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A4   U.S. NEWS
                   Wednesday 26 June 2024
            Midwestern carbon dioxide pipeline project gets approval in

            Iowa, but still has a long way to go

            By JACK DURA                                                                                                        provals  from  North  Dakota
            Associated Press                                                                                                    and  South  Dakota,  includ-
            Iowa  public  utility  regula-                                                                                      ing for routes in both states
            tors  on  Tuesday  approved                                                                                         and  underground  storage
            a  controversial  carbon  di-                                                                                       in  North  Dakota.  Summit
            oxide pipeline for transport-                                                                                       also needs approvals from
            ing emissions of the climate-                                                                                       Minnesota and in Nebraska
            warming  greenhouse  gas                                                                                            before it can begin to build
            for  storage  underground                                                                                           lines out to ethanol plants in
            in a win for Summit Carbon                                                                                          those states.
            Solutions'  project  after  set-                                                                                    The Iowa regulators' decision
            backs  in  other  states  and                                                                                       comes  after  hearings  last
            opposition from landowners                                                                                          year and setbacks in other
            around the Midwest.                                                                                                 states. North Dakota regula-
            The company still has many                                                                                          tors denied a siting permit in
            hoops to jump through be-                                                                                           August, but later agreed to
            fore  it  can  begin  building                                                                                      reconsider. Hearings on the
            in  Iowa,  including  gaining                                                                                       underground  storage  pro-
            other states' approval.                                                                                             posal were held earlier this
            The  $5.5  billion,  2,500-mile                                                                                     month.
            (4,023.36 kilometers) pipeline                                                                                      South Dakota regulators de-
            network would carry planet-                                                                                         nied  Summit's  application
            warming CO2 emissions, liq-                                                                                         in September; Summit said
            uefied under pressure, from                                                                                         it plans to file again in early
            more than 50 ethanol plants                                                                                         July.  In  Nebraska,  where
            in Iowa, Minnesota, Nebras-                                                                                         Summit must work with indi-
            ka, North Dakota and South   A sign reading "Property rights matter, no CO2" stands near Strasburg, N.D., Jan. 11, 2024.   vidual counties, at least one
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            Dakota to be stored deep                                                                                            county has denied a permit.
            underground     in   central  ize their fuel. Carbon cap-  potential  pipeline  rupture  said.                      The Iowa panel also grant-
            North Dakota.                ture and sequestration gets  could  release  dangerous  The Iowa Utilities Board ap-   ed  the  company  the  right
            Farmers  and  the  ethanol  Iowa ethanol into that mar-   CO2 gas. A coalition oppos-  proved  Summit's  January  of  eminent  domain  over
            industry see the pipeline as  ket, potentially providing a  ing Summit's project vowed  2022 application for a per-  numerous  parcels  of  land,
            a way to qualify for federal  generational boost to Iowa's  to  fight  the  Iowa  board's  mit  to  build  and  operate  but only after the permit is
            tax breaks they see as key  economy," Iowa Renewable  decision.                        the pipeline. But before the  issued.  The  extent  of  Sum-
            for growing a market for a  Fuels Association Executive  Landowner  attorney  Brian  board issues the permit, the  mit's eminent domain pow-
            cleaner-burning    aviation  Director Monte Shaw said in  Jorde said the decision was  company must file proof of  ers wasn't immediately clear
            fuel. Corn is among the top  a statement.                 expected,  with  a  lengthy  an  insurance  policy  of  at  from  the  500-page  order.
            two  crops  in  the  Midwest,  Summit CEO Lee Blank wel-  process  for  Summit  still  least $100 million to pay for  The  board  denied  use  of
            and  Iowa  is  the  leader  in  comed  the  decision  in  a  ahead, such as applying in  any damages resulting from  some parcels of land; oth-
            corn  and  ethanol  produc-  statement.                   South Dakota.                the pipeline project. Summit  ers require modifications to
            tion.                        The project's opponents, in-  "It's just one small thing in a  must provide proof of the in-  the route. Eminent domain is
            "Whether you think it's smart  cluding  many  landowners,  maze,  in  a  track-and-field  surance annually.         the taking of private land for
            or  silly,  the  world's  largest  fear their land will be taken  event full of hurdles that they  The company also can't start  public use with compensa-
            airlines  want to decarbon-  for the pipeline and that a  have  to  get  over,"  Jorde  construction until it has ap-  tion for landowners.q

            Lawmakers in a New York county pass transgender athlete ban

            after earlier ban is thrown out in court

                                                                      athletes  from  playing  on  A  judge  ruled  in  May  that  ed "lies!"
                                                                      girls'  and  women's  teams  Blakeman had issued his or-  Blakeman had said his ear-
                                                                      at  county-owned  facilities  der "despite there being no  lier ban was meant to pro-
                                                                      after  a  bid  to  restrict  trans  corresponding   legislative  tect girls and women from
                                                                      athletes by executive order  enactment"  providing  him  getting  injured  while  com-
                                                                      was thrown out in court.     with  such  authority.  Blake-  peting  against  transgen-
                                                                      The  Republican-controlled  man  is  now  expected  to  der women. It would have
                                                                      Nassau  County  Legislature  sign the bill into law.      affected  more  than  100
                                                                      voted  12-5  on  Monday  to  The New York Times reports  sports facilities in the county
                                                                      bar trans athletes from play-  that transgender advocates  on Long Island next to New
                                                                      ing at county-owned facili-  packed  Monday's  meet-      York City.
                                                                      ties unless they compete on  ing holding signs that read  Blakeman's  executive  or-
                                                                      teams matching the gender  "trans women are women."       der  was  challenged  by
                                                                      they were assigned at birth  Republican Legislator John.  state Attorney General Le-
                                                                      or on coed teams.            R. Ferretti Jr. said the bill was  titia  James,  who  issued  a
            Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman, at podium, speaks   The move followed Republi-  not a transgender ban since  cease and desist letter, and
            during a news conference, March 6, 2024, in Mineola, N.Y.   can County Executive Bruce  trans women would still be  by  a  women's  roller  derby
                                                     Associated Press  Blakeman's Feb. 22 execu-   able  to  compete,  just  in  league,  the  Long  Island
            MINEOLA,  N.Y.  (AP)  —  A  New  York  City  has  voted  tive order attempting to en-  men's or coed leagues.       Roller Rebels, which filed a
            county  legislature  outside  to bar transgender female  act a similar ban.            Audience members chant-      lawsuit over the ban.q
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