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                                                                                                 u.s. news Dialuna 13 December 2021

                            Crews search for the missing after devastating tornadoes

            (AP)  —  Rescuers  in  an  A nursing home and an Ama-     ly  go  down  perhaps  as  one
            increasingly  bleak  search  zon  distribution  center  also  of  the  longest  track  violent
            picked  through  the  tor-   were smashed in other states  tornadoes  in  United  States
            nado-splintered       ruins  in the unusual mid-Decem-    history,”  said  Victor  Gen-
            of  homes  and  businesses  ber swarm of twisters.        sini, a researcher on extreme
            Sunday, including a candle                                weather at Northern Illinois
            factory  that  was  bustling  “I  can  tell  you  from  reports  University.
            with  night-shift  employ-   that  I’ve  received  I  know
            ees when it was flattened,  we’ve lost more than 80 Ken-  The storm was all the more
            as  Kentucky’s  governor  tuckians. That number is go-    remarkable  because  it  came
            warned  the  state’s  death  ing to exceed more than 100,”  in December, when normally
            toll  from  the  outbreak  Beshear  said  on  the  Sunday  colder  weather  limits  torna-
            could top 100.               morning talk shows.          does.

            Factory  workers  sought  ref-  “I’ve got towns that are gone,  The  outbreak  also  killed  at
            uge  in  what  was  supposed  that  are  just,  I  mean  gone.  least  six  people  in  Illinois,  the  buildings  that  were  still  employee at the factory, was
            to  be  the  safest  part  of  the  My  dad’s  hometown  –  half  where an Amazon facility in  standing.            trapped  under  5  feet  (about
            building, but it may not have  of it isn’t standing. It is hard  Edwardsville was hit; four in                      1.5  meters)  of  debris  for  at
            mattered because the twister  for  me  to  describe.  I  know  Tennessee;  two  in  Arkansas,  The  missing  at  the  candle  least two hours until rescuers
            Friday  night  was  so  mon-  people  can  see  the  visuals,  where  a  nursing  home  was  factory  included  Janine  De-  managed to free her.
            strous,  Gov.  Andy  Beshear  but that goes on for 12 blocks  destroyed;  and  two  in  Mis-  nise  Johnson  Williams,  a
            said.  Authorities  on  Satur-  or  more  in  some  of  these  souri.                  50-year-old  mother  of  four  In an interview with NBC’s
            day  reported  rescuing  40  of  places.”                                              whose family members kept  “Today,” she said it was “ab-
            the 110 people who were in                                                             vigil at the site Saturday.  solutely the most terrifying”
            the building at the time, but  Youtube video thumbnail    Satellite  images  provided  by                           event  she  had  ever  experi-
            by  Sunday,  hope  of  finding  He  said  that  going  door  to  Maxar show a close-up of an  “It’s  Christmastime  and  she  enced. “I did not think I was
            anyone else alive had all but  door  in  search  of  victims  is  Amazon  warehouse  in  Ed-  works at a place that’s making  going to make it at all.”
            evaporated.                  out  of  the  question  in  the  wardsville,  Ill.,  before  and  candles for gifts,” her broth-
                                         hard-hit areas: “There are no  after  severe  storms  moved  er, Darryl Williams, said. “To  Just  before  the  tornado
            “It’ll be a miracle if we pull  doors.”                   through  the  area.  (Satellite  give up the gift of life to make  struck,  the  building’s  lights
            anybody else out of that. It’s                            image  ©2021  Maxar  Tech-   a gift. We haven’t heard any-  flickered.  She  felt  a  gust  of
            now 15 feet deep of steel and  The tornado that carved the  nologies via AP)           thing, and I’m not presuming  wind,  her  ears  started  pop-
            cars on top of where the roof  path  of  destruction  in  Ken-                         anything.  But  I’m  expecting  ping  and  then,  “Boom.  Ev-
            was,”  the  governor  said  on  tucky  touched  down  for  Debris from destroyed build-  for the worst.”            erything came down on us.”
            CNN. “Just tough.”           more than 200 miles (320 ki-  ings and shredded trees cov-                             People  started  screaming,
                                         lometers) in the state. Eleven  ered the ground in Mayfield,  He  said  Johnson  Williams  and she heard other workers
            Jeremy  Creason,  Mayfield’s  people  were  reported  killed  a  city  of  about  10,000  in  called her husband overnight  praying.
            fire chief and emergency ser-  in  and  around  the  city  of  western  Kentucky.  Twisted  to  report  the  weather  was
            vices  director,  said  rescuers  Bowling Green.          sheet  metal,  downed  power  getting bad, the last time any-  Rescue  crews  used  heavy
            had to crawl over the dead to                             lines  and  wrecked  vehicles  one heard from her.        equipment to move rubble at
            get to the living.           If  early  reports  are  con-  lined  the  streets.  Windows                           the candle factory, and coro-
                                         firmed, the twister “will like-  and  roofs  were  blown  off  Kyanna  Parsons-Perez,  an  ners were called to the scene.

                             Will new bacon law begin? California grocers seek delay

            (AP)  —  A  coalition  of  whether  bacon  and  other  The lawsuit is the latest step  ers  approved  Proposition  12  animal  protection  efforts  at
            California restaurants and  fresh  pork  products  will  in  a  tumultuous  three-year  by a 2-to-1 ratio in Novem-  the  Humane  Society  of  the
            grocery  stores  has  filed  a  be  much  more  expensive  process  of  enacting  rules  ber 2018, state officials have  United  States,  put  it,  Cali-
            lawsuit  to  block  imple-   or  in  short  supply  in  the  overwhelmingly   approved  missed  deadlines  for  releas-  fornia residents need not fear
            mentation  of  a  new  farm  state  when  the  new  rules  by  voters  but  that  remain  ing  specific  regulations  cov-  “pork industry claims of the
            animal  welfare  law,  add-  take effect on New Year’s  in  question  even  as  the  law  ering  the  humane  treatment  apocalypse.”
            ing  to  uncertainty  about  Day.                         is  set  to  begin.  Since  vot-  of animals that provide meat
                                                                                                   for the California market.   Put  simply,  the  law  requires
                                                                                                                                that breeding pigs, egg-laying
                                                                                                   Most  hog  producers  haven’t  chickens  and  veal  calves  be
                                                                                                   made changes to comply with  given enough space to stand
                                                                                                   the law. And now a coalition  and  turn  around.  For  pigs,
                                                                                                   of business owners is seeking  that  means  they  no  longer
                                                                                                   more than a two-year delay.  can be kept in narrow “gesta-
                                                                                                                                tion crates” and must have 24
                                                                                                   “We’re saying this is not go-  square feet (2.23 square me-
                                                                                                   ing to work,” said Nate Rose,  ters) of usable space.
                                                                                                   a spokesman for the Califor-
                                                                                                   nia Grocers Association.     Producers  of  eggs  and  veal
                                                                                                                                appear able to meet the new
                                                                                                   While groups are working to  law,  but  hog  farmers  argued
                                                                                                   delay  the  measure,  the  state  the  changes  would  be  too
                                                                                                   has eased the transition to the  expensive  and  couldn’t  be
                                                                                                   new  system.  It  has  allowed  carried out until the state ap-
                                                                                                   pork processed under the old  proved  final  regulations  for
                                                                                                   rules  and  held  in  cold  stor-  the  new  standards.  An  esti-
                                                                                                   age  to  be  sold  in  California  mate  from  North  Carolina
                                                                                                   in 2022, which could prevent  State  University  found  the
                                                                                                   shortages  for  weeks  or  even  new  standard  would  cost
                                                                                                   months.                      about  15%  more  per  animal
                                                                                                                                for a farm with 1,000 breed-
                                                                                                   As Josh Balk, who leads farm  ing pigs.
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