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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 26 June 2024
            Israel’s high court orders the army to draft ultra-Orthodox men,

            rattling Netanyahu’s government

            By TIA GOLDENBERG                                                                                                   and most of whom do not.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    As descendants of Palestin-
            JERUSALEM  (AP)  —  Israel’s                                                                                        ians who remained in Israel
            Supreme Court on Tuesday                                                                                            after the 1948 war that led
            ruled unanimously that the                                                                                          to  its  creation,  their  ties  to
            military  must  begin  draft-                                                                                       the military are fraught and
            ing ultra-Orthodox men for                                                                                          some in Israel see them as
            compulsory service, a land-                                                                                         a  fifth  column  because  of
            mark  decision  that  could                                                                                         their solidarity with Palestin-
            lead  to  the  collapse  of                                                                                         ians in Gaza and the West
            Prime Minister Benjamin Ne-                                                                                         Bank.
            tanyahu’s governing coali-                                                                                          Tuesday’s  ruling  now  sets
            tion  as  Israel  continues  to                                                                                     the  stage  for  growing  fric-
            wage war in Gaza.                                                                                                   tion within the coalition over
            The historic ruling effectively                                                                                     the draft issue. Ultra-Ortho-
            puts an end to a decades-                                                                                           dox lawmakers are likely to
            old  system  that  granted                                                                                          face  intense  pressure  from
            ultra-Orthodox  men  broad                                                                                          religious  leaders  and  their
            exemptions  from  military                                                                                          constituents and may have
            service  while  maintaining                                                                                         to decide whether remain-
            mandatory  enlistment  for                                                                                          ing  in  the  government  is
            the country’s secular Jewish                                                                                        worthwhile  for  them.  Previ-
            majority. The arrangement,                                                                                          ous court rulings on the issue
            deemed  discriminatory  by   Israeli  police  officers  remove  an  ultra-Orthodox  Jewish  man  from  the  street  during  a  protest   and  threats  of  enlistment
            critics, has created a deep   against army recruitment in Jerusalem on June 2, 2024.               Associated Press  have sparked protests and
            chasm in Israel’s Jewish ma-                                                                                        violence between the ultra-
            jority over who should shoul-  government  to  collapse  It  did  not  say  how  many  seminary  budgets  earlier  Orthodox and police.
            der the burden of protect-   and  likely  leading  to  new  ultra-Orthodox  should  be  this year.                  Friedman  said  the  ultra-
            ing the country.             elections at a time when its  drafted, but the military has  In a post on the social plat-  Orthodox “understand that
            The court struck down a law  popularity has dropped.      said it is capable of enlisting  form X, Cabinet minister Yit-  they  don’t  have  a  better
            that codified exemptions in  In the current environment,  3,000 this year.             zhak Goldknopf, who heads  political  alternative,  but  at
            2017,  but  repeated  court  Netanyahu  could  have  a  The  security  establishment  one  of  the  ultra-Orthodox  the  same  time  their  public
            extensions  and  govern-     hard time delaying the mat-  must  “act  immediately  to  parties  in  the  coalition,  is saying ‘why did we vote
            ment delaying tactics over  ter  any  further  or  passing  implement  the  ruling”  and  called  the  ruling  “very  un-  for you?’”
            a  replacement  dragged  laws to restore the exemp-       enlist  at  least  that  many  fortunate  and  disappoint-  The exemptions have faced
            out  a  resolution  for  years.  tions.  During  arguments,  ultra-Orthodox  soldiers  in  ing.” He did not say wheth-  years  of  legal  challenges
            The  court  ruled  that  in  the  government  lawyers  told  the  coming  year,  the  At-  er his party would bolt the  and a string of court deci-
            absence  of  a  law,  Israel’s  the  court  that  forcing  ul-  torney General’s Office de-  government.            sions has found the system
            compulsory military service  tra-Orthodox  men  to  enlist  manded in a letter to legal  Israel’s   ultra-Orthodox  unjust.  But  Israeli  leaders,
            applies  to  the  ultra-Ortho-  would  “tear  Israeli  society  advisors  for  the  defense  make  up  roughly  13%  of  under  pressure  from  ultra-
            dox like any other citizen.  apart.”                      establishment, the Finance  the  9.9  million  population.  Orthodox  parties,  have  re-
            Under    longstanding   ar-  The ultra-Orthodox see their  Ministry and the Ministry of  The community has a high  peatedly stalled.
            rangements, ultra-Orthodox  full-time  religious  study  as  Education.                birthrate, making it the fast-  The  Movement  for  Qual-
            men  have  been  exempt  their part in protecting the  Some 66,000 ultra-Orthodox  est-growing segment of the  ity  Government  in  Israel,
            from  the  draft,  which  is  state.                      men are now eligible for en-  population, at about 4% an-  which  has  helped  lead
            compulsory  for  most  Jew-  Many fear that greater con-  listment, according to Shuki  nually.  Each  year,  roughly  the  challenge  against  the
            ish  men  and  women,  who  tact  with  secular  society  Friedman, an expert on re-   13,000 ultra-Orthodox males  exemptions,  called  on  the
            serve  three  and  two  years  through the military will dis-  ligion and state affairs and  reach the conscription age  government to immediate-
            respectively  as  well  as  re-  tance adherents from strict  the  vice-president  of  the  of 18 but less than 10% en-  ly draft all eligible seminary
            serve duty until around age  observance of the faith.     Jewish  People  Policy  Insti-  list, according to the Israeli  students.
            40.                          A  statement  from  Netan-   tute, a Jerusalem think tank.  parliament’s  State  Control   “This is their legal and moral
            These  exemptions  have  yahu’s Likud party criticized  The  ruling  of  Israel’s  high-  Committee.                duty,  especially  in  light  of
            long been a source of an-    the  ruling,  saying  a  bill  in  est court must be followed,  Ultra-Orthodox men attend  the complex security situa-
            ger  among  the  secular  parliament backed by the  and the military is expected  special  seminaries  that  fo-    tion  and  the  urgent  need
            public,  a  divide  that  has  Israeli leader would address  to  begin  doing  so  once  it  cus on religious studies, with  for personnel” in the army,
            widened  during  the  eight-  the draft issue. Critics say it  forms a plan for how to draft  little  attention  on  secular  said  Tomer  Naor,  head  of
            month-old war, as the mili-  falls short of Israel’s wartime  thousands of members of a  topics  such  as  math,  Eng-  the  group’s  legal  depart-
            tary  has  called  up  tens  of  needs.                   population  that’s  deeply  lish or science. Critics have  ment.
            thousands  of  soldiers  and  “The  real  solution  to  the  opposed  to  service,  and  said they are ill-prepared to  Netanyahu’s  coalition  is
            says  it  needs  all  the  man-  draft  problem  is  not  a  Su-  which  follows  a  cloistered  serve in the military or enter  buoyed by two ultra-Ortho-
            power it can get. Over 600  preme  Court  ruling,”  the  and  modest  lifestyle  the  the secular work force.       dox parties who oppose in-
            soldiers  have  been  killed  statement said.             military may not be imme-    Religious  women  generally  creasing enlistment for their
            since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack.  In its ruling, the court found  diately prepared to accom-  receive  exemptions  that  constituents. The long-serv-
            Politically  powerful  ultra-  that  the  state  was  carry-  modate. The army had no  are not as controversial, in  ing Israeli leader has tried to
            Orthodox parties, key part-  ing  out  “invalid  selective  immediate comment.         part  because  women  are  adhere to the court’s rulings
            ners  in  Netanyahu’s  gov-  enforcement, which repre-    The  court  also  ruled  that  not  expected  to  serve  in  while also scrambling to pre-
            erning  coalition,  oppose  sents  a  serious  violation  of  state subsidies for seminar-  combat units.           serve his coalition. But with
            any change to the current  the rule of law, and the prin-  ies  where  exempted  ultra-  The  court  ruling  does  not  a  slim  majority  of  64  seats
            system.  If  the  exemptions  ciple according to which all  Orthodox men study should  address the status of Israel’s  in  the  120-member  parlia-
            are ended, they could bolt  individuals are equal before  remain  suspended.  The  Palestinian  citizens,  who  ment, he’s often beholden
            the  coalition,  causing  the  the law.”                  court temporarily froze the  are not expected to serve  to the smaller parties.q
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