but still connected get this message. Many of
through Aruba Today! We them may have lost their job
know many of you as our or do not know when they
loyal readers and friends will restart their work. They
and we know you just love must miss you and the daily
Aruba's hospitality. The most interaction that is why we
striking is that all of you men- would like to reach out and “Every time we come to Aruba, we call our
tion the great service and make a connection. favorite Taxi Driver. Erich Genser takes us to
the bond with the waiter, the where the party is and gets us home safe. He
receptionist or other staff in Send your text and picture is also known to find the best late night food
trucks to eat after a big night at the bars. Keep
the hotel and restaurants on to: the beers cold, we’re coming back Aruba!”
Aruba. We have asked you You may also send us a PM
to send us a picture of that fa- on Facebook but pictures Stay safe Aruba,
vorite waiter or housekeeper are best by email. “Carmen we miss you! Hope you -Gary & Rocket
or other hotel staff together and your family are well! We will see from New York
with a personal message to Have a look at the wonder- you again soon.”
them to publish this in our ful messages we have re-
newspaper. We will also do ceived so far. Thank you for Tammi Krone
Scottsdale, United States of America
our utmost to find this person sharing!q