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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 17 april 2020
            Small business lending program on hold after reaching limit

            Continued from Front         process to focus our efforts  that has passed under con-  stacles. The number of ap-   The  loans,  based  on  a
                                         on funding the first wave of  ditions  requiring  such  una-  proved  loans  is  more  than  company’s  payroll  costs,
            He last heard from his bank  SBA-approved     applicati-  nimous consent — a wholly  30 times what the SBA pro-     offer  owners  forgiveness  if
            on Saturday. Corey, owner  ons.”                          unprecedented     situation  cesses in a year. The crush  they  retain  workers  or  re-
            of  Porchlight,  an  Atlanta-  The  fight  in  Congress  over  that has scrambled the po-  of   applications   caused  hire those who have been
            based    advertising   and  the extension is along party  wer  dynamics  inside  the  technological     problems  laid  off.  While  they  wait,
            marketing  firm,  has  been  lines.  Republicans  are  am-  Capitol.                   at the SBA and a backlog  owners who are shut down
            cutting expenses and work  ping  up  the  political  pres-  Democrats   like   House  at  banks.  However,  many  or who’ve lost revenue are
            for  freelancers  so  he  can  sure  in  hopes  of  getting  a  Speaker  Nancy  Pelosi  of  owners also faced bank re-  uneasy  about  the  impact
            keep paying his staff of 10.  relatively   narrowly-drawn  California  are  also  seeking  quirements  that  excluded  the virus outbreak will have
            Meanwhile,  thousands  of  infusion  of  $250  billion  in  to  add  provisions  that  even  long-time  customers  on their companies.
            other businesses are still ap-  funding  into  the  program,  among  other  things  would  and  many  of  those  who  “Without knowing how long
            plying, hoping to get loans  but  top  Democrats  are  help minority businesses.       could  apply  received  little  this  downturn  will  last,  the
            when the program is exten-   seeking to add funding for  With  the  stalemate,  the  or no information about the  loan  would  have  helped
            ded.                         hospitals and state and lo-  business   payroll   subsidy  status of their applications.   us ease the burden for the
            While  they  wait,  some  cal governments.                program  likely  won’t  get  “I  am  annoyed  at  how  long  term,”  said  Jordan
            banks  continue  to  accept  Action  on  Capitol  Hill  is  funding  until  next  week  at  poorly  executed  this  pro-  Gurrieri, co-founder of Blue
            and  process  applications  complicated  by  the  shut-   the earliest.                cess has been,” said Ashley  Label  Labs,  an  app  deve-
            that  will  be  forwarded  to  tering  of  the  Capitol  other  Although  the  halt  to  the  Hunter,  managing  director  loper  based  in  New  York.
            the  SBA.  Others  were  put-  than for pro forma sessions  program  is  expected  to  of HM Risk Group, an insu-   His  company  applied  to  a
            ting  their  application  pro-  that  require  unanimous  be temporary, it is another  rance underwriter based in  large  bank  on  April  6;  he
            cesses on hold. Truist Bank’s  agreement in order for any  frustration  for  owners  who-  Austin,  Texas.  She  said  her  plans  to  apply  to  a  smal-
            website told visitors, ‘’we’re  legislation to advance. The  se  loan  money  has  been  bank  has  not  contacted  ler one when the program
            suspending the application  sums  are  unlike  anything  delayed by a series of ob-    her about her application.   reopens. q

              Backup of bodies overwhelms nursing home amid outbreak

              By DAVID PORTER                                                                                                  time," he said. "That's what
              Associated Press                                                                                                 I've  been  hearing  from
              An  extraordinary  number                                                                                        families. That's outrageous,
              of     coronavirus-related                                                                                       it's  completely  unaccept-
              deaths  appears  to  have                                                                                        able that they have to call
              overwhelmed  a  nursing                                                                                          me for updates."
              home in northern New Jer-                                                                                        Gov.  Phil  Murphy  said  at
              sey where police found 18                                                                                        a  news  briefing  Thursday
              bodies  in  what  the  gov-                                                                                      that  "several  individuals"
              ernor  called  a  "makeshift                                                                                     had  died  at  the  Andover
              morgue" on two consecu-                                                                                          nursing home and that he
              tive days earlier this week.                                                                                     has asked the state attor-
              Police got an anonymous                                                                                          ney  general  to  look  into
              tip  Monday  that  a  body                                                                                       what happened there, as
              was  being  stored  outside                                                                                      well  as  at  any  other  nurs-
              the home, Andover Town-                                                                                          ing homes that have had
              ship Police Chief Eric Dan-                                                                                      many deaths.
              ielson said Thursday.                                                                                            The  Democratic  governor
              When  police  arrived,  he                                                                                       said  he  was  "outraged
              said,  the  body  wasn't                                                                                         that  bodies  of  the  dead
              where the tipster had said                                                                                       were allowed to pile up in
              it was — but they found 13                                                                                       a makeshift morgue at the
              bodies  inside.  They  were   Andover Township Police Department Chief Eric Danielson briefs the media at Andover Subacute   facility.
              removed  Monday  night      and Rehabilitation Center in Andover Township, N.J., on Thursday April 16, 2020.     New Jerseyans living in our
              and taken to a hospital in                                                                     Associated Press.  long-term  care  facilities
              a refrigerated truck.       ficial.  At  least  26  of  those  deceased  than  normal  in  and  staff  members  have  deserve  to  be  cared  for
              The New Jersey Herald first  deaths  were  confirmed  the  facility  holding  room,"  tested  positive  for  the  with  respect,  compassion
              reported the finding of the  by  laboratory  tests  to  be  nursing  home  co-owner  coronavirus  that  causes  and dignity."
              bodies,  which  followed  related  to  COVID-19,  the  Chaim Scheinbaum wrote.       COVID-19,  the  Times  re-  The    coronavirus    has
              the discovery of five bod-  newspaper said.              The  area  used  to  house  ported.                     spread  quickly  through
              ies  at  the  home  Sunday  Staffing  was  adequate,  deceased  residents  until  U.S. Rep. Josh Gottheimer,  nursing homes around the
              after complaints from staff  but   an    extraordinary  they can be picked up by  a Democrat whose district  country,  leading  to  pres-
              and  family  members  to  number  of  deaths  over  a funeral home has a nor-        covers Andover Township,  sure  on  federal  health  of-
              law enforcement.            the  weekend  had  over-     mal capacity of four, "with  said  he  was  notified  over  ficials  to  publicly  track
              The  remains  found  at  whelmed  the  facility's  re-   a maximum of 12," Schein-   the  weekend  that  the  fa-  COVID-19  infections  and
              the  facility  are  among  sources,  a  co-owner  of  baum wrote.                    cility  was  "desperate  for  deaths.  In  New  Jersey,
              68  deaths  linked  to  the  the home said in an email  Police released a photo of  body  bags."  He  said  he  471  residents  of  long-term
              home,  including  residents  Thursday.                   a box truck parked outside  had  received  calls  and  care  facilities  had  died
              and  two  nurses,  The  New  "The  back  up  and  after  the home that was being  emails  from  concerned  through  Wednesday,  and
              York  Times  reported,  cit-  hours holiday weekend is-  used  to  store  the  bodies  relatives.                358 of the state's 375 facili-
              ing  Danielson,  other  offi-  sues, plus more than aver-  after  a  hazmat  team  re-  "One  of  my  concerns  is  ties have reported positive
              cials  and  county  records  age  deaths,  contributed  moved them.                  that  these  facilities  are  cases,  according  to  state
              shared  with  a  federal  of-  to  the  presence  of  more  More  than  100  residents  not communicating in real  health officials. q
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