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P. 28

                    Tuesday 24 March 2020
            Africa's mountain gorillas also at risk from coronavirus

            By RODNEY MUHUMUZA                                                                     ness  amid  the  outbreak.  their numbers are now said
            Associated Press                                                                       Still, he said, the few tourists  to be growing as a result of
            KAMPALA,  Uganda  (AP)                                                                 who  come  are  screened  conservation  efforts.    But
            —  As  the  coronavirus  in-                                                           for  fever  and  other  symp-  there  have  been  painful
            fects more people around                                                               toms  and  must  obey  rules  losses. Some gorillas die of
            the  world,  conservationists                                                          such as not standing within  natural causes, falling from
            are  warning  of  the  risk  to                                                        7 meters (21 feet) of a go-  trees or being killed in fights
            another  vulnerable  spe-                                                              rilla  family.  Visitors  from  vi-  between males for territory
            cies:  Africa's  endangered                                                            rus-affected countries who  or dominance.
            mountain gorilla.                                                                      have  gone  through  quar-   A lightning strike killed four
            Congo's  Virunga  National                                                             antine in Uganda need to  mountain  gorillas  in  Febru-
            Park, home to about a third                                                            produce what he called a  ary.
            of the world's mountain go-                                                            certificate  of  isolation  be-  In  Rwanda,  where  tour-
            rillas,  is  barring  visitors  until                                                  fore  they  are  permitted  to  ism  is  the  top  foreign  ex-
            June 1, citing "advice from                                                            track the gorillas.          change  earner,  the  gov-
            scientific  experts  indicat-  In this photo taken Dec. 11 2012, a park ranger wearing a mask   Amos   Wekesa,   whose  ernment has prioritized the
            ing that primates, including   walks  past  a  mountain  gorilla  in  the  Virunga  National  Park  in   Great Lakes Safaris organiz-  protection of gorillas, even
            mountain gorillas, are likely   eastern Congo.                                         es  gorilla  tours  in  Rwanda  launching  a  naming  cer-
            susceptible  to  complica-                                            Associated Press  and Uganda, spoke mourn-    emony for baby primates.
            tions  arising  from  the  CO-  has a cold or a flu they are   Uganda   has   not   an-  fully of "hardly any business"  Tourism  revenue  is  key  in
            VID-19 virus."               not allowed to go and see    nounced  a  shutdown  of     as tourists postpone visits or  protecting  mountain  goril-
            Neighboring  Rwanda  also    the gorillas. With coronavi-  gorilla  tourism,  although   seek refunds.              las  as  authorities  can  use
            is   temporarily   shutting   rus having such a long time   tourist  traffic  from  Europe   The  region's  mountain  go-  some of the money to help
            down tourism and research    of  no  symptoms  in  some   and  elsewhere  has  dwin-   rilla  population  dropped  local communities or invest
            activities  in  three  national   cases,  it  means  that  we   dled.                  sharply in the past century  in  anti-poaching  activities.
            parks that are home to pri-  could  actually  put  those   A spokesman for the Ugan-   because  of  poaching,  ill-  A  gorilla  tracking  permit
            mates such as gorillas and   gorillas at risk."           da Wildlife Authority, Bashir   ness and human encroach-  costs up to $600 in Uganda,
            chimpanzees.                 Even   existing   measures   Hangi, said the decision on   ment.  Mountain  gorillas  and  thousands  of  tourists
            Mountain gorillas are prone   may not be enough to pro-   whether to shut down goril-  have been listed as critical-  pay  each  year.  A  similar
            to some respiratory illnesses   tect them.                la tourism is now academic   ly  endangered  or  endan-   permit  costs  upward  of
            that afflict humans. A com-  According  to  Ugandan       as  there  is  almost  no  busi-  gered since 1996, although  $1,000 in Rwanda. q
            mon cold can kill a gorilla,   conservationist   Gladys
            according  to  the  World    Kalema-Zikusoka with Con-    Ontario to close all non-essential businesses
            Wide Fund for Nature, one    servation  Through  Public
            reason  why  tourists  track-  Health,  a  study  published
            ing gorillas are not normally   this year by her group and                                                          and  the  well-being  of  mil-
            permitted to get too close.   Ohio   University   showed                                                            lions of Canadians.
            Around 1,000 mountain go-    that  measures  in  place  to                                                          He called images of people
            rillas live in protected areas   protect  gorillas  from  hu-                                                       out  enjoying  the  sunshine
            in  Congo,  Uganda  and      mans  are  not  effective  in                                                          in  large  groups  "extremely
            Rwanda, for whom tourism     practice. The rule on keep-                                                            concerning."
            is  an  important  source  of   ing  a  safe  distance  from                                                        Trudeau also endorsed the
            revenue. But COVID-19 has    the  gorillas  was  broken  al-                                                        decision  by  the  Canadian
            led to restrictive measures.   most every time a group of                                                           Olympic Committee to not
            Virunga National Park's de-  tourists visited, she said.                                                            send athletes to the Tokyo
            cision has been welcomed     "What  the  research  found                                                            Olympics   unless   they're
            by  conservationists  in  the   is that the 7-meter rule was                                                        postponed for a year.
            region.                      broken  almost  all  the  time                                                         He  also  said  Canada  had
            Paula    Kahumbu,     chief   … like 98% of the time," she                                                          won approval to send more
            executive  of  the  Kenya-   said. "But what was interest-                                                          planes to bring Canadians
            based conservation group     ing is that 60% of the time   Prime  Minister  Justin  Trudeau  addresses  Canadians  on  the   home from Peru, Morocco,
            WildlifeDirect,  told  The  As-  it  was  tourists  that  broke  it   COVID-19 situation from Rideau Cottage in Ottawa on Monday,   Spain,  Honduras,  El  Salva-
            sociated  Press  that  "ev-  and 40% of the time it was   March 23, 2020.                                           dor and Guatemala.
            ery possible effort must be   the gorillas who broke it."                                          Associated Press  Trudeau  made  the  com-
            made" to protect mountain    If  close  interaction  cannot   By ROB GILLIES           Ford  also  acknowledged  ments outside his residence
            gorillas because so few are   be  prevented,  she  said,   TORONTO (AP) — Canada's  students  will  not  going  while  in  self  isolation  after
            left in the wild.            one  measure  that  could    most  populous  province  back  to  school  on  April  6,  his  wife  tested  positive  for
            "We  know  that  gorillas  are   potentially  improve  safety   said  Monday  that  non-  the date initially set for a re-  the virus.
            very sensitive to human dis-  is requiring tourists to wear   essential  businesses  must  turn to classes.         The  prime  minister  so  far
            eases," she said. "If anyone   masks at all times.        close  for  at  least  14  days  Canadian  Prime  Minister  resisted  the  idea  of  put-
                                                                      starting at 11:59 p.m. Tues-  Justin  Trudeau  said  ear-  ting into place the federal
                                                                      day  in  efforts  to  stem  the  lier  Monday,  "Enough  is  equivalent,  the  Emergen-
                                                                      new  coronavirus  pandem-    enough.  Go  home  and  cies  Act,  saying  Monday
                                                                      ic.                          stay home."                  that since it requires taking
                                                                      Ontario Premier Doug Ford  Trudeau  said  staying  at  power out of the hands of
                                                                      said  he  will  release  the  list  home is a duty and said the  the provinces, there needs
                                                                      of  businesses  that  will  be  government  will  enforce  it  to  be  a  discussion  with
                                                                      allowed  to  stay  open,  but  if necessary. He said those  them first.
                                                                      food will remain on the gro-  who are not doing their part  Canada  had  at  least  1
                                                                      cery store shelves and peo-  are putting at risk everyone  ,560  confirmed  cases  and
                                                                      ple will still have access to  else, including the eventual  more than 20 deaths as of
                                                                      medication.                  recovery  of  the  economy  Monday.q
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