Page 16 - AM200707
P. 16
16 AWEMainta Diamars, 7 Juli 2020
Cannabis permits:
New deadline for filing of Request for
Expression Of Interest (REOI): July 31st, 2020
By: Richie Kock Attorneys AUA I SXM
Interested parties should, among others: New deadline for filing: July 31st, 2020
• Comply with the legal framework The initial deadline for filing was on
as well as certain certification and April 6th, 2020 at 8 P.M. However, due
sustainability requirements. to the coronavirus crisis the REOI was
• Comply with the location placed on the back burner and/or was
requirement, i.e. the facility should temporarily suspended.
be located in a zone designated
for in- or outdoor agriculture On July 2nd, 2020, the Minister of TPHS
or industrial/pharmaceutical announced a new deadline for filing
ON March 2nd, 2020, the Minister of processes in conformity with the on July 31st, 2020, at 8.00 P.M.
Tourism Public Health and Sport (TPHS) Spatial Development Plan for
issued a so-called Request for Expression 2019 (ROP 2019) and the draft The announcement can be found here.
of Interest (REOI) and announced the Spatial Development Plan with The REOI should be substantiated.
intention to issue a limited amount of Regulations (ROPV).
licenses to legally cultivate Cannabis in • Provide information on the An unsubstantiated expression of interest
Aruba. manpower for the first 3 years of or merely claiming to be able to comply
production. with the requirements will be disregarded,
The REOI is not intended as a public • Provide information on the according to the announcement.
bid for licenses. Third parties are solely expected revenues for the
invited to express their interest into government treasury in the form The REOI should be filed in one (1)
forming part of the Medicinal Cannabis of license fees, inspection and electronic copy in ‘ADOBE PDF’ format
industry of Aruba. The parties would certification fees, other revenues to
enter into a commercial relationship with for the government entity (e.g. This article can be found on: www.rjk-
a government entity for which certain dividend payments) and tax
minimum requirements apply. revenues.
Regreso Boluntario a sigui repatria
pa Peru, Ecuador y Guyana
DEN e fin di siman cu a pasa e programa Regreso Bo-
luntario a brinda asistencia di repatriacion asisti na
personanan cu tabatin e interes di regresa Peru, Ecua-
dor y Guayana di forma boluntario.
Dia 2 di juli tabatin un buelo cu a sali cu 18 pasahero
pa Guyana. Dia 4 di juli a sali un buelo cu 17 pasahero
pa Ecuador y 11 pasahero pa Peru. Pa mas informacion of pa inscribi p’e programa di repa-
triacion asisti di Regreso Boluntario pa tur destinacion
Interesadonan por sigui registra via di e formulario on- por tuma contacto cu telefon 281-1010 of bishita e web-
line, asina cu DIMAS tin informacion concreto lo sigui site di DIMAS y klik riba e tab di
comunica cu e personanan cu a registra via di nan Vrijwillige Terugkeer / Regreso Boluntario / Voluntary
emailadres personal. Return.