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A30     world news
                       Diamars 13 Juli 2021

               Israeli court annuls parts                                  Merkel doubts Biden meeting will solve

              of surrogacy law excluding                                                     gas pipeline dispute


            (AP) — Israel’s Supreme Court on Sunday cleared the
            way for same-sex couples to have children through sur-
            rogate mothers, a move hailed by lawmakers and activ-
            ists as a victory for LGBTQ rights.
                                                                        (AP)  —  German  Chancellor  Angela  also suggested that the gas issue should be-
            The court ruled in 2020 that a surrogacy law, which had ex-  Merkel  said  Monday  that  she  doubts  come  part  of  four-way  talks  between  his
            panded  access  to  single  women  but  excluded  gay  couples,   the dispute between her country and  country,  Russia,  Germany  and  France  on
            “disproportionately harmed the right to equality and the right   the United States over a nearly com-  solving the conflict in eastern Ukraine and
            to parenthood” and was unlawful.                            pleted gas pipeline from Russia will be  that the United States could join those ne-
                                                                        fully resolved at a meeting with Presi-  gotiations.
            It gave the government a year to draw up a new law, but par-  dent Joe Biden this week.
            liament failed to meet the deadline.                                                                 Merkel  said  she  took  Ukraine’s  concerns
                                                                        Washington has long argued that the Nord  seriously and that Germany and the Euro-
            The court said Sunday that “since for more than a year the   Stream 2 pipeline carrying natural gas from  pean Union would use their weight in ne-
            state has done nothing to advance an appropriate amendment   Russia  to  Germany  endangers  Europe’s  gotiations with Russia to ensure the agree-
            to the law, the court ruled that it cannot abide the continued   energy  security  and  harms  allies  such  as  ments are extended.
            serious damage to human rights caused by the existing sur-  Ukraine,  which  currently  profits  from
            rogacy arrangement.”                                        transit  fees  for  Russian  gas.  The  United  “We have promised this to Ukraine and we
                                                                        States  recently  waived  sanctions  against  will stick to that. I keep my promises and I
            The change in the law is to take effect in six months to allow   German companies involved in the project,  believe that is true also for any future Ger-
            the formation of professional guidelines, it said.          raising hopes in Berlin that an agreement  man chancellor,” she said.
                                                                        acceptable to all sides can be found.
            The Aguda, an Israeli LGBTQ activist group, applauded the                                            Merkel  isn’t  running  for  a  fifth  term  in
            decision as a “historic landmark in our struggle for equality.”  Merkel said she will discuss the issue with  Germany’s national election on Sept. 26.
                                                                        Biden at a White House meeting Thursday,
            Ultra-Orthodox lawmaker Aryeh Deri, formerly the coun-      but added: “I don’t know whether the pa-  She also announced that Germany will give
            try’s interior minister, wrote on Twitter that the court’s deci-  pers will be fully finalized, so to speak. I  Ukraine 1.5 million doses of coronavirus
            sion was another serious blow to Israel’s Jewish identity and   believe rather not.”                 vaccine, with more shots possibly to come.
            that “most of the nation desires safeguarding the tradition of
            Israel, preserving Jewish family values.”                   “But these will be important talks for de-
                                                                        veloping a common position,” she added.
            Deputy Foreign Minister Idan Roll, an openly gay member
            of the Knesset, retorted: “I am sure that most of the nation   Germany is keen to increase its use of natu-
            loves and respects my Jewish family that was created through   ral gas as it completes the shutdown of its
            surrogacy.”                                                 nuclear power plants next year and phases
                                                                        out  the  use  of  heavily  polluting  coal  by
            Etai and Yoav Pinkas Arad, the gay couple who appealed to   2038.
            the court against the surrogacy law in 2010, said the ruling “is
            a big step for equality not just for LGBTQ in Israel, but for   Merkel’s comments to reporters in Berlin
            equality in Israel in general.”                             came ahead of a meeting with Ukrainian
                                                                        President  Volodymyr  Zelenskyy,  who  has
            Under the existing regulations, Israeli same-sex couples look-  warned that Nord Stream 2 poses a threat
            ing to become parents cannot engage a surrogate, and are of-  to  his  country’s  energy  security.  Should
            ten deterred by the additional costs of finding one abroad.  Russia route all of its gas around Ukraine
                                                                        in  future,  the  country  might  be  cut  off
            The state had argued that the law was intended to protect sur-  from the supplies it needs, putting it at fur-
            rogate mothers but the court ruled that it would be possible   ther risk of being pressured by Moscow.
            to strike a balance that would not discriminate.
                                                                        Russia  annexed  Crimea  from  Ukraine  in
            In contrast with much of the conservative Middle East, Is-  2014 and supports separatists in Ukraine’s
            rael is generally tolerant toward its LGBTQ community. Gays   eastern industrial heartland of Donbas.
            serve  openly  in  Israel’s  military  and  parliament,  and  many
            popular artists and entertainers, as well as the country’s cur-  Zelenskyy  said  he  was  looking  for  guar-
            rent health minister, are openly gay. Nonetheless, obstacles   antees  that  Ukraine  will  remain  a  transit
            — including the absence of civil marriage that would allow   country for Russian gas beyond 2024. He
            same-sex marriage — remain.
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