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                       Friday 17 april 2020
            Brian Dennehy, Tony-winning stage, screen actor, dies at 81

            By MARK KENNEDY                                                                                                     Among his 40-odd films, he
            AP Entertainment Writer                                                                                             played a sheriff who jailed
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Brian                                                                                           Rambo  in  "First  Blood,"  a
            Dennehy,  the  burly  ac-                                                                                           serial  killer  in  "To  Catch  a
            tor  who  started  in  films  as                                                                                    Killer,"  and  a  corrupt  sher-
            a macho heavy and later                                                                                             iff  gunned  down  by  Kevin
            in  his  career  won  plaudits                                                                                      Kline in "Silverado." He also
            for  his  stage  work  in  plays                                                                                    had some benign roles: the
            by  William  Shakespeare,                                                                                           bartender  who  consoles
            Anton  Chekhov,  Eugene                                                                                             Dudley  Moore  in  "10"  and
            O'Neill  and  Arthur  Miller,                                                                                       the levelheaded leader of
            has died. He was 81.                                                                                                aliens  in  "Cocoon"  and  its
            Dennehy died Wednesday                                                                                              sequel.
            night  of  natural  causes  in                                                                                      Eventually  Dennehy  wea-
            New  Haven,  Connecticut,                                                                                           ried of the studio life. "Mov-
            according to Kate Cafaro                                                                                            ies used to be fun," he ob-
            of ICM Partners, the actor's                                                                                        served in an interview. "They
            representatives.                                                                                                    took care of you, first-class.
            Known for his broad frame,                                                                                          Those days are gone."
                                                                                                                                Dennehy  had  a  long  con-
                                                                                                                                nection   with   Chicago's
                                                                                                                                Goodman  Theater,  which
                                                                                                                                had a reputation for heavy
                                                                                                                                He appeared in Bertolt Bre-
                                         In this June 6, 1999 file photo, actor Brian Dennehy, left, applauds playwright, Arthur Miller, before   cht's  "Galileo"  in  1986  and
                                         awarding him the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Tony Awards in New York.            later  Chekhov's  "Cherry
                                                                                                              Associated Press.  Orchard" at far lower sala-
                                         booming voice and ability  Hall of Fame in 2010.          ean said Dennehy was "bril-  ries than he earned in Hol-
                                         to play good guys and bad  Tributes  came  from  Hol-     liant  and  versatile,  a  pow-  lywood. In 1990 he played
                                         guys  with  equal  aplomb,  lywood  and  Broadway,  erhouse  actor  and  a  very  the role of Hickey in Eugene
                                         Dennehy  won  two  Tony  including  from  Lin-Manuel  nice  man  as  well."  Dana  O'Neill's  "The  Iceman  Co-
                                         Awards,  a  Golden  Globe  Miranda, who said he saw  Delany, who appeared in a  meth," a play he reprised at
                                         and was nominated for six  Dennehy  twice  onstage  movie  with  Dennehy,  said:  the Goodman with Nathan
                                         Emmys.  He  was  inducted  and called the actor "a co-    "They  don't  make  his  kind  Lane in 2012 and in Brook-
                                         into  the  American  Theater  lossus." Actor Michael McK-  anymore."                   lyn in 2013.q

                                         Rachael Ray tapes show from home,

                                         makes $4M virus donation

                                         By KELLI KENNEDY             sociated  Press  in  a  phone   get  meals  based  around
                                         Associated Press             interview.  "We  have  never   pantry  staples  like  chick-
                                         Rachael Ray had big plans  worked this hard in our en-    peas  and  pasta,  offering
                                         for the quarantine break at  tire  lives,"  said  Ray,  who  is   a  refreshing  peek  into  her
                                         her  home  in  upstate  New  taping  "#STAYHOME  With     kitchen  —  she  misplaces
                                         York. She envisioned "a Re-  Rachael" two days a week     the  garlic  sometimes  —
                                         naissance time," rereading  from her home.                and a comforting smile.
                                         the  classics,  resuming  her  Her husband, John Cusima-  "This is a weird time. I can't
                                         Danish  lessons  and  study-  no, is now the cameraman,   say there's a silver lining ...
                                         ing Italian.                 producer,  cocktail  maker   but  there  are  found  mo-
                                         "I  was  going  to  get  more  and  musical  guest.  Their   ments every day," she said
                                         serious about my painting.  beloved pit bull Isaboo ac-   at  the  start  of  the  first  at
                                         I had all these lofty goals ...  counts for the entire studio   home show.
                                         and none of that's happen-   audience, she jokes.         She  recently  announced
                                         ing,"  the  popular  daytime  She  wears  sweats  and  no   her  organizations  will  do-  In  this  undated  photo  made
                                                                                                                                available by the Rachael Ray
                                         talk show host told The As-  makeup, cooking low-bud-     nate  $4  million  to  several   Show,  Rachael  Ray  cooks  in
                                                                                                   charities  including  food   her  home  kitchen  in  upstate
                                                                                                   banks  and  relief  funds  for   New York.
                                                                                                   laid  off  restaurant  workers,         Associated Press.
                                                                                                   saying she wanted to "help  the  more  you  owe  in  ser-
                                                                                                   people  more  than  just,  vice  and  the  more  you
                                                                                                   'hey, here's three things you  owe  to  your  community,"
                                                                                                   can do with canned tuna'."   said  a  passionate  Ray.  "It
                                                                                                   Half  the  money  will  go  to  is  our  absolute  responsibil-
                                                                                                   animal  rescue.  The  animal  ity  to  take  care  of  each
                                                                                                   lover says "a lot of the shel-  other."
                                                                                                   ters  can't  afford  to  keep  That's the answer she gives
                                                                                                   going,  there's  no  workers.  when asked why she's do-
                                                                                                   Animals are in crisis too."  nating so much — and also
                                                                                                   "The more you earn in life,  she's afraid of her mother.q
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