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                                                                                         world news Diamars 13 Juli 2021

                           Dutch leader says easing lockdown was ‘error of judgment’

            (AP) — The Dutch leader                                                                                             made,  we  are  sorry  about
            apologized  Monday  for                                                                                             that,” Rutte told reporters in
            what he called “an error of                                                                                         The Hague. Caretaker Health
            judgment” in relaxing the                                                                                           Minister Hugo de Jonge said
            Netherlands’  coronavirus                                                                                           the relaxation combined with
            lockdown, a move that has                                                                                           a lack of social distancing and
            led to a sharp surge in in-                                                                                         the delta variant “has had, of
            fections.                                                                                                           course, an accelerating effect.
                                                                                                                                You  can  unfortunately  see
            Caretaker  Prime  Minister                                                                                          that with hindsight.”
            Mark  Rutte’s  government
            scrapped  most  remaining                                                                                           The Netherlands is not alone
            restrictions  just  over  three                                                                                     in  facing  soaring  infections.
            weeks  ago  amid  declining                                                                                         Countries  across  Europe
            infection  numbers  and  hos-                                                                                       are  scrambling  to  acceler-
            pital  admissions.  The  eas-                                                                                       ate  coronavirus  vaccinations
            ing meant that, among other                                                                                         in the hope of outpacing the
            public spaces, nightclubs and                                                                                       spread of the more infectious
            discotheques were allowed to                                                                                        delta variant.
            reopen  for  the  first  time  in
            more than a year.                                                                                                   More than 46% of the Neth-
                                                                                                                                erlands’  adult  population  is
            On  the  first  weekend  after                                                                                      fully  vaccinated  and  more
            the  relaxation,  thousands  of                                                                                     than 77% of adults have had
            mainly young people flocked                                                                                         at least one shot. Health au-
            to  clubs  in  towns  and  cit-  backtrack and on Friday rein-  On  Saturday,  the  country’s  number of positive tests since  thorities say they will admin-
            ies across the country. Since  troduced  some  measures  to  public  health  institute  re-  late December.         ister first or second shots to
            then,  infections  have  sky-  rein in the virus’ spread.  ported more than 10,000 new                              more than 1.3 million people
            rocketed. Rutte was forced to                             COVID-19 cases, the highest  “An  error  of  judgment  was  this week.

                              For democracy, it’s a time of swimming against the tide

            (AP)  -  The  old  Nicara-   tors  have  flexed  their  mus-  of their authoritarianism.  unparalleled,” said Sheri Ber-  mother’s milk for authoritar-
            guan  revolutionary,  with  cles, and freedom has been in                              man, a political science pro-  ians.
            his  receding  hairline  and  retreat.                    2020 was “another year of de-  fessor  at  Barnard  College,
            the goatee that he had fi-                                cline  for  liberal  democracy,”  Columbia  University.  “It  Russia’s  experiment  with
            nally  let  turn  grey,  spoke  The list is grim: a draconian  said a recent report from the  seemed that liberal democra-  democracy,   for   example,
            calmly into the camera as  crackdown  in  Nicaragua,  V-Dem Institute, a Sweden-       cy was the way of the future.”  was short lived after the col-
            police  swarmed  toward  with  laws  that  now  let  the  based  research  center.  “The                            lapse of the Soviet Union. A
            his  house,  hidden  behind  government paint nearly any  world  is  still  more  demo-  But  within  just  a  few  years  plunging standard of living, a
            a high wall in a leafy Ma-   critic  as  a  traitor;  a  military  cratic than it was in the 1970s  the cracks began to show.  weak leader in Boris Yeltsin,
            nagua neighborhood. Sur-     takeover  in  Myanmar,  with  and 1980s, but the global de-                            thug  businessmen  and  bud-
            veillance  drones,  he  said,  bloody  repression  that  the  cline in liberal democracy has  Maybe  the  world  was  just  ding  oligarchs  fighting  for
            were watching overhead.      United Nations says has left  been steep during the past 10  too optimistic. Democracy is  control of state-owned busi-
                                         more  than  850  people  dead  years.”                    messy.                       nesses  opened  the  way  for
            Decades  earlier,  Hugo  Tor-  since  Feb.  1  and  more  than                                                      Vladimir Putin.
            res had been a revered guer-  4,800  arbitrarily  detained;  a  Countries like Sweden, Ger-  “It  takes  a  lot  to  make  de-
            rilla  in  the  fight  against  tightening grip by Beijing on  many and the United States  mocracy work,” said Berman.  Then came the financial cri-
            right-wing dictator Anastasio  Hong Kong, the semi-auton-  can  seem  like  democratic  “Getting  rid  of  the  dictators  sis  of  2007-2008,  which  be-
            Somoza. In 1974, he’d taken  omous  enclave  where  activ-  outliers  in  a  world  increas-  is not the end. It’s the begin-  gan  in  the  U.S.  and  rippled
            a group of top officials hos-  ists and journalists have been  ingly dominated by authori-  ning.”                  around  the  world.  In  the
            tage,  then  traded  them  for  harassed and imprisoned un-  tarian leaders.                                        U.S.,  banks  teetered  on  the
            the  release  of  imprisoned  der a sweeping national secu-                            As  a  result,  many  scholars  verge of collapse and top of-
            comrades. Among those pris-  rity law.                    It wasn’t supposed to be like  aren’t  too  surprised  when  ficials worried about another
            oners  was  Daniel  Ortega,  a                            this.                        countries  like  Nicaragua  or  Great  Depression.  In  the
            Marxist  bank  robber  who  In  mid-June,  Hong  Kong’s                                Myanmar  stumble  into  au-  European  Union,  America’s
            would  become  Nicaragua’s  last  remaining  pro-democ-   The late 20th and early 21st  thoritarianism. Both are very  troubles helped lead to a debt
            elected president and later its  racy  newspaper  shut  down  centuries  saw  country  after  poor, with little history of de-  crisis that sucked in Greece,
            authoritarian ruler.         operations  after  police  froze  country  transition  to  demo-  mocracy.             Ireland and other nations that
                                         $2.3 million of its assets and  cratic rule. The Soviet Union                          needed  outside  economic
            And  on  this  hot  Sunday  in  arrested  five  top  editors  and  collapsed amid Mikhail Gor-  Hard  times  and  turmoil  are  bailouts.
            mid-June, amid a weekslong  executives, accusing them of  bachev’s attempts at political
            clampdown     to   obliterate  foreign collusion.         and  economic  reform.  East-
            nearly  every  hint  of  opposi-                          ern  European  nations  that
            tion, Ortega had his old sav-  “Why does it have to end up  had  long  been  controlled
            ior arrested.                like  this?”  asked  an  Apple  by  Moscow  became  inde-
                                         Daily graphic designer, Dick-  pendent.  In  Latin  America,
            “History is on our side,” Tor-  son Ng.                   decades  of  military  dictator-
            res  said  in  the  video,  which                         ships  gave  way  to  elected
            was  quickly  uploaded  onto  The  backsliding  of  democ-  governments. A wave of de-
            social media. “The end of the  racy,  though,  goes  back  far  mocratization  swept  across
            dictatorship is close.”      before  2021,  with  a  long  Africa, from South Africa to
                                         string  of  countries  where  Nigeria to Ghana.
            But history -- at least recent  democratic  rule  has  been
            history  --  is  not  on  Torres’  abandoned or dialed back, or  “We  had  the  largest  num-
            side. In the last few months,  where democratically elected  ber of democracies that ever
            the  growing  ranks  of  dicta-  leaders  now  make  no  secret  existed  in  the  world.  It  was
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