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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diamars 13 Juli 2021

                Ex-Louisiana Gov. Edwin Edwards dies;                                              Biden to talk crime with city,

                                knew power and prison                                                 police leaders nationwide

                                                                     always considered himself a

                                                                     Raised  a  Roman  Catho-
                                                                     lic,  Edwards  preached  in
                                                                     the  Church  of  the  Naza-
                                                                     rene  as  a  teen  and  didn’t
                                                                     drink  or  smoke.  Despite
                                                                     his unabashed fondness for
                                                                     high-stakes gambling, dirty
                                                                     jokes and his reputation as
                                                                     a  womanizer,  he  earned  a
                                                                     following among Catholics
                                                                     and fundamentalists.

                                                                     He had four children dur-
               (AP) — Edwin Washing-      during his final term in the  ing  a  40-year  marriage  to
               ton  Edwards,  the  high-  1990s. Edwards maintained  his  high  school  sweet-
               living,     quick-witted  the case was built on secret-  heart,  the  former  Elaine
               four-term governor who  ly taped and misinterpreted  Schwartzenburg,     before
               reshaped     Louisiana’s  conversations  and  the  lies  they divorced in 1989. Five
               oil  revenues  and  domi-  of his former cronies, who  years  later,  at  66,  he  mar-
               nated  the  state’s  poli-  made deals to avoid jail.  ried  29-year-old  Candy     (AP) — President Joe Biden will host New York City’s
               tics  for  decades,  a  run                           Picou in a ceremony at the    Democratic mayoral candidate and other city and law
               all but overshadowed by  But  the  conviction  and  governor’s  mansion.  They      enforcement leaders from around the country to talk
               scandal  and  eight  years  the  numerous  investiga-  divorced  after  he  went  to   about reducing crime.
               in  federal  prison,  died  tions  and  allegations  were  prison, but he found a third
               Monday. He was 93.         an unavoidable stain on his  wife in Trina Grimes, then   Eric Adams, Brooklyn borough president and the likely next
                                          legacy.                    32,  a  pen-pal  who  visited   mayor of New York, plus Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel
               Edwards  died  of  respira-                           him behind bars.              Bowser  and  San  Jose,  California,  Mayor  Sam  Liccardo  are
               tory  problems  with  family  “He had eloquence, creativ-                           among those expected to attend the meeting Monday, accord-
               and friends by his bedside,  ity, a razor-sharp mind, ex-  “I would have walked into   ing to the White House. Biden will also host Memphis Police
               family   spokesman   Leo  ecutive  abilities  that  many  prison  a  happy  man  had  I   Chief C.J. Davis, Chief David Brown of Chicago, Lt. Antho-
               Honeycutt  said,  days  after  lacked, and leadership skills  known how it was going to   ny Lima of the Newark, New Jersey, police, and Chief Robert
               entering hospice care at his  that many envied. He could  end,”  he  said  at  his  lavish   Tracy of the Wilmington, Delaware, Police Department.
               home in Gonzales, near the  relate to crowds better than  90th birthday bash in 2017.
               Louisiana capital.         almost any politician I ever                             Shootings and killings are up around the nation, with local
                                          knew,”  Louisiana  State  They had a son, Eli, in 2013   politicians and police struggling to manage the violence that
               “I’ve made no bones that I  University journalism pro-  —  Edwards’  fifth  child   has ballooned since the coronavirus pandemic. But there is a
               have considered myself on  fessor Robert Mann said in  —  and  starred  in  a  short-  continued push for police reform, revived nationwide after
               borrowed time for 20 years  an email Monday. “He had  lived reality TV show, “The   the death of George Floyd, and Biden is trying to work on
               and we each know that all  everything, and yet squan-  Governor’s Wife.”            both simultaneously.
               this fun has to end at some  dered it by devoting much
               point,”  Edwards  said  days  of his time to enriching his  “He  was  so  optimistic  all   The  president  recently  announced  new  efforts  to  stem  the
               before  he  died,  according  friends.  I’ve  rarely  seen  a  the  time.  Nothing  both-  tide of violence, but the federal government is limited in what
               to his family’s statement.  wider  chasm  between  the  ered him except bothering   it can do to help localities reduce the spike. His plan focuses
                                          promise  for  greatness  and  other  people,”  Trina  Ed-  on providing funding to cities that need more police, offering
               The  “Cajun  King”  was  reality.”                    wards said.                   community support and cracking down on gun violence and
               known  for  delivering  a                                                           supplying illegal firearms.
               steady  supply  of  memora-  Silver-haired  and  gifted  According to the statement,
               ble one-liners as well as for  with  an  easy  charm,  Ed-  she  said  his  dying  words   But much of Biden’s effort is voluntary — centered on en-
               his  deft  political  instincts.  wards dominated Louisiana  were to his 7-year-old son:   couraging  cities  to  invest  some  of  their  COVID-19  relief
               Infamously,  the  lifelong  politics in the late 20th cen-  “Eli  told  him  every  night,   funds into policing and pushing alternative crime reduction
               Democrat  said  once  said  tury much as Huey P. Long  ‘I  love  you.’  And  he  told   steps such as increased community support and summer jobs
               that the only way he could  had  dominated  its  earlier  Eli, ‘I love you, too.’ Those   for teenagers — often both targets and perpetrators of vio-
               lose  to  a  particularly  lack-  years.  They  shared  a  pop-  were his last words.”  lence.
               luster Republican was if he  ulist  appeal  to  the  state’s
               were “caught in bed with a  downtrodden, and political  A  lawyer,  Edwards  began   Biden will be joined Monday by Attorney General Merrick
               dead girl or a live boy.”  fortunes that flowed in part  his  political  career  on  the   Garland and other anti-violence experts. The president is ex-
                                          from taxes on oil. But the  City  Council  in  the  town   pected to talk through the work federal law enforcement is
               A  native  of  Louisiana’s  dealmaking Edwards had a  of Crowley in 1954 before     doing to stop the flow of illegal guns, including new strike
               Acadiana region who swore  cooler demeanor.           moving on to the state Leg-   forces in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and
               his  1972  oath  of  office  in                       islature, then Congress. He   Washington  to help take down illegal gun  traffickers  and a
               French  and  English,  Ed-  Edwards was born on Aug.  won  the  governor’s  office   new “zero tolerance” policy for dealers who sell guns illegally.
               wards  enjoyed  renewed  7,  1927,  to  a  sharecropper  in  1972  with  help  from
               popularity  after  emerging  and a midwife in Avoyelles  organized  labor  and  Black   A federal effort is underway to expand and enhance commu-
               from prison in 2011 at age  Parish, in the region settled  voters  realizing  their  civil   nity violence interruption programs in 15 cities.
               83,  with  his  flamboyant  by  18th  century  French  rights-era strength.
               character intact.          exiles  from  Nova  Scotia                               Adams, a former New York Police Department captain, is the
                                          who  came  to  be  known  He appointed more African      prohibitive favorite in the general election against Curtis Sli-
               The federal case that led to  as  Cajuns.  According  to  Americans  to  policy-mak-  wa, the Republican founder of the Guardian Angels. Demo-
               his  May  2000  conviction  his  authorized  biography,  ing positions than any pre-  crats outnumber Republicans 7-to-1 in New York City.
               involved  him  taking  pay-  his  father’s  ancestors  were  vious  governor  and  spear-
               offs from interests seeking  Welsh; his mother’s conti-  headed  the  adoption  of  a   Adams won a crowded primary after appealing to the politi-
               riverboat  casino  licenses  nental French; but Edwards  new constitution.          cal center and promising to strike the right balance between
                                                                                                   fighting crime and ending racial injustice in policing.
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