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U.S. NEWS Tuesday 24 March 2020
Young Generation
Continued from Front might better understand
these impacts, though Lan-
In pre-pandemic surveys, ce Sell, a 19-year-old colle-
she has found that these ge student who is currently
young adults already sen- “sheltering in place” in San
se that they won’t have Francisco, said he stills sees
as much as their parents many people his age try-
have. Some like to portray ing to “wrap their heads
them as coddled and entit- around” what’s happe-
led. But this is a generation ning.
that also has grown up with “It’s hard to keep up,” said
its share of stress — school Sell, whose freshman clas-
shootings, social media ses at Lehigh University
pressure, a Great Reces- abruptly ended, as they
sion, climate change. did for students across the
Young adults, older than world. “But people are de-
Jalen, remember the terror finitely spooked.”
attacks of 9/11 and know This week, he took a walk
how it feels when the world on a beach, a good dis-
changes in an instant. tance from others, to clear
Now comes this global his head. To relieve some
event that German Chan- stress, some young people
cellor Angela Merkel cal- also report connecting with In this photo provided by Clare Sulentic, Sulentic, center, takes a family photo on Friday, March
led the biggest challenge friends via video chat, a 20, 2020, at her parents' home in Dubuque, Iowa.
since World War II. Mean- few organizing mass “Zoom Associated Press
while, Aaron Pallas, a re- parties,” named for the po- ted in a circumstance like these days. was was overthrown, while
searcher at Columbia Uni- pular video chat service. this, while helping her pa- It’s a blessing that she and she and her mother left for
versity, said he could think From the comfort of their rents look after her 7-year- her husband “didn’t lose their safety.
of only “one major histo- homes, they are singing old sister, Sydney. our jobs,” she said. “But it’s “I learned really heavy
rical precedent” for what karaoke for one another, “She’s very energetic,” Ja- meant that we have not things … and didn’t really
we might be facing — the sharing jokes and talents. len said. “Extreeeemely been able to be present, know what to do with that,”
Great Depression. Even as many bars and res- energetic.” and I worry about the stress Grimes said of dealing with
Studies have shown that taurants close, others are Her mom, Laura Grimes, of that.” riots and bomb scares.
“kids in these circumstan- resisting the calls to stay is now able to work from Grimes likens it to her own “This will be that for them,”
ces are thrust into growing home, “still mad about home but is both teaching time as a third grader in Iran she added of her children.
up faster than is typical,” their social lives,” says Cla- college students and run- when her father, a govern- “This is a level of reality that,
said Pallas, a professor of re Sulentic, a 23-year-old ning therapy sessions by ment ammunition specia- for a lot of privileged Ame-
sociology and education. graduate student at St. video conference, as well. list, stayed after the Shah ricans, we have never had
It’s still early, of course. Ambrose University in Iowa, There’s a lot of call for that Mohammad Reza Pahlavi to deal with.”q
But even younger children who moved home with her
can sense that something parents when her own clas- Hiker survives 200-foot fall during
unusual is going on. ses went online.
So far, Kathleen McShane, She hopes more people, Mount Washington descent
a trauma therapist and young or older, will take
mother of three on the Sou- social distancing seriously
th Side of Chicago, said as coronavirus cases incre- BRETTON WOODS, N.H.
her 6- and 9-year-old most- ase. She too thinks about (AP) — A hiker descend-
ly have questions about her grandparents, inclu- ing Mount Washington
their routine. Why is soccer ding a grandfather who’s who fell about 200 feet
canceled? When can they getting cabin fever. (60.9 meters) and got hurt
have a play date? In the long term, both she was rescued with the help
As she and her husband and Sell worry about their of the Cog Railway train
work from home, she pos- prospects when they even- that takes visitors up and
ted a blog recently, ur- tually graduate. down the summit dur-
ging parents to take care “I wanted to get a great ing tourism season. New
of themselves amid these job in a cool city,” said Hampshire Fish and Game
new stresses. Sulentic, who’s studying conservation officers said
“We need to make sure the speech language patholo- the hiker, Ashley Furness,
parents are OK, so the fa- gy. “Will that still happen?” 35, of Bartlett, was with a In this Sept. 24, 2017, file photo, a vintage coal-fired steam
milies are OK,” said McSha- Jalen Grimes, the teen in companion on Sunday af- engine pushes a passenger car up the Cog Railway on a 3.8-
ne, who’s among therapists Chicago, is hoping for a ternoon when she slipped mile journey to the summit of 6,288-foot Mount Washington in
who are providing sessions bit of good news about and fell, striking several New Hampshire. Associated Press
with clients via video chat, high school in a week. rocks. She was descend-
when telemedicine is co- She’s awaiting word on ing along the railway Ober, Jr. said in a news re- so far using an ATV and
vered by insurance (which whether she got into the tracks and was about 2 lease. snowmobiles. There was
isn’t always the case). She selective-enrollment public miles (3,218.6 meters) up "Her companion was able no snow.
is anticipating more crises high school of her choice from the railway station. to descend to her posi- Crews hiked the rest of the
brought on by marital dis- — a big deal for Chicago "It was these rocks that tion, place a call for help way and reached Furness
cord, financial stress and eighth graders. ultimately saved her from and keep her warm with a after several hours, but
other impacts exacerba- Meanwhile, she’s working plunging into the ravine, a space blanket until rescu- her injuries were severe
ted by this pandemic. on more schoolwork than fall that would have likely ers arrived." and she couldn't walk,
Teens and young adults she might have anticipa- proved fatal," Lt. Mark Rescuers could only get Ober said.q