Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20211213
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world news Dialuna 13 December 2021
G7 warns Russia of ‘massive’ consequences if Ukraine invaded
(AP) — The Group of that the buildup could be
Seven economic powers precursor to an invasion, and Biden, who spoke to Rus-
told Russia on Sunday to have vowed to inflict heavy sian President Vladimir Pu-
“de-escalate” its military sanctions on Russia’s econo- tin on a video call last week,
buildup near the Ukrai- my if that happens. said he had made clear that in
nian border, warning that the event of an invasion, “the
an invasion would have Moscow denies having any economic consequences for
“massive consequences” plans to attack Ukraine and his economy are going to be
and inflict severe eco- accuses Kyiv of its own alleg- devastating. Devastating.”
nomic pain on Moscow. edly aggressive designs.
Truss said Biden had made
Foreign ministers from the British Foreign Secretary Liz clear to Putin that the U.S.
United States, Britain and the Truss, the conference host, stance “carries the support of
rest of the G-7, joined by the said the G-7 was sending a the G-7 countries as a whole.
European Union’s foreign “powerful signal to our ad- And that should be very con-
affairs chief, issued a joint versaries and our allies.” cerning for Vladimir Putin.”
statement declaring them- initiative to offer developing
selves “united in our con- The statement promised a China’s muscle-flexing in Britain, which isn’t depen- nations funding for big infra-
demnation of Russia’s mili- “common and comprehen- the Indo-Pacific region and dent on Russian gas, also has structure projects as an alter-
tary buildup and aggressive sive response” but contained the ailing Iran nuclear deal criticized the pipeline — but native to money from China
rhetoric towards Ukraine.” no details. Truss said the G-7 were also on the agenda for faces tricky questions about that, the West argues, often
was “considering all options” the meeting of top diplomats London’s financial district comes with strings attached.
The G-7 called on Russia when it came to economic from the U.K., the United and property market, both
to “de-escalate, pursue dip- sanctions. U.S. Secretary of States, Canada, France, Ger- hubs for Russian money. Truss, who also invited min-
lomatic channels, and abide State Antony Blinken said on many, Italy and Japan at the isters from the Association
by its international com- NBC’s “Meet the Press” that dockside Museum of Liver- U.K. bank and financial au- of Southeast Asian Nations
mitments on transparency “we are prepared to take the pool. thorities have long been criti- to the Liverpool meeting,
of military activities,” and kinds of steps we’ve refrained cized for allegedly turning a said the G-7 was “concerned
praised Ukraine’s “restraint.” from taking in the past” if Getting a unified response to blind eye to ill-gotten gains. about the coercive economic
Russia didn’t step back. global crises from the G-7, a policies of China.”
“Any use of force to change group of countries with dis- Truss insisted Britain has
borders is strictly prohibited The U.S. and its allies have parate interests, has often “very strong anti-corruption “What we’ve set out is a posi-
under international law. Rus- played down talk of a military proved tough. and anti-money laundering tive agenda about making
sia should be in no doubt that response to defend Ukraine, rules,” but also suggested that sure that countries have al-
further military aggression with efforts focusing on Germany plans on getting gas Russian money and Russian ternative sources of invest-
against Ukraine would have tough sanctions that would from Russia soon through gas came at a high price. ment, alternative sources of
massive consequences and hit the Russian economy, the contentious Nord Stream trade,” she said. “And that
severe cost in response,” the rather than just individuals. 2 pipeline, which bypasses “We cannot have short term we’re making sure that we
statement said. Ukraine — though Blinken economic gain at the expense abide by — and ensure oth-
In the U.S., reporters asked said it was hard to see the of our long term freedom ers are abiding by — the rules
Russia’s movement of weap- President Joe Biden on Sat- pipeline becoming opera- and democracy,” she said. based international system”
ons and troops to the border urday about the possibility tional “if Russia has renewed for trade.
region dominated weekend of sending combat troops to its aggression on Ukraine, if G-7 nations are also increas-
talks among foreign minis- Ukraine, and he said that idea it takes renewed action.” ingly concerned about Chi- A unified stance towards Chi-
ters from the G-7 wealthy was never considered. “Are na’s growing economic and na continues to prove elusive,
democracies in the English you ready to send American “So I think President Putin technological dominance, es- however, with the U.S. and
city of Liverpool. troops into war and go into has to factor that in, too, as pecially in developing coun- Britain generally more hawk-
Ukraine to fight Russians on he’s thinking about what he’s tries. The G-7 has launched ish than other G-7 members.
The U.S. and it allies worry the battlefield?” he said. going to do next,” he said. a “Build Back Better World”
Spanish island volcano eruption hits local record of 85 days
(AP) — A volcanic eruption in their homes. the number and magnitude of earth-
Spain’s Canary Islands shows no The eruption has surged and ebbed quakes in the area and local sulfur di-
sign of ending after 85 days, be- since it first began spewing lava on On Sunday, after several days of low- oxide levels.
coming the island of La Palma’s Sept. 19. It has since destroyed al- level activity, the Cumbre Vieja vol-
longest eruption on record Sun- most 3,000 local buildings and forced cano suddenly sprang to life again, From Saturday to Sunday, authorities
day. several thousand people to abandon producing loud explosions and blow- recorded 24 earthquakes, but none
ing a vast cloud of ash high into the was felt by local people.
Despite the damage, no injuries or
Scientists say volcanic eruptions are deaths have been directly linked to
unpredictable. Spanish experts had the eruption. Much of the area cov-
initially said the La Palma eruption ered by rivers of lava, which are
could last up to three months. dumping molten rock into the sea, is
Mariano Hernández, the island’s se-
nior government official, described Life has continued largely as normal
the volcano as “stable” in recent days. on most of La Palma, where a section
of the southwestern side is hardest
“The fact is that all the key indicators hit.
have been low,” he told Spanish pub-
lic broadcaster RTVE. “But the scien- The volcanic Canary Islands, which
tists won’t say exactly when it might are a favorite warm weather vacation
come to an end.” site for Europeans, lie off Africa’s
northwest coast.
He said experts continue to measure