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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 24 March 2020

            U.K. government under pressure to toughen virus restrictions

            By DANICA KIRKA and          London  Underground  dur-    mild  or  moderate  symp-
            PAN PYLAS                    ing  the  virus  pandemic,  toms,  such  as  fever  or
            Associated Press             London Mayor Sadiq Khan  coughing. But for some old-
            LONDON (AP) — The British  implored  people  ito  stay  er  adults  and  people  with
            government  warned  Mon-     at home unless they "abso-   existing  health  problems,  it
            day  that  it  may  introduce  lutely need to" move about  can cause more severe ill-
            more  draconian  measures  the city.                      ness, including pneumonia.
            to  slow  the  spread  of  the  British   Health   Secretary  Over 100,000 people have
            coronavirus if people persist  Matt  Hancock  expressed  recovered, mostly in China.
            in  ignoring  social  distanc-  frustration as well. Hancock  But  in  the  U.K,  photos  of
            ing recommendations and  said the government would  people enjoying the sunny
            crowding public places.      consider locking down the  weekend  outdoors  and  of
            Following a busy weekend  country  if  the  public  kept  London Underground trains
            at U.K. parks and food mar-  disregarding  calls  to  stop  packed  with  individuals
            kets,  there  were  growing  mingling  in  groups.  Han-  afraid of losing jobs are giv-
            calls for the government to  cock  described  those  not  ing  the  British  government
            impose  tighter  restrictions  heeding  official  recom-  pause.
            with more rigorous enforce-  mendations  to  stay  two  The prime minister's spokes-   Two  tourist  have  their  photo  taken  next  to  a  traditional  red
            ment, including the poten-   meters apart from others as  man, James Slack, said the   telephone box in Westminster, London, Monday, March 23, 2020.
            tial  involvement  of  military  "very selfish."          government was analyzing                                              Associated Press
            personnel.                   The U.K. had the 10th-high-  data  on  public  transit  use,
            Officials at Snowdonia Na-   est  number  of  virus  cases  foot  traffic  in  stores  and  shopping or to exercise has  to  do,  but,  of  course,  it  is
            tional Park in Wales, which  in  the  world,  5,903,  and  park visits to gauge wheth-  offered  wiggle  room  to  a  the  sort  of  thing  we  might
            had its "busiest visitor week-  the sixth-highest number of  er  people  were  practicing  public  unaccustomed  to  have to do in order to pro-
            end  in  living  memory,"  has  virus-related  deaths  as  of  proper social distancing.  confinement.              tect life,'' Hancock told Sky
            urged  the  government  to  Monday, according to tal-     "If  that  data  shows  they  With  health  officials  warn-  News. "If you do go out, you
            be  more  explicit  with  its  lies from Johns Hopkins Uni-  haven't  stopped.  then  we  ing  that  thousands  could  must  not  get  closer  than
            social  distancing  advice.  versity.                     will  need  to  take  further  die if action was not taken  two  meters  from  someone
            They said all the main park-  New infections are increas-  measures,"  Slack  said.  "We  immediately,  the  govern-  who  isn't  in  your  house-
            ing  lots  would  be  closed  ing at an exponential rate,  won't  hesitate  to  do  so,  ment's   messages   have  hold.''
            and Snowdonia administra-    raising  concern  that  the  and we will do so quickly."  become  more  dire,and  its  Hancock  suggested  the
            torsare "exploring options to  country will be on a trajec-  While  Britain  has  ordered  willingness  to  entertain  a  military  would  be  brought
            close down the most popu-    tory like Italy's in a week or  bars  and  restaurants  to  nationwide  lockdown  like  in  to  help  distribute  pro-
            lar  mountains  and  sites  if  two  if  containment  efforts  close, the government's re-  the ones imposed in Spain  tective  equipment  to  the
            the situation continues."    are not successful.          peated  urging  for  people  and Italy more serious.      National  Health  Service  in
            Responding  to  the  visibly  For  most  people,  the  new  only  to  go  out  only  for  es-  "This is not the sort of thing  what  he  characterized  as
            high  use  of  parks  and  the  coronavirus  causes  only  sential reasons such as food  that  anybody  would  want  a "war effort". q
              Italy records smaller increase in virus cases for 2nd day

              ROME  (AP)  —  Italy  has                                                           outside of China.           trend, to be more certain
              recorded  a  smaller  day-                                                          As  of  Monday,  Italy  had  that we are in a favorable
              to-day  increase  in  new                                                           a total of 59,138 virus cas-  situation.," Brusaferro said.
              coronavirus  cases  for  the                                                        es  compared  to  China's  He  stressed  that  while  he
              second  straight  day,  offi-                                                       81,496.                     favorably viewed the situ-
              cials said while cautioning                                                         Health  authorities  have  ation, "I don't feel like tak-
              it  was  too  soon  to  know                                                        said it will be a few more  ing  one  side  or  the  other
              if  the  worst  is  behind  the                                                     days before they will know  to confirm that it is there or
              country  with  the  world's                                                         if  Italy  is  at  the  beginning  not. We can take note of
              second-biggest caseload.                                                            of a positive trend.        what we see today.''
              Data  released  by  Italy's   Coffins are lined up on the floor in the Crematorium Temple   A  top  national  health  of-  In  Milan,  the  capital  of
              Civil  Protection  agency   of  Piacenza,  Northern  Italy,  saturated  with  corpses  awaiting   ficial,  Silvio  Brusaferro,  re-  Lombardy,  by  far  Italy's
              on Monday showed 4,789      cremation due to the coronavirus emergency Monday, March   sisted being too optimistic,  worst-hit   region,   local
              new cases, nearly 700 few-  23, 2020.                                               saying  that  the  improve-  health  officials  expressed
              er than the day-to-day in-                                         Associated Press  ments  registered  Monday  moderate  optimistic  that
              crease of 5,560 new cases  registered    on   Monday  for new cases and deaths  were due to actions taken  day-to-day  increases  of
              reported Sunday.            compared to 651 on Sun-     go down as its health sys-  at  the  beginning  of  the  both  positive  test  results
              The number of deaths also  day.                         tem  struggles  under  the  month, not in recent days.  and  of  new  hospital  ad-
              did  not  rise  by  as  much.  Italy  has  been  anxious  to  weight of the world's larg-  ''We need more consecu-  missions  of  patients  with
              There  were  just  over  600  see the day-to-day figures  est  COVID-19  outbreak  tive  results  to  confirm  the  COVID-19 were smaller. q
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