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                                                                                                  business Friday 17 april 2020
            New pressure on lawmakers as virus aid for firms hits limit

            By ANDREW TAYLOR                                                                                                    islation  more  easily  than  if
            Associated Press                                                                                                    members are present, and
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  With                                                                                           Pelosi, D-Calif., cannot rule
            a  key  coronavirus    rescue                                                                                       the  House  with  her  typical
            fund exhausted, lawmakers                                                                                           tight grip. At issue is a $350
            faced  new  pressure  Thurs-                                                                                        billion paycheck protection
            day  to  break  a  stalemate                                                                                        program  that's  a  center-
            over    President   Donald                                                                                          piece of last month's  $2.2
            Trump's  $250  billion  emer-                                                                                       trillion  rescue  bill.  The  pro-
            gency  request  to  replen-                                                                                         gram  gives  grants  to  busi-
            ish the program that helps                                                                                          nesses with fewer than 500
            small businesses keep work-                                                                                         workers  so  that  they  can
            ers on their payroll.                                                                                               maintain  payroll  and  pay
            Senate    Minority   Leader                                                                                         rent  while  shutting  down
            Chuck  Schumer  and  Trea-                                                                                          their  businesses  during  so-
            sury   Secretary    Steven                                                                                          cial distancing edicts.
            Mnuchin are in talks about                                                                                          The   program,has    been
            legislation  to  shore  up  a                                                                                       swamped  by  businesses
            paycheck     subsidy   pro-                                                                                         applying for loans, and has
            gram.  The  Small  Business                                                                                         reached  its  appropriations
            Administration  announced                                                                                           limit. Mnuchin says an addi-
            Thursday    it  has  reached                                                                                        tional $250 billion is needed
            its  $349  billion  lending  limit   Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., center, speaks with reporters outside the Senate   immediately.
            and is no longer accepting   chamber on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, April 9, 2020.                        But  Democrats  want  mon-
            applications,  and  Trump                                                                         Associated Press.  ey  for  hospitals  burdened
            immediately weighed in on  The session, Democrats say,  ly  or  dropped,  at  least  for  the  pressure  for  a  "clean"  under COVID-19 caseloads
            Twitter to bash Democrats.   will  not  feature  a  GOP  at-  now.  Democrats  blocked  extension of the paycheck  and    additional   funding
            "Democrats  are  blocking  tempt  to  pass  Trump's  re-  a fast-track bid to pass the  program   in   statements  for  states  and  local  gov-
            additional  funding  for  the  quest — or to shame Dem-   funding last week, and Re-   Wednesday  night.  House  ernments  straining  as  the
            popular  Paycheck  Protec-   ocrats were they to object.  publicans  in  turn  stymied  GOP  Whip  Steve  Scalise  economy slides into reces-
            tion Program. They are kill-  The  Capitol  is  largely  shut-  their  efforts  for  additional  said  Democrats  "need  to  sion.
            ing  American  small  busi-  tered,  requiring  consensus  funding  for  other  priorities  stop  holding  small  busi-  They  also  want  to  make
            nesses. Stop playing politics  from all sides for any legisla-  in a brief debate that was  nesses  and  workers  across  sure the paycheck protec-
            Dems! Support Refilling PPP  tion to pass, and top GOP  mostly  a  messaging  exer-    America  hostage  to  their  tion  program  is  opened
            NOW  –  it  is  out  of  funds!""  leaders are vowing to stick  cise.                  endless   spending     de-   up more to businesses that
            Trump wrote.                 closely  to  Trump's  request  Majority  Leader  Mitch  Mc-  mands."                   don't  have  established  re-
            House  and  Senate  Demo-    despite  Democrats'  ad-     Connell issued a joint state-  "Our nation is not the same  lationships  with  banks  that
            cratic  aides  expected  an-  ditional  demands.  Long-   ment  Wednesday  night  as it was a month ago," Mc-       have  been  accepting  ap-
            other  round  of  talks  Thurs-  standing feuds and rivalries  with top House Republican  Carthy  said  in  a  call  with  plications  for  rescue  fund-
            day by phone with Treasury  hang over the talks, includ-  Kevin  McCarthy  of  Califor-  reporters on Thursday. "This  ing.
            officials about Democratic  ing a toxic relationship be-  nia urging quick funding for  isn't a time to play politics;  Pelosi  is  pressing  to  add
            demands  for  additional  tween House Speaker Nan-        the  payroll  protection  pro-  there's  plenty  of  time  to  money  to  be  distributed
            money  for  hospitals  and  cy Pelosi and Trump.          gram.  The  Senate  is  away  play politics."             by  community  develop-
            state  and  local  govern-   But  the  unprecedented  from  Washington  through  With  leaders  unable  to  ment  financial  institutions,
            ments.                       legislative   environment  May 4, though it convenes  readily  summon  lawmak-         which  are  small,  nontradi-
            The  outlook  for  the  legisla-  gives  Democrats  consider-  twice  each  week  for  pro  ers  to  Washington,  the  tional lenders that focus on
            tion  is  unclear,  and  nego-  able influence, even if their  forma  sessions  that  could  usual  power  dynamics  are  making  loans  in  underde-
            tiators are unlikely to meet  funding  requests  for  hos-  be used to pass more coro-  scrambled,  especially  in  veloped  and  underserved
            a  potential  deadline  of  a  pitals  and  state  and  local  navirus aid — though only if  the  House.  There,  Minor-  neighborhoods,   typically
            vote during Thursday after-  governments may have to  no senator objects.              ity  Leader  McCarthy,  for  communities with larger mi-
            noon's  pro  forma  session.  be scaled back significant-  Republicans  amped  up  example,  can  stymie  leg-      nority populations. q

            Oil and gas giant Shell targets 'net zero' emissions by 2050

            BERLIN (AP) — Energy com-    a stricter 30% target for re-  BP  in  February.  The  group,  "They  hope  to  keep  their  greenwash  or  the  COV-
            pany Royal Dutch Shell told  ducing the net carbon foot-  which  includes  over  450  social  license  by  trying  to  ID-19 pandemic distract us
            investors  Thursday  that  it  print of its energy products  investors  managing  more  suck  carbon  from  the  air  from  the  real  and  urgent
            aims to stop adding green-   by 2030, from 20% currently,  than  $40  trillion  in  assets,  through  vast  tree  planta-  transformation  needed  to
            house  gases  to  the  atmo-  and  aim  for  a  cut  of  65%  said  Shell's  commitment  tions  and  storing  emissions  avoid  runaway  climate
            sphere  by  2050,  a  move  by 2050, from 50% at pres-    "is  of  significance  for  the  underground,"  said  Teresa  change," she added.
            that  was  welcomed  by  ent.  Emissions  of  carbon  broader energy sector."          Anderson,  climate  policy  Experts agree that in order
            some  climate  campaign-     dioxide and methane from  But some environmentalists  coordinator  at  ActionAid  to  keep  average  global
            ers even as others called it  the extraction, refining and  dismissed Shell's announce-  International. "The fact that  temperatures  from  rising
            "corporate greenwash."       burning  of  fossil  fuels  are  ment  as  a  public  relations  the technology they are re-  by  more  than  1.5  degrees
            The British-Dutch oil and gas  one  of  the  main  drivers  of  stunt,  noting  that  the  no-  lying on does not yet work  Celsius   (2.7   Fahrenheit)
            giant  said  in  a  statement  man-made  global  warm-    tion of "net zero" would al-  at scale, and that massive  by  the  end  of  the  century
            that  it  wants  to  achieve  ing. A group of institutional  low the company to keep  land grabs would be need-     compared  with  pre-indus-
            "net  zero"  emissions  from  investors known as Climate  pumping  out  greenhouse  ed to fulfill their tree plant-  trial times, the world needs
            production by mid-century  Action 100+ welcomed the  gases  by  claiming  to  off-     ing  ambitions,  should  raise  to  largely  end  man-made
            "at the latest."             announcement,  which  fol-   set  them  with  measures  to  huge red flags."           greenhouse  gas  emissions
            Shell also said that it will set  lows a similar move by rival  capture emissions.     "We  mustn't  let  corporate  no later than 2050.q
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