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A26    U.S. NEWS
                       Friday 17 april 2020
            Trump unveils phased approach to reopening economy

            By ZEKE MILLER,              when  to  ease  up  will  rest  the  legislators  repeatedly  phy said at a news confer-  can   companies   raised
            ALAN SUDERMAN, and           with governors.              urged the president not to  ence  before  the  call  with  concerns  about  the  test-
            KEVIN FREKING                The recommendations also  sacrifice public health in an  the  White  House  that  he  ing issue, according to one
            Associated Press             will  make  clear  that  the  effort to reopen the econ-  planned  to  ask  the  presi-  participant  who  spoke  on
            WASHINGTON (AP) — New  return  to  normalcy  will  be  omy.                            dent  for  "direct  cash  as-  condition  of  anonymity  to
            White House guidelines out-                                                                                         describe the private discus-
            line  a  phased  approach                                                                                           sion.
            to  restoring  normal  com-                                                                                         Another  participant  said  it
            merce  and  services,  but                                                                                          was stressed to Trump that
            only  for  places  with  strong                                                                                     expansion  of  testing  and
            testing  and  seeing  a  de-                                                                                        contact  tracing  was  cru-
            crease in COVID-19 cases.                                                                                           cial, as well as guidelines for
            President  Donald  Trump                                                                                            best  practices  on  reopen-
            unveiled  his  administra-                                                                                          ing businesses in phases or
            tion's  plans  to  ease  social                                                                                     in one fell swoop.
            distancing requirements on                                                                                          The  participant  said  those
            a call Thursday with the na-                                                                                        on  the  call  noted  to  the
            tion's governors.                                                                                                   administration  that  there
            The  new  guidelines  are                                                                                           was about to be a rush on
            aimed at clearing the way                                                                                           personal  protective  equip-
            for an easing of restrictions                                                                                       ment. Many businesses that
            in  areas  with  low  trans-                                                                                        are now shuttered will need
            mission  of  the  coronavi-                                                                                         the  protective  equipment
            rus,  while  keeping  them  in                                                                                      to  keep  their  employees
            place in harder-hit places.                                                                                         and customers safe.
            Places  with  declining  in-                                                                                        Trump was told "the econ-
            fections  and  strong  test-                                                                                        omy will look very different
            ing  would  begin  a  three-                                                                                        and  operations  will  look
            phased gradual reopening                                                                                            very different," one partici-
            of  businesses  and  schools,                                                                                       pant said.
            which  each  phase  lasting   President  Donald  Trump  waves  during  an  event  celebrating  American  truckers,  at  the  White   South  Carolina  Sen.  Lind-
                                         House, Thursday, April 16, 2020, in Washington.
            at least 14 days, meant to                                                                        Associated Press.  sey Graham, a Republican
            ensure  that  the  virus  out-                                                                                      close  to  Trump,  said  the
            break  doesn't  accelerate  a  far  longer  process  than  "My  highest  priority  on  this  sistance,"  citing  the  state's  lack of widespread testing
            again.                       Trump  initially  envisioned,  task force will be to ensure  troubled  tax  revenues.  He  was  an  impediment  to  lift-
            Those    most   susceptible  with  federal  officials  warn-  the  federal  government's  also  said  he  would  press  ing  the  social  distancing
            to  the  respiratory  disease  ing  that  some  social  dis-  efforts to reopen our econ-  for  "robust  health  care  in-  guidelines.  "We  are  strug-
            would  be  advised  to  re-  tancing   measures    may  omy  are  bipartisan,  data-   frastructure" and mass test-  gling with testing at a large
            main sheltered in place un-  need  to  remain  in  place  driven,  and  based  on  the  ing  with  quick  turnaround  scale,"  he  told  ABC's  "The
            til the final phase.         through the end of the year  expertise  of  public  health  times before reopening the  View."  "You really  can't go
            President  Donald  Trump  to prevent a new outbreak.      professionals,"  said  Demo-  economy.                    back to work until we have
            prepared  to  unveil  nation-  Trump  briefed  the  nation's  cratic Sen. Mark Warner of  Trump  said  Wednesday  more tests."
            al  guidelines  Thursday  on  governors  on  the  plan  Virginia.                      that data indicates the U.S.  But some of Trump's conser-
            when and how the country  Thursday  afternoon,  say-      Business leaders, too, raised  is "past the peak" of the CO-  vative allies, like economist
            starts  to  recover  from  the  ing they were going to be  concerns  to  the  president  VID-19  epidemic.  He  said  Stephen  Moore,  have  en-
            sharp  economic  pain  of  responsible  for  deciding  in a round of calls Wednes-     the  numbers  have  "put  us  couraged him to act swift-
            the  coronavirus  pandemic  when it is safe to lift restric-  day,  warning  that  a  dra-  in a very strong position to  ly, warning of "a mini Great
            as  a  bipartisan  panel  of  tions in their states.      matic  increase  in  testing  finalize guidelines for states  Depression  if  we  keep  the
            lawmakers  urged  him  to  "You're  going  to  call  your  and  wider  availability  of  on reopening the country."  economy shut down."
            heed the advice of public  own shots," Trump told gov-    protective  equipment  will  Dr. Deborah Birx, the White  "That is a catastrophic out-
            health experts.              ernors,  according  to  an  be  necessary  before  they  House     coronavirus   task  come for our country. Peri-
            The  new  guidelines  are  audio  recording  obtained  can  safely  revive  opera-     force  coordinator,  added  od," Moore said he advised
            aimed at clearing the way  by  The  Associated  Press.  tions.                         that  data  from  across  the  the  president.  "We  can't
            for an easing of restrictions  "We're  going  to  be  stand-  The  federal  government  country showed the nation  have  30  million  people  in
            in  areas  with  low  trans-  ing alongside of you."      envisions  a  gradual  recov-  "improving," but that Ameri-  this country unemployed or
            mission  of  the  coronavi-  Seven  governors  in  the  ery from the virus, in which  cans  had  to  recommit  to  you're going to have social
            rus,  while  keeping  them  in  Midwest announced Thurs-  disruptive  mitigation  mea-  social  distancing  to  keep  chaos."
            place  in  harder-hit  places.  day they will coordinate on  sures  may  be  needed  in  up the positive momentum.  The  panel,  which  Trump
            Ultimately,  decisions  on  reopening  the  economy,  some  places  at  least  until  She  said  nine  states  have  dubbed  the  new  Great
                                         after similar pacts were an-  a  vaccine  is  available  —  fewer than 1,000 cases and  American  Economic  Re-
                                         nounced  earlier  this  week  a  milestone  unlikely  to  be  just a few dozen new cas-  vival  Industry  Groups,  also
                                         in the West and Northeast.   reached  until  sometime  es per day. She said those  could  help  give  him  a
                                         Trump  held  conference  next year.                       would  likely  be  the  first  to  measure  of  cover.  If  cas-
                                         calls  earlier  Thursday  with  "It's  not  going  to  immedi-  see  a  lifting  in  social  dis-  es  surge  once  restrictions
                                         lawmakers he named to a  ately  be  a  situation  where  tancing  restrictions  at  the  are lifted, as many experts
                                         new congressional advisory  we  have  stadiums  full  of  direction of their governors  have warned, Trump will be
                                         task  force.  The  economic  people,"  said  Housing  and  under the guidelines set to  able  to  tell  the  public  he
                                         costs were clear in new fed-  Urban  Development  Sec-    be released Thursday.        didn't  act  alone  and  the
                                         eral  data  showing  that  at  retary Ben Carson on Thurs-  But   participants   in   a  nation's  top  minds  —  from
                                         least  22  million  Americans  day. "We're Americans. We  Wednesday call with Trump  manufacturing  to  defense
                                         have  been  thrown  out  of  will adapt," he added.       that included executives of  to  technology  —  helped
                                         work in the last month. But  New  Jersey  Gov.  Phil  Mur-  dozens  of  leading  Ameri-  shape the plan.q
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