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                    Tuesday 24 March 2020
            Virus sends a nation of restaurant-goers back to the kitchen

            By MELISSA RAYWORTH                                                                    sharing  advice  on  how  to  before.  But  I  figured  since
            Associated Press                                                                       use  unfamiliar  vegetables  I’m kind of staying at home
            Last  Tuesday  night  in  Ten-                                                         or cuts of meat bought out  and  going  to  do  some
            nessee,  bluegrass  musi-                                                              of necessity.                cooking  later  on,  you’re
            cians  David  and  Virginia                                                            What can you do with the  going to join me.”
            Blood  were  busy  making                                                              canned  foods  that  have  A  growing  audience  now
            sandwiches.  In  Pittsburgh,                                                           been  idling  since  last  year  watches  and  comments
            real estate agent Michelle                                                             at  the  back  of  your  kitch-  nightly  as  he  prepares  ev-
            Bushee  was  stirring  a  pot                                                          en  cabinets?  Facebook  erything  from  his  mother’s
            of homemade black-bean                                                                 groups like Pandemic Pan-    marinara sauce to pot pies
            chili in her kitchen instead                                                           try  have  sprouted  up  as  made  with  his  Big  Bottom
            of   shepherding    curious                                                            gathering places for strang-  Market  biscuit  mix,  which
            buyers   through    poten-                                                             ers to share advice.         appeared  on  Oprah’s  Fa-
            tial  dream  homes.  Marty                                                             Michael  Volpatt,  owner  of  vorite Things list in 2016.
            Prudenti,   whose    nights                                                            the  gourmet  Big  Bottom  “It’s  heartwarming,”  Vol-
            are  usually  spent  working                                                           Market in Sonoma County,  patt says, “and it takes a lot
            backstage  at  New  York                                                               California, tackled the sub-  of the awkwardness of this
            City’s  Lincoln  Center,  was   This image released by Food Network shows an Instagram post   ject  of  canned  goods  on  whole experience away.”
            in his Long Island backyard   featuring chef Michael Symon about cooking at home during   a recent installment of the  Returning  to  old  recipes
                                         coronavirus outbreak.                                     impromptu  cooking  show  and learning new ones can
                                                                                  Associated Press
                                                                                                   he  began  hosting  from  his  be both a necessity and a
                                         grilling burgers for his twins.  en and noodles.          kitchen on March 14. Scroll-  welcome distraction during
                                         And in Texas, Babette Max-   “I  think  we  need  comfort  ing   through   Facebook  this strange time.
                                         well  —  who  would  other-  right  now,”  she  says,  “and  while gathering ingredients  “Cooking brings back good
                                         wise have been running at                                                              memories,” Bierly says, “like
                                         least one of her three teen-                                                           standing  there  at  the  pot
                                         age sons to sports practic-                                                            on  my  stove,  cooking  the
                                         es or school events — was                                                              spaghetti  and  thinking  of
                                         Googling  recipes  to  engi-                                                           when  my  mother  used  to
                                         neer  homemade  versions                                                               do that.”
                                         of  her  boys’  favorite  Taco                                                         Food  Network  president
                                         Bell items.                                                                            Courtney  White  says  her
                                         Throughout  the  U.S.,  lives                                                          channel  has  seen  a  dou-
                                         have  been  radically  up-                                                             ble-digit ratings increase in
                                         ended  by  the  COVID-19                                                               the  past  week,  as  viewers
                                         pandemic.  There  is  worry                                                            watch  marathons  of  com-
                                         and washing of hands. But                                                              fort  food-focused  shows
                                         one bright spot is emerging                                                            like  Guy  Fieri’s  “Diners,
                                         from  self-quarantine  and                                                             Drive-ins and Dives.” Food-
                                         mandatory  working  from                                                      has also had
                                         home: In this nation that so                                                           a  double-digit  increase  in
                                         often dines out or gobbles                                                             visitors  and  page  views,
                                         processed food on the run,                                                             White  says.  And  many  of
                                         Americans  are  suddenly                                                               the  channel’s  chefs  have
                                         cooking a whole lot more.                                                              been    broadcasting    in-
                                         Before   the   coronavirus                                                             formally  from  their  home
                                         emerged,  Kim  Bierly  often                                                           kitchens  via  social  media,
                                         worked  late  at  her  office                                                          while viewers pepper them
                                         and then met her husband                                                               with questions in real-time.
                                         for a quick dinner at one of                                                           Alone  at  our  stoves,  we’re
                                         the restaurants in their cen-                                                          realizing  how  good  it  can
                                         tral Pennsylvania neighbor-                                                            feel  to  make  dinner  from
                                         hood. If they didn’t eat out,                                                          scratch by using just a few
                                         they’d reach into the refrig-  This image released by Big Bottom Market shows a chicken pot   ingredients   consciously
                                         erator  and  choose  some-   pie recipe. Michael Volpatt, owner of the gourmet Big Bottom   and  carefully.  Families  are
                                                                      Market in Sonoma County, Calif., hosts an impromptu cooking
                                         thing  packaged  to  heat    show from his kitchen.                                    also  getting  their  kids  in-
                                         up.                                                                   Associated Press  volved.
                                          “I’ve always enjoyed cook-                                                            “Now, more than ever, we
                                         ing,” Bierly says. “But it was                                                         hope  you’ll  find  moments
                                         being saved for weekends.  food is comfort.”              to make himself dinner that  of  peace  when  gathering
                                         And by the time you get to  Unavoidably,  these  home-    night,  Volpatt  noticed  the  around  the  dinner  table,”
                                         the  weekend  you  had  all  cooked  dishes  come  with  Facebook “Live” button on  the co-founders of the retail
                                         the  other  things  you  need  a side of stress. We’re trying  his  phone  screen.  With  his  chain  Savory  Spice  wrote
                                         to do. So it would be some-  to  protect  ourselves  from  store  closed,  he  realized  it  in  a  website  post  to  their
                                         thing  quick  or  something  germs at the grocery store,  was a way to connect with  customers  over  the  week-
                                         prepared.”                   and  may  wonder  whether  friends and customers, and  end.  “We  hope  you’ll  find
                                         Now  working  from  home,  supermarket  shelves  will  not be alone while prepar-      moments of joy when pre-
                                         she’s pulling out old recipes  become  emptier  in  the  ing his meal.                 paring  food  with  your  little
                                         — the kinds of things she re-  coming  weeks.  But  those  Full Coverage: Lifestyle    ones. We hope the simplic-
                                         members her mother mak-      worries  are  encouraging  “Hey  everybody,”  his  first  ity of a home cooked meal
                                         ing, like stuffed pork chops  people  to  get  creative  by  broadcast  began.  “I’ve  is a quiet reprieve from the
                                         or a bubbling pot of chick-  trying new ingredients and  never done Facebook Live  chaos outside.”q
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