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How to make “funchi hasa”

                                                                                      June 26, 2024
                                                                                      T: 582-7800
                                                                                                                                              Page 7
                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            Judge alters Trump's gag order, letting him talk about witnesses,

            jury after hush money conviction

            By MICHAEL R. SISAK
            Associated Press
            NEW YORK (AP) — A Man-
            hattan  judge  on  Tuesday
            modified  Donald  Trump's
            gag  order,  freeing  the
            former  president  to  com-
            ment  publicly  about  wit-
            nesses  and  jurors  in  the
            hush  money  criminal  trial
            that led  to his  felony con-
            viction, but keeping others
            connected to the case off
            limits  until  he  is  sentenced
            July 11.
            Judge  Juan  M.  Merchan's
            decision — just days before
            Trump's  debate  Thursday
            with  President  Joe  Biden
            —  clears  the  presumptive
            Republican  nominee  to
            again  go  on  the  attack
            against  his  lawyer-turned-
            foe lawyer Michael Cohen,
            porn  actor  Stormy  Daniels
            and other trial witnesses.

                    Continued on Page 2  Judge Juan Merchan poses for a photo in his chambers in New York, March 14, 2024.                      Associated Press
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