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A32     sports
                       Diamars 13 Juli 2021

                              Police investigate racist abuse of three England players

                                                                                                                                take  accountability  and  ac-
                                                                                                                                tion to ban abusers from their
                                                                                                                                platforms”  to  ensure  that
                                                                                                                                their platforms are “free from
                                                                                                                                this type of abhorrent abuse.”

                                                                                                                                Facebook,  which  owns  Ins-
                                                                                                                                tagram, said Monday it tried
                                                                                                                                to  remove  harmful  content
                                                                                                                                as quickly as possible and en-
                                                                                                                                couraged  people  to  use  the
                                                                                                                                tools it offers to block abuse.

                                                                                                                                “We  quickly  removed  com-
                                                                                                                                ments and accounts directing
                                                                                                                                abuse at England’s footballers
                                                                                                                                last night and we’ll continue
                                                                                                                                to  take  action  against  those
                                                                                                                                that break our rules,” it said
                                                                                                                                in a statement.

                                                                                                                                Twitter  said  the  “abhorrent
                                                                                                                                racist  abuse”  has  no  place
                                                                                                                                on  its  platform,  adding  it
                                                                                                                                removed  more  than  1,000
                                                                                                                                tweets and permanently sus-
                                                                                                                                pended a number of accounts
            (AP)  —  British  police  light  in  bringing  people  to-  fully  protest  and  make  their  on authorities for the “tough-  for violating its rules.
            opened       investigations  gether,  in  people  being  able  feelings  known  about  in-  est punishments possible” for
            Monday  into  the  racist  to relate to the national team,  justices” and that he wanted  anyone  found  to  have  been  “We will continue to take ac-
            abuse of three Black play-   and the national team stands  them to cheer the team and  responsible for the abuse.   tion,”  Twitter  said,  “when
            ers  who  failed  to  score  for everybody and so that to-  “not boo.”                                              we identify any tweets or ac-
            penalties  in  England’s  getherness  has  to  continue,”  Keir  Starmer,  leader  of  the  “We will continue to do ev-  counts that violate our poli-
            shootout  loss  to  Italy  in  Southgate said Monday.     main   opposition   Labour  erything we can to stamp dis-  cies.”
            the European Champion-                                    Party,  accused  Johnson  of  a  crimination out of the game,
            ship final.                  The  abuse  was  widely  con-  failure  of  leadership  for  not  but  we  implore  government  The  British  government  is
                                         demned,  with  Prince  Wil-  calling out the booing of the  to  act  quickly  and  bring  in  planning  new  laws  to  en-
            The  Metropolitan  Police  liam,  the  president  of  the  England team.               the appropriate legislation so  shrine  a  new  legal  duty  of
            condemned  the  “unaccept-   English Football Association,                             this abuse has real life conse-  care  on  online  companies
            able” abuse of Marcus Rash-  saying he was “sickened” by  “The prime minister failed to  quences,” it said.         to  protect  users  from  harm,
            ford, Jadon Sancho and Bu-   the racism aimed at the Eng-  call  that  out  and  the  actions                       including  people  receiving
            kayo Saka, and said they will  land players.              and inactions of leaders have  Social  media  companies,  it  abusive  comments,  threats
            be  investigating  the  “offen-                           consequences,  so  I’m  afraid  said,  need  to  “step  up  and  and harassment.
            sive  and  racist”  social  media  “It  is  totally  unacceptable  the  prime  minister’s  words
            posts  published  soon  after  that  players  have  to  endure  today ring hollow,” he said.
            Italy  won  Sunday’s  shoot-  this  abhorrent  behaviour,”
            out 3-2 following a 1-1 draw.  he  wrote  on  Twitter.  “It  Gary Neville, a former Man-
            A mural of Rashford on the  must stop now and all those  chester  United  player  and
            wall of a cafe in south Man-  involved  should  be  held  ac-  now a TV commentator, said
            chester was also defaced with  countable.”                he  wasn’t  surprised  that  the
            graffiti  in  the  wake  of  the                          three  players  who  failed  to
            match.                       British  Prime  Minister  Bo-  convert  their  penalties  were
                                         ris Johnson on Monday told  targeted for racist abuse and
            The racist abuse, which was  those  who  directed  racist  also called out Johnson.
            condemned  as  “unforgiv-    abuse at some of the players
            able”  by  England  coach  Ga-  that he hoped “you will crawl  “The  prime  minister  said
            reth  Southgate,  has  led  to  back  under  the  rock  from  it  was  OK  for  the  popula-
            calls  for  social  media  com-  which you emerged.”      tion  of  this  country  to  boo
            panies, such as Facebook and                              those players who are trying
            Twitter, to do more in hunt-  But he has faced criticism for  to promote equality and de-
            ing down the perpetrators of  emboldening  those  booing  fend against racism,” he said
            the abuse.                   the England team for taking  on  Sky  News.  “It  starts  at
                                         a  knee  before  their  matches  the very top and so for me I
            All  three  players  targeted  to protest against racial injus-  wasn’t surprised in the slight-
            are part of a young England  tice.                        est that I woke up this morn-
            squad  that  has  been  widely                            ing to those headlines.”
            praised  for  its  diversity  and  Last   month,   Johnson’s
            social  conscience.  Rashford,  spokesman  said  the  prime  In  recent  years,  soccer  au-
            for one, has been at the fore-  minister is “more focused on  thorities  in  England  have
            front  of  a  campaign  against  action  rather  than  gestures.”  joined  with  the  players  in
            child  poverty,  which  con-  That  comment  led  to  wide-  trying  to  tackle  racism  both
            vinced  the  British  govern-  spread criticism that Johnson  within  the  sport  —  at  every
            ment to restore free lunches  was  effectively  encouraging  level  —  and  in  society  as  a
            for  thousands  of  poor  chil-  those  booing  to  carry  on.  whole.
            dren  amid  the  coronavirus  Three days later, his spokes-
            pandemic.                    man changed tack, saying the  The  English  FA  said  it  will
                                         prime minister “respects the  give the players affected what
            “We  have  been  a  beacon  of  right  of  all  people  to  peace-  support it can and will press
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