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A30    world news
                 Dialuna 13 December 2021

                       French conservative candidate vows to end Macron’s centrism

                                                                      France  is  holding  its  presi-  who  lost  to  Macron  in  the  She vowed to crack down on
                                                                      dential race on April 10, with  2017 runoff, and former TV  illegal  immigration  but  also
                                                                      a runoff if needed on April 24.  pundit Eric Zemmour — are  to step up the integration of
                                                                      Pécresse, head of the Paris re-  campaigning  on  anti-Islam,  immigrants  and  break  down
                                                                      gion and a former conserva-  anti-migrant themes.         the barriers faced by the im-
                                                                      tive minister, is first woman                             migrant  “ghettos”  around
                                                                      chosen to run as The Repub-  On  the  left,  Paris  Mayor  France’s urban centers.
                                                                      licans’ presidential candidate.  Anne Hidago is the presiden-
                                                                                                   tial candidate for the Socialist  She  also  warned  against  the
                                                                      Since  the  announcement  party  and  the  Greens  chose  rise  of  what  she  called  “Is-
                                                                      last week, Pécresse has been  European  lawmaker  Yannick  lamism” in France.
                                                                      gaining  in  popularity  and  Jadot,  a  former  Greenpeace
                                                                      some  polls  even  have  her  activist. The far-left leader of  “I am determined to stop the
                                                                      in  a  runoff  with  Macron  in  the  Rebel  France  party,  Jean  rise  of  Islamism,”  she  said.
                                                                      the  second  round  of  voting.  Lue  Melenchon,  is  seeking  “In  France,  women  are  free
                                                                      The  French  president  is  ex-  the  presidency  for  the  third  and the laws of the Republic
                                                                      pected to seek a second term  time.                       are respected.”
                                                                      although he has not yet offi-
                                                                      cially declared his candidacy.  An  experienced  politician,  If elected president, Pécresse
                                                                                                   Pécresse,  54,  has  been  the  said she would end France’s
                                                                      Speaking at a conference hall  minister  for  higher  educa-  35-hour  workweek  so  em-
                                                                      in a Paris hotel, Pécresse as-  tion, for the budget and was  ployees work and earn more.
                                                                      sured party members that she  a  government  spokesper-
                                                                      will first beat her rivals on the  son  under  former  President  And internationally, she told
                                                                      far-right in order to end The  Nicolas  Sarkozy  from  2007  the  audience  of  about  1,000
                                                                      Republicans’ streak of presi-  to  2012.  Pécresse  left  The  party members and support-
                                                                      dential defeats.             Republicans  in  2019  amid  ers, “I want a strong France.”
                                                                                                   leadership divisions after the
                                                                      “We  are  back  on  the  battle-  party had a poor showing in  “I  want  us  to  play  a  leading
                                                                      field  to  win  and  the  voters  EU  elections.  She  rejoined  role in the world, not as vas-
                                                                      know it,” she said. “It will be  the party this year.     sals  of  the  United  States  ...
            (AP)  —  In  her  first  ad-  Emmanuel Macron’s cen-      Emmanuel Macron or us!”                                   and  not  as  subordinates  of
            dress as a presidential can-  trist policies and to defeat                             Known  as  a  pro-European,  China  and  not  playing  sec-
            didate  for  France’s  main  the extremism of the far-    Two  far-right  contenders  Pécresse  in  recent  months  ond  fiddle  in  Europe,”  she
            conservative party, Valérie  right  candidates  in  the   — Marine Le Pen, the head  has  hardened  her  positions  said.
            Pécresse  vowed  Saturday  race.                          of  the  National  Rally  party  on immigration and security.
            to  break  with  President

                                    Israel’s Bennett to make first official visit to UAE

            (AP) — Israeli Prime Min-    administration  under  the  regional threat. Several other  show,  Sheikh  Mohammed  Iran relief from stifling sanc-
            ister  Naftali  Bennett  on  “Abraham  Accords,”  a  series  regional  political  visits,  by  visited  the  pavilion  of  Israel  tions  in  exchange  for  curbs
            Sunday took off on a his-    of  diplomatic  accords  with  Syria’s  foreign  minister  and  Aerospace Industries, Israel’s  on its nuclear program.
            toric  trip  to  the  United  Arab  countries  that  also  in-  the  leaders  of  Saudi  Arabia  largest  state-owned  defense
            Arab  Emirates,  the  first  cluded  Bahrain,  Sudan  and  and  Turkey,  have  also  taken  contractor.             But  three  years  later,  Presi-
            visit by an Israeli premier,  Morocco. Israel and the UAE  place recently, all with an eye                          dent  Donald  Trump,  with
            as part of a blitz of region-  have  long  shared  common  on the negotiations.        The Emirates also hosts U.S.  strong  encouragement  from
            al  diplomacy  against  the  anxiety  over  Iran’s  nuclear                            and French forces and its Jeb-  then-Israeli  Prime  Minister
            backdrop  of  struggling  program.  The  deal  to  estab-  Israel,  which  is  not  a  party  el Ali port is the U.S. Navy’s  Benjamin  Netanyahu,  with-
            nuclear talks with Iran.     lish  ties  between  the  coun-  to  the  talks  in  Vienna,  has  busiest port of call outside of  drew  from  the  deal,  causing
                                         tries  only  increased  tensions  turned  to  its  allies  to  work  America.          it to unravel. Since then, the
            Israel has watched with con-  with the Islamic Republic.  together  and  lobby  negotia-                            U.S. has reimposed sanctions
            cern  as  Iran  has  pushed  a                            tors seeking to rein in Iran’s  The Vienna negotiations are  and  Iran  has  stepped  up  its
            hard  line  against  negotiators  “We’re  going  to  be  discuss-  nuclear program.    working  to  revive  the  2015  nuclear activities -- amassing
            meeting  in  Vienna,  at  once  ing ways to further our coop-                          nuclear accord between Iran  a stockpile of highly enriched
            demanding  sanctions  relief  eration in a number of fields,  Foreign  Minister  Yair  Lapid  and  six  world  powers.  That  uranium  that  goes  well  be-
            while accelerating its nuclear  especially  strengthening  our  recently  visited  Europe  and  agreement, launched by Pres-  yond  the  bounds  of  the  ac-
            program.                     economic  and  commercial  Egypt  and  Defense  Minister  ident Barack Obama, granted  cord.
                                         ties,”  Bennett  said,  shortly  Benny  Gantz  and  Mossad
            In  recent  weeks,  Israel  has  before  takeoff.  “In  just  one  chief  David  Barnea  flew  to
            dispatched  its  top  diplomat  year  since  normalizing  our  the U.S. to discuss the talks
            and its defense and spy chiefs  relationship,  we’ve  already  with  leaders  there.  Earlier
            to meet allies in Europe, the  seen  the  extraordinary  po-  this  year  Lapid  visited  the
            U.S. and the Mideast to push  tential  of  the  Israel-UAE  UAE and inaugurated Israel’s
            for a firmer approach to Iran.  partnership.  This  is  just  the  embassy there.
            The Israeli outreach has been  beginning.”
            accompanied  by  repeated                                 Israel sees the UAE as a cru-
            threats to take military action  Bennett’s  trip  comes  on  the  cial  part  of  that  outreach  to
            against Iran if diplomacy fails.  heels of a visit by the UAE’s  its allies. Under Sheikh Mo-
                                         national  security  adviser,  hammed  bin  Zayed  Al  Na-
            Bennett’s  trip  to  Abu  Dha-  Sheikh  Tahnoon  bin  Zayed  hyan, Abu Dhabi’s powerful
            bi, where he will meet with  Al Nahyan to Tehran, where  crown prince and long the de
            Crown  Prince  Mohamed  he met with Iran’s new hard-      facto  ruler  of  the  Emirates,
            bin Zayed, is a milestone for  line president, Ebrahim Rai-  the UAE has embarked on a
            both Israel and its new lead-  si,  in  a  bid  to  ease  tensions.  rapid expansion of its military
            er.  Israel  and  the  UAE  last  It  was  a  major  visit  for  the  forces to counter what it sees
            year  signed  a  normalization  Gulf Arab federation that has  as  the  threat  posed  by  Iran.
            deal brokered by the Trump  long viewed Iran as its main  During the recent Dubai air
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