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                   Wednesday 26 June 2024

            Judge alters Trump's gag order, letting him talk about witnesses,

            jury after hush money conviction

            Continued from Front                                                                                                while  also  testing  its  limits.
                                                                                                                                In  remarks  a  day  after  his
            Trump  was  convicted  in                                                                                           conviction,  Trump  referred
            New York on May 30 of falsi-                                                                                        to Cohen as "a sleazebag,"
            fying records to cover up a                                                                                         though not by name.
            potential sex scandal, mak-                                                                                         In  a  subsequent  Newsmax
            ing him the first ex-president                                                                                      interview, Trump took issue
            convicted of a crime.                                                                                               with  jury  and  its  makeup,
            In  a  five-page  ruling,  Mer-                                                                                     complaining  about  Man-
            chan  wrote  that  the  gag                                                                                         hattan,  "It's  a  very,  very
            order  was  meant  to  "pro-                                                                                        liberal  democrat  area  so
            tect the integrity of the ju-                                                                                       I  knew  we  were  in  deep
            dicial  proceedings"  and                                                                                           trouble,"  and  claiming:  "I
            that  protections  for  wit-                                                                                        never  saw  a  glimmer  of  a
            nesses and jurors no longer                                                                                         smile from the jury. No, this
            applied  now  that  the  trial                                                                                      was a venue that was very
            has ended and the jury has                                                                                          unfair. A tiny fraction of the
            been discharged.                                                                                                    people are Republicans."
            Merchan  said  it  had  been                                                                                        Trump's  lawyers,  who  said
            his  "strong  preference"  to                                                                                       they  were  under  the  im-
            continue  barring  Trump                                                                                            pression  the  gag  order
            from  commenting  about                                                                                             would  end  with  a  verdict,
            jurors,  whose  names  have   Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally,   wrote to Merchan on June
            not been made public, but    June 22, 2024, at Temple University in Philadelphia.                                   4 asking him to lift the order.
            that  he  couldn't  justify  do-                                                                   Associated Press  Prosecutors  wanted  Mer-
            ing so. The judge did leave  rant  restricting  Trump's  First  fice had asked Merchan to  process."                chan  to  keep  the  gag  or-
            in  place  a  separate  order  Amendment  rights  after  keep  the  gag  order's  ban  "His  decision  to  impose  re-  der's  ban  on  comments
            prohibiting  Trump  and  his  the trial's conclusion. Trump  on  comments  about  the  strictions on Mr. Trump, as it  about  jurors  and  trial  staff
            lawyers from disclosing the  has said the gag order pre-  jury  and  trial  staff  in  place  related to reckless and un-  "at  least  through  the  sen-
            identities of individual jurors  vented  him  from  defend-  at  least  until  Trump  is  sen-  relenting character attacks  tencing  hearing  and  the
            or  their  addresses.  Trump  ing  himself  while  Cohen  tenced, but said last week  on  court  personnel,  trial  resolution  of  any  post-trial
            lawyer  Todd  Blanche  said  and  Daniels  continued  to  they would be OK allowing  witnesses,  and  potentially  motions."  They  argued  the
            after  the  verdict  the  de-  pillory  him.  Though  largely  Trump  to  comment  about  jurors was extraordinary but  judge  had  "an  obligation
            fense  team  has  destroyed  a  win  for  Trump,  his  cam-  witnesses now that the trial  clearly  justified  given  the  to  protect  the  integrity  of
            that information.            paign spokesperson Steven  is over.                       defendant's uncontrollable  these proceedings and the
            "There is ample evidence to  Cheung     criticized   Tues-  A  message  seeking  com-  daily rants," Brewster said.  fair  administration  of  jus-
            justify  continued  concern  day's ruling as "another un-  ment was left with the Man-  Trump was convicted on 34  tice."
            for  the  jurors,"  Merchan  lawful decision by a highly  hattan DA's office.          counts of falsifying business  Merchan  issued  Trump's
            wrote.                       conflicted  judge,  which  is  Cohen,  who  testified  for  records  arising  from  what  gag order on March 26, a
            Merchan also left in place  blatantly un-American as it  four  days  against  his  ex-  prosecutors said was an at-  few weeks before the start
            a ban on Trump comment-      gags  President  Trump,  the  boss, reacted to the ruling  tempt  to  cover  up  a  hush  of  the  trial,  after  prosecu-
            ing  about  court  staffers,  leading  candidate  in  the  via text message. He wrote:  money payment to Daniels  tors raised concerns about
            the  prosecution  team  and  2024  Presidential  Election  "For the past 6 years, Donald  just  before  the  2016  presi-  the  presumptive  Republi-
            their families until he is sen-  during the upcoming Presi-  and  acolytes  have  been  dential election. She claims  can presidential nominee's
            tenced,  writing  that  they  dential  Debate  on  Thurs-  making  constant  nega-     she  had  a  sexual  encoun-  propensity to assail people
            must  "continue  to  perform  day."                       tive  statements  about  me.  ter  with  Trump  a  decade  involved in his cases.
            their lawful duties free from  Cheung said Trump and his  Donald's  failed  strategy  of  earlier, which he denies.  Merchan  later  expanded
            threats,  intimidation,  har-  lawyers  "will  immediately  discrediting  me  so  that  he  The  crime  is  punishable  it  to  prohibit  comments
            assment, and harm." Those  challenge  today's  uncon-     can  avoid  accountability  by  up  to  four  years  be-  about  his  own  family  after
            restrictions  do  not  prohibit  stitutional  order,"  arguing  didn't work then and won't  hind  bars,  but  prosecutors  Trump  made  social  media
            Trump  from  commenting  that  portions  of  the  gag  work now."                      haven't  said  if  they  would  posts attacking the judge's
            about  the  judge  himself  order  still  in  effect  prevent  Daniels' lawyer Clark Brews-  seek  incarceration  and  it's  daughter,  a  Democratic
            or  District  Attorney  Alvin  him  from  speaking  about  ter said they "have nothing  unclear  if  Merchan  would  political consultant.
            Bragg,  whose  office  pros-  the judge, whom he alleg-   but  respect"  for  Merchan  impose  such  a  sentence.  During  the  trial,  Merchan
            ecuted the case.             es had a conflict of interest,  and  defer  to  his  post-ver-  Other  options  include  a  held Trump in contempt of
            Trump's lawyers had urged  or repeating his unfounded  dict  review  of  the  gag  or-  fine or probation.          court, fined him $10,000 for
            Merchan to lift the gag or-  claims  that  Biden  directed  der  "in  the  context  of  free  Following  his  conviction,  violating the gag order and
            der  completely,  arguing  the prosecution.               speech  and  any  continu-   Trump complained he was  threatened to put him in jail
            there  was  nothing  to  war-  The  Manhattan  DA's  of-  ing  danger  to  the  judicial  under a "nasty gag order,"  if he did it again.q
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