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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 27 January 2023
            Past U.S. presidents, VPs asked to recheck for classified docs

            By  COLLEEN  LONG  and                                                                                              rick  Garland  appointed  a
            ZEKE MILLER                                                                                                         special  counsel  to  investi-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    gate  Trump’s  handling  of
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            the  documents,  and  also
            National    Archives   has                                                                                          Biden’s.
            asked  former  U.S.  presi-                                                                                         It turns out that officials from
            dents  and  vice  presidents                                                                                        all  levels  of  government
            to  recheck  their  personal                                                                                        discover they are in posses-
            records  for  any  classified                                                                                       sion  of  classified  material
            documents  following  the                                                                                           and turn it over to authori-
            news  that  President  Joe                                                                                          ties  at  least  several  times
            Biden  and  former  Vice                                                                                            a  year,  according  to  an-
            President  Mike  Pence  had                                                                                         other  person  familiar  with
            such  documents  in  their                                                                                          the  matter  who  spoke  on
            possession, two people fa-                                                                                          the condition of anonymity
            miliar  with  the  matter  said                                                                                     due to the sensitive nature
            Thursday.                                                                                                           of classified documents.
            The  Archives  sent  a  letter                                                                                      Current and former officials
            Thursday to representatives                                                                                         involved in the handling of
            of  former  presidents  and                                                                                         classified  information  say
            vice  presidents  extending                                                                                         that  while  there  are  clear
            back to Ronald Reagan to                                                                                            policies for how such infor-
            ensure compliance with the                                                                                          mation should be reviewed
            Presidential  Records  Act,   The north face of the Archives of the United States is seen in this general view March 11, 2019, in   and  stored,  those  policies
            according to the two peo-    Washington.                                                           Associated Press  are   sometimes   pushed
            ple,  who  spoke  on  condi-                                                                                        aside at the highest levels.
            tion of anonymity because                                                                                           Teams  of  national  secu-
            they were not authorized to  Quayle, they said.           uses  in  November.  Since  Handling of classified docu-  rity officials, secretaries and
            speak about investigations.  The letter was first reported  then, subsequent searches  ments has been a problem  military aides who share re-
            The act states that any re-  by CNN.                      by the FBI and Biden’s law-  off  and  on  for  decades,  sponsibility for keeping top-
            cords  created  or  received  Spokespeople  for  former  yers  have  turned  up  more  from presidents to Cabinet  level  executives  informed
            by  the  president  are  the  presidents  Trump,  Obama,  documents.  Former  Vice  members  and  staff  across  —  and  the  executives
            property of the U.S. govern-  George  W.  Bush  and  Clin-  President  Pence,  too,  this  multiple   administrations  themselves  —  may  bend
            ment and will be managed  ton  and  former  vice  presi-  week,  discovered  docu-     stretching  as  far  back  as  the  rules  for  convenience,
            by the archives at the end  dents Pence, Dick Cheney,  ments  and  turned  them  in  Jimmy Carter. But the issue  expediency  or  sometimes
            of the administration.       Al  Gore  and  Dan  Quayle  after  saying  previously  he  has taken on greater signifi-  simple carelessness.
            The Archives sent the letter  did  not  immediately  re-  did not believe he had any.  cance  since  former  Presi-  While much of the attention
            to representatives of former  spond to requests for com-  The White House did not im-  dent Donald Trump willfully  has been on classified infor-
            Presidents  Donald  Trump,  ment.                         mediately respond to a re-   retained  classified  mate-  mation, the Presidential Re-
            Barack  Obama,  George  Biden’s        lawyers    came  quest for comment but the  rial  at  his  Florida  estate,  cords Act actually requires
            W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George  across   classified   docu-  searches  by  Biden’s  attor-  prompting  the  unprece-  that, from the Reagan ad-
            H.W. Bush and Ronald Rea-    ments from his time as vice  neys and the FBI appear to  dented FBI seizure of thou-   ministration  onward,  all  re-
            gan, and former Vice Presi-  president in a locked cabi-  fulfill the Archives’ request.  sands  of  pages  of  records  cords  must  be  transferred
            dents  Pence,  Biden,  Dick  net  as  they  were  packing  The Archives had no com-    last year.                   to  the  Archives  regardless
            Cheney, Al Gore and Dan  up  an  office  he  no  longer  ment.                         Attorney   General    Mer-   of classification.q

            New U.S. race, ethnicity standards

            proposed; first since ‘97

            By MIKE SCHNEIDER            effort  to  collect  consistent  been  pushing  for  combin-
            Associated Press             race  and  ethnicity  data  ing  the  race  and  Hispanic
            A Middle Eastern and North  across  federal  agencies  origin questions, saying the
            African category could be  when  handling  censuses,  way  race  is  categorized
            added  to  U.S.  federal  sur-  federal  surveys  and  ap-  often confuses Hispanic re-
            veys  and  censuses,  and  plication  forms  for  govern-  spondents who are not sure
            changes  could  be  made  ment benefits.                  how to answer. Tests by the
            to  how  Hispanics  are  able  Questions   about   race  Census  Bureau  in  the 2010
            to  self-identify,  under  pre-  and  Hispanic  ethnicity  are  census  showed  that  com-
            liminary     recommenda-     asked separately using the  bining  the  questions  yield-
            tions  released  Thursday  by  1997 standards. They would  ed higher response rates.   Workers at ACCESS, the Arab Community Center for Economic
            the Biden administration in  be combined into a single  Using  the  1997  standards,   and Social Services, help with meals for the Arab community in
            what would be the first up-  question  under  the  initial  U.S.  residents  from  Middle   Dearborn, Mich., on May 1, 2020.
            date to race and ethnicity  proposals,    which    were  Eastern  and  North  African                                           Associated Press
            standards in a quarter cen-  made by a working group  countries      were    encour-   acronym.  The  Census  Bu-   Among the countries of ori-
            tury.  The  federal  govern-  of representatives from dif-  aged to identify as “white.”  reau  recommended  add-   gin that would get a check
            ment’s  standards  haven’t  ferent  federal  agencies  Under  the  new  proposal,  ing  a  MENA  category  to  for  the  MENA  category
            been changed since 1997,  convened by the Office of  there would be a separate  the  2020  census  form,  but  would  be  Lebanon,  Iran,
            two  decades  after  they  Management and Budget.         category  for  people  often  the  Trump  administration  Egypt, Syria, Morocco and
            were created as part of an  Some     advocates     have  referred to by the “MENA”  dropped the idea.               Israel, the notice said.q
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