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                    Friday 27 January 2023
            U.S. infiltrates big ransomware gang: ‘We hacked the hackers’

            Continued from Front                                                                                                attacks to us, we can help
                                                                                                                                them and others, too.”
            “Cybercrime is a constant-                                                                                          Victims  sometimes  quietly
            ly  evolving  threat,  but  as  I                                                                                   pay  ransoms  without  no-
            have  said  before,  the  Jus-                                                                                      tifying  authorities  —  even
            tice  Department  will  spare                                                                                       if  they’ve  quickly  restored
            no resource to bring to jus-                                                                                        networks  —  because  the
            tice anyone anywhere that                                                                                           data  stolen  from  them
            targets  the  United  States                                                                                        could  be  extremely  dam-
            with  a  ransomware  at-                                                                                            aging to them if leaked on-
            tack,” Garland said.                                                                                                line. Identity theft is among
            He  said  the  infiltration,  led                                                                                   the risks.
            by  the  FBI’s  Tampa  office,                                                                                      John Hultquist, the head of
            allowed  agents  in  one  in-                                                                                       threat  intelligence  at  the
            stance to disrupt a Hive at-                                                                                        cybersecurity  firm  Mandi-
            tack against a Texas school                                                                                         ant,  said  the  Hive  disrup-
            district,  stopping  it  from                                                                                       tion  won’t  cause  a  major
            making  a  $5  million  pay-                                                                                        drop in overall ransomware
            ment.                                                                                                               activity  but  is  nonetheless
            It’s a big win for the Justice                                                                                      “a  blow  to  a  dangerous
            Department.  Ransomware                                                                                             group.”
            is  the  world’s  biggest  cy-                                                                                      “Unfortunately, the criminal
            bercrime  headache  with     Attorney General Merrick Garland flanked by Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, left, and   marketplace at the heart of
                                         Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray speaks during a news conference
            everything  from  Britain’s   to announce an international ransomware enforcement action, at the Department of Justice in   the  ransomware  problem
            postal service and Ireland’s   Washington, Thursday, Jan. 26, 2023.                                                 ensures  a  Hive  competitor
            national health network to                                                                         Associated Press   will be standing by to offer
            Costa  Rica’s  government                                                                                           a similar service in their ab-
            crippled  by  Russian-speak-  patients  at  the  height  of  companies  in  more  than  wide  range  of  businesses  sence,  but  they  may  think
            ing  syndicates  that  enjoy  the COVID-19 epidemic.      80  countries,  including  oil  and  critical  infrastructure,  twice before allowing their
            Kremlin protection.          The  online  takedown  no-   multinationals,  have  been  including     government,  ransomware to be used to
            The  criminals  lock  up,  or  tice,  alternating  in  Eng-  compromised by Hive and  manufacturing  and  espe-     target  hospitals,”  Hultquist
            encrypt,  victims’  networks,  lish  and  Russian,  mentions  that law enforcement from  cially health care.        said.
            steal sensitive data and de-  Europol  and  German  law  13  countries  was  in  on  the  Though the FBI offered de-  But  analyst  Brett  Callow
            mand large sums. Their ex-   enforcement  partners.  The  infiltration.                cryption keys to some 1,300  with  the  cybersecurity  firm
            tortion has evolve to where  German news agency dpa  A  U.S.  government  ad-          victims  globally,  Wray  said  Emsisoft said the operation
            data is pilfered before ran-  quoted prosecutors in Stutt-  visory  last  year  said  Hive  only  about  20%  reported  is  apt  to  lessen  ransom-
            somware is activated, then  gart  as  saying  cyber  spe-  ransomware  actors  victim-  potential  issues  to  law  en-  ware crooks’ confidence in
            effectively  held  hostage.  cialists  in  the  southwestern  ized over 1,300 companies  forcement.                 what has been a very high
            Pay  up  in  cryptocurrency  town of Esslingen were de-   worldwide  from  June  2021  “Here, fortunately, we were  reward-low  risk  business.
            or it is released publicly.  cisive in penetrating Hive’s  through  November  2022,  still  able  to  identify  and  “The  information  collected
            As  an  example  of  a  Hive  criminal IT infrastructure af-  netting  about  $100  million  help  many  victims  who  may point to affiliates, laun-
            sting,  Garland  said  it  kept  ter  a  local  company  was  in  payments.  Criminals  us-  didn’t report. But that is not  derers and others involved
            one Midwestern hospital in  victimized.                   ing  Hive’s  ransomware-as-  always  the  case,”  Wray  in  the  ransomware  supply
            2021  from  accepting  new  In a statement, Europol said  a-service  tools  targeted  a  said.  “When  victims  report  chain.”q

            U.S. military kills senior Islamic State official in Somalia

                                                                      special  operations  forces  statement.                   with  al-Shabab,  another
                                                                      have killed a senior Islamic  President  Joe  Biden  was  terrorist organization, oper-
                                                                      State group official and 10  briefed  last  week  about  ating in Somalia.
                                                                      other terrorist operatives in  the   proposed   mission,  No civilians were injured or
                                                                      remote  northern  Somalia,  which  came  together  af-    killed in the operation, Pen-
                                                                      the  Biden  administration  ter  months  of  planning.  tagon  officials  said.  One
                                                                      announced Thursday.          He  gave  final  approval  to  American  involved  in  the
                                                                      The  operation  carried  out  carry out the operation this  operation  was  bitten  by  a
                                                                      on  Wednesday  targeted  week, according to two of-       military  dog,  but  was  not
                                                                      Bilal al-Sudani, a key finan-  ficials  who  briefed  report-  seriously  injured,  accord-
                                                                      cial facilitator for the global  ers on the operation on the  ing to an administration of-
                                                                      terrorist  organization,  in  a  condition of anonymity.  ficial.
                                                                      mountainous  cave  com-      Sudani,  who  has  been  on  U.S. officials provided scant
                                                                      plex.                        the  radar  for  U.S.  intelli-  details  about  how  the  op-
                                                                      “This action leaves the Unit-  gence  officials  for  years,  eration  was  carried  out
                                                                      ed  States  and  its  partners  played  a  key  role  in  help-  or  the  circumstances  sur-
                                                                      safer  and  more  secure,  ing to fund IS operations in  rounding  al-Sudani’s  kill-
            Secretary  of  Defense  Lloyd  Austin  speaks  during  a  meeting   and it reflects our steadfast  Africa  as  well  as  the  ISIS-K  ing.  One  official  said  that
            with  Albanian  Defense  Minister  Niko  Peleshi  at  the  Pentagon,   commitment  to  protecting  terrorist  branch  operating  U.S. forces had intended to
            Thursday, Jan. 26, 2023, in Washington.                   Americans  from  the  threat  in Afghanistan, Austin said.  capture al-Sudani but that
                                                     Associated Press   of  terrorism  at  home  and  He had originally been des-  did  not  prove  to  be  “fea-
            By  AAMER  MADHANI  and  Associated Press                 abroad,”  Defense  Secre-    ignated  the  Treasury  De-  sible” as the operation was
            COLLEEN LONG                 WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  U.S.  tary  Lloyd  Austin  said  in  a  partment in 2012 for his role  carried out.q
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