Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba-20200417
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WORLD NEWS Friday 17 april 2020
Africa to roll out more than 1 million coronavirus tests
By CARA ANNA made to deliver some re-
Associated Press cently donated by the Jack
JOHANNESBURG (AP) — Ma Foundation. Nkengas-
More than 1 million corona- ong did not name the 10
virus tests will be rolled out countries.
starting next week in Africa More than 400 ventilators
to address the "big gap" in arrived on the continent
assessing the true number this week as part of the lat-
of cases on the continent, est major delivery of essen-
the head of the African tial supplies to all of Africa's
Centers for Disease Control 54 countries, the WHO said.
and Prevention said Thurs- Nkengasong again called
day, while one projection for solidarity inside and out-
estimates more than 10 side Africa in combating
million severe cases of the the virus, saying that "CO-
virus in the next six months. VID-19 will not be defeated
"Maybe 15 million tests" will anywhere on the continent
be required in Africa over until it is defeated every-
the next three months, where on the continent."
John Nkengasong said. For most people, the coro-
The new initiative to dra- South African National Defence Forces, patrol the street of a densely populated Alexandra navirus causes mild to
matically accelerate test- township in Johannesburg, South Africa, Thursday, April 16, 2020. moderate symptoms such
ing comes as the continent Associated Press. as fever and cough. But
of 1.3 billion people braces testing, has carried out The Africa CDC chief ex- beyond the coronavirus for some, especially older
for its turn in the pandemic 90,000 tests so far, accord- pressed concern for the including malaria and HIV adults and those with oth-
that has rolled from China ing to its health ministry. It's U.S. decision to cut funding and "we are very much er health problems, it can
to Europe and the U.S. and not immediately clear how for the WHO, saying it "ab- hoping it will be rethought." cause pneumonia and
now beyond. Experts have many people have been solutely will affect (African Overall, the WHO's death.
said Africa is weeks behind tested across Africa. Union) member states' abil- 47-country sub-Saharan Af- Millions of low-income
Europe and the U.S. but One projection over the ity to receive support" from rica region will need about people across Africa are
the rise in cases has looked next six months shows more the U.N. agency. The U.S. is $300 million over the next struggling as countries be-
alarmingly similar. than 10 million severe cas- the top donor to the WHO, six months to support what gin to extend weeks-long
Africa has suffered in the es of the virus, Michel Yao, but President Donald Trump the countries are doing to lockdowns to slow the virus'
global race to obtain test- the World Health Organiza- has complained about al- combat the virus, she said. spread. Nkengasong ac-
ing kits and other badly tion's emergency opera- leged mismanagement, to Any reduction in support knowledged the economic
needed medical equip- tions manager in Africa, widespread objections. for African nations will be pain the lockdowns and
ment. While the number of told a separate briefing. The WHO's regional chief painful as the continent has other measures create but
virus cases across the conti- "But these are still to be fine- for Africa, Matshidiso Moe- some of the world's weak- said "the long-term gains
nent was above 17,000 on tuned," he said, and pub- ti, said that for the current est health systems. are incomparable" for the
Thursday, health officials lic health measures could biennium, or two years, the Ten African nations have continent.
have said the testing short- have an impact. The West region has received almost no ventilators at all to treat "We find ourselves between
age means more are out Africa Ebola outbreak in $50 million from the U.S. virus patients who need a hard place and a rock"
there. 2014-16 never reached the Of the U.S. decision, she respiratory support, the Af- in balancing the health
South Africa, the most as- "alarming numbers" pro- said the impact will be sig- rica CDC chief said, but and economic needs, he
sertive African nation in jected, he said. nificant in fighting diseases arrangements are being said.q
Puerto Rico cancels contracts amid federal coronavirus probe
By DÁNICA COTO testing kits amid an urgent "It's unacceptable that he construction company, actions that raise doubts,"
Associated Press need for widespread test- tried to take advantage of had said it would source she said. While Vázquez
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) ing. Vázquez's turnaround the government's crisis," the the kits from Promedical, a spoke, a Puerto Rico's
— Puerto Rico's governor comes a week after she governor said. manufacturing company House of Representatives
announced Thursday that held a press conference Maldonado could not be in Australia. Promedical is- committee held a hearing
she has ordered the can- defending the purchase immediately reached for sued a statement to The As- to hear testimony from Adil
cellation of all contracts order that has since been comment. sociated Press saying it had Rosa, former auxiliary sec-
awarded to people and canceled, with the govern- Vázquez reiterated that not been in conversation retary of the island's Health
companies whose names ment recuperating its $19 said she was not aware or entered into a contract Department. It's still unclear
have been publicized as million deposit. of the intended purchase with Apex, adding that it who approved the pur-
part of a local and federal Among the contracts when asked how it was sells rapid test kits to ap- chase of $38 million worth
investigation into an at- Vázquez ordered canceled possible her office did not proved distributors for less of testing kits that was can-
tempted purchase of $38 are those awarded to Juan know about a contract of than half the value identi- celed.
million worth of COVID-19 Maldonado de Jesús, for- that size. "I cannot go into fied by Apex. Health Secretary Lorenzo
testing kits. Gov. Wanda mer director of Puerto the details of each (con- Vázquez also announced González has said that fed-
Vázquez spoke at the Rico's Maritime Transporta- tract)," she said. "I have to that a federal official not eral agencies including the
same time a former offi- tion Authority and attorney trust in the heads of gov- yet identified would work FBI also are investigating
cial with the island's Health of Apex General Construc- ernment agencies." with Puerto Rico's health the canceled purchase.
Department declined an tors, which had pledged to The contract with Apex secretary for free to ensure Puerto Rico has reported at
offer of immunity as she deliver one million testing General Constructors was that the local government's least 56 deaths and more
testified before a legisla- kits from a company in Aus- first reported by local news- response to the coronavirus than 1,000 confirmed cas-
tive committee investigat- tralia before the contract paper El Nuevo Día. crisis remains transparent. es, with more than 1,460
ing the attempt to buy the was canceled. Apex, a small Puerto Rico "We're not going to allow pending test results.q