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                   Wednesday 26 June 2024
            U.N. World Food Program decries looting and burning of its

            warehouse in western Myanmar combat zone

            BANGKOK (AP) — The Unit-                                                                                            alongside them.
            ed  Nations’  food  agency                                                                                          However,  Nay  San  Lwin,
            on  Tuesday  strongly  con-                                                                                         a  co-founder  of  the  Free
            demned the looting of food                                                                                          Rohingya    Coalition,   an
            supplies  and  burning  of                                                                                          advocacy  group  based
            one of its warehouses over                                                                                          outside  of  Myanmar,  said
            the weekend in a war-torn                                                                                           in a message to The Associ-
            area in Myanmar’s western                                                                                           ated Press that members of
            state of Rakhine.                                                                                                   both the Arakan Army and
            A  statement  released  by                                                                                          Myanmar’s  military  had
            the  World  Food  Program                                                                                           been  separately  involved
            said the destroyed building                                                                                         in  the  looting  and  burn-
            in  Rakhine’s  Maungdaw                                                                                             ing of the WFP warehouse,
            township held 1,175 metric                                                                                          which  held  more  than
            tons (1,295 U.S. tons) of food                                                                                      20,000 bags of rice.
            and supplies — enough to                                                                                            Maungdaw,  in  northern
            sustain 64,000 people for a                                                                                         Rakhine  and  close  to  the
            month in case of an emer-                                                                                           country’s  border  with  Ban-
            gency.                                                                                                              gladesh, appears to be on
            The  incident,  which  hap-                                                                                         the  verge  of  being  seized
            pened  on  Sunday,  makes                                                                                           by the Arakan Army.
            even  more  desperate  a                                                                                            Several days ago, the guer-
            humanitarian  crisis  caused                                                                                        rilla  group  urged  the  resi-
            by  bitter  fighting  between                                                                                       dents  of  Maungdaw,  who
            Myanmar’s military govern-                                                                                          are mostly from the Muslim
            ment  and  guerrillas  of  the                                                                                      Rohingya  ethnic  minor-
            Arakan  Army  belonging      Demonstrators hold papers printed with Aung San Suu Kyi’s famous quote ‘’The only real prison   ity,  to  evacuate  from  their
                                         is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear’’ as they rally to mark her 79th birthday in
            the  Rakhine  ethnic  minor-  Launglon township in Tanintharyi region, Myanmar, Wednesday, June 19, 2024.           houses  urgently  for  their
            ity,  which  seeks  autonomy                                                                       Associated Press  safety.
            from  the  central  govern-                                                                                         In  May,  the  Arakan  Army
            ment.                        government  of  Aung  San  unmet need for humanitar-      secure  access  is  provided  took over another Rakhine
            The  wider  context  of  the  Suu Kyi.                    ian assistance.              for  the  delivery  of  vital  as-  city, which like Maungdaw
            fighting  is  Myanmar’s  na-  The  fiercest  fighting  is  cur-  The  WFP  also  called  “on  sistance to those in urgent  has  a  majority  Rohingya
            tionwide civil war, in which  rently taking place in Rakh-  all parties to the conflict to  need.”                  population.  At  the  time,
            pro-democracy     guerrillas  ine. The U.N. says that more  uphold their obligations un-  The  statement  did  not  the  military  government
            and ethnic minority armed  than 3 million people have  der  International  Humani-     identify  the  perpetrators  and the Arakan Army each
            forces  battle  the  country’s  been  displaced  nation-  tarian  Law  to  ensure  that  of  the  looting.  The  Arakan  blamed the other for burn-
            military  rulers,  who  took  wide  by  fighting  since  the  humanitarian  facilities  and  Army  blamed  the  attack  ing  down  most  of  the  city
            power  in  2021  after  the  2021 army takeover, caus-    assets  are  respected  and  on army soldiers and local  and forcing its residents to
            army  ousted  the  elected  ing  a  massive  and  largely  protected,  and  safe  and  Muslims said to be fighting  leave.q

            Puerto Rico sues former officials accused of corruption to recover

            more than $30M in public funds

            By  CORAL  MURPHY  MAR-      age caused by those who  Also sued are eight former  one  year  in  federal  prison  Justice  Department  sued
            COS                          have illegally appropriated  mayors  including  Félix  Del-  in  March  after  pleading  more  than  30  convicts  for
            Associated Press             public  funds,”  said  Domin-  gado  of  Cataño  and  Án-  guilty  to  accepting  bribes  corruption with the purpose
            SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)  go Emanuelli, the U.S. terri-  gel  Pérez  of  Guaynabo.  in  exchange  for  awarding  of  recovering  public  funds
            — Puerto Rico’s Justice De-  tory’s justice secretary.    Delgado was sentenced to  millions of dollars’ worth of  and  demanding  repara-
            partment announced Tues-                                                               municipal  contracts.  Pérez  tion for  the damages  they
            day that it is suing at least                                                          was  sentenced  to  more  caused to the Puerto Rican
            30  ex-government  officials                                                           than  five  years  in  federal  people,” Emanuelli said.
            accused  of  corruption  to                                                            prison in February after be-  The  department  also  sued
            recover more than $30 mil-                                                             ing  found  guilty  of  bribery  two  companies:  J.  R.  As-
            lion in public funds.                                                                  and extorsion.               phalt,  Inc.,  and  Waste
            Among  those  sued  are                                                                Their  attorneys  could  not  Collection  Corp.  Federal
            three  former  legislators,                                                            be  immediately  reached  authorities  have  previously
            including  María  Milagros                                                             for comment.                 accused  them  of  being
            Charbonier,  who  was  sen-                                                            Puerto  Rico’s  Justice  De-  linked  to  government  cor-
            tenced  in  May  to  eight                                                             partment  had  long  been  ruption cases.
            years in federal prison after                                                          accused  of  not  cracking  The  Department  of  Justice
            being found guilty of theft,                                                           down  sufficiently  on  wide-  stated  that,  according  to
            bribery  and  a  kickback                                                              spread  government  cor-     the civil procedural rules of
            scheme.  “We  are  going                                                               ruption  on  the  island,  with  the U.S. territory, it could im-
            to  recover  the  Puerto  Ri-                                                          federal  authorities  taking  plement  provisional  mea-
            can  people’s  money  and    A Puerto Rican national flag flies in front of the Capitol building   the reins in recent years.  sures to recover assets and
            claim  an  amount  that  to-  in San Juan, Puerto Rico, July 29, 2015.                 “For  the  first  time  on  the  restrict  the  defendants’
            tals  three  times  the  dam-                                         Associated Press  island,  the  Puerto  Rican  ability to sell property.q
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