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A28    u.s. news
                   Diaranson 14 aPriL 2021

                            Business leaders urge Biden to set ambitious climate goal

            (AP)  —  More  than  300                                                                                            nia and record-breaking hur-
            businesses  and  investors,                                                                                         ricanes in the Southeast and
            including  such  giants  as                                                                                         Gulf Coast.
            Apple,  Google,  Microsoft
            and  Coca-Cola,  are  call-                                                                                         “The  human  and  economic
            ing  on  the  Biden  admin-                                                                                         losses of the past 12 months
            istration  to  set  an  ambi-                                                                                       alone  are  profound,''  they
            tious climate change goal                                                                                           wrote. “Tragically, these dev-
            that would cut U.S. green-                                                                                          astating  climate  impacts  also
            house gas emissions by at                                                                                           disproportionately  hit  mar-
            least 50% below 2005 levels                                                                                         ginalized  and  low-income
            by 2030.                                                                                                            communities  who  are  least
                                                                                                                                able  to  withstand  them.  We
            The  target  would  nearly                                                                                          must  act  now  to  slow  and
            double  the  nation’s  previ-                                                                                       turn the tide.''
            ous commitment and require
            dramatic changes in the pow-                                                                                        While  Biden  has  reentered
            er,  transportation  and  other                                                                                     the U.S into the Paris climate
            sectors.  President  Joe  Biden                                                                                     accord and made climate ac-
            is  considering  options  for                                                                                       tion a pillar of his presidency,
            expected  carbon  reductions                                                                                        more  action  is  needed,  the
            by  2030  ahead  of  a  virtual                                                                                     business leaders said. “An ef-
            climate  summit  the  United                                                                                        fective national climate strat-
            States  is  hosting  later  this                                                                                    egy  will  require  all  of  us,''
            month.                                                                                                              they  told  Biden,  but  “you
                                                                                                                                alone  can  set  the  course  by
            The so-called Nationally De-                                                                                        swiftly  establishing  a  bold
            termined  Contribution  is  a                                                                                       U.S. 2030 target.''
            key milestone as Biden moves  that support action to accel-  house  gas  emissions  in  half  Star Game from Atlanta.
            toward  his  ultimate  goal  of  erate  the  transition  to  a  car-  in the coming decade. They                    In  a  related  development,
            net-zero  carbon  emissions  bon-free economy.            called for a trans-Atlantic alli-  More than 100 business lead-  Apple became the first major
            by 2050. Biden has promised                               ance to tackle climate change  ers  participated  in  a  Zoom  U.S.  publicly  traded  com-
            to reveal the nonbinding but  An  ambitious  2030  target  and achieve a “just and sus-  call  last  weekend  to  discuss  pany  to  endorse  regulatory
            symbolically  important  2030  would  guide  the  federal  tainable transition” toward a  how  to  oppose  Republican-  action  by  the  Securities  and
            goal  before  the  Earth  Day  government’s  approach  to  low-carbon economy.         backed  proposals  across  the  Exchange Commission man-
            summit opens April 22.       sustainable  and  resilient  in-                          country that could limit vot-  dating disclosure of climate-
                                         frastructure, as well as zero-  The  letter  from  U.S.  busi-  ing.  Options  include  stop-  related information to inves-
            “A bold 2030 target is needed  emissions vehicles and build-  ness  leaders  to  the  Demo-  ping  political  donations  and  tors.  Apple  has  made  such
            to  catalyze  a  zero-emissions  ings, and “would inspire oth-  cratic  president  comes  as  holding off in investments in  disclosures  for  the  past  de-
            future,  spur  a  robust  eco-  er  industrialized  nations  to  fissures  between  corporate  states that approve the laws.  cade but said the SEC should
            nomic  recovery,  create  mil-  set bold targets of their own,''  America and the Republican                        make the disclosures manda-
            lions of well-paying jobs and  the group wrote.           Party  have  opened  over  the  On  climate,  the  business  tory.
            allow the U.S. to ‘build back                             GOP’s  embrace  of  conspir-  leaders told Biden they “ap-
            better’  from  the  pandemic,''  Besides  the  tech  and  con-  acy theories and rejection of  plaud  your  administration’s  “We're determined to do our
            the  businesses  and  investors  sumer products giants, com-  mainstream  climate  science,  demonstrated  commitment  part  to  fight  climate  change
            said in a letter to Biden.   panies  with  major  energy  as well as its dismissal of the  to  address  climate  change  &  believe  transparency  is  an
                                         holdings,  including  Exelon,  2020  election  outcome.  The  head-on,  and  we  stand  in  important  part  of  this,''  Ap-
            “New  investment  in  clean  General Electric, PG&E and  most  recent  flashpoint  was  support of your efforts.''  ple  vice  president  Lisa  Jack-
            energy, energy efficiency and  Edison  International,  also  in Georgia, where a new Re-                            son said Tuesday in a tweet.
            clean transportation can build  signed the letter.        publican-backed law restrict-  Millions of Americans are al-  “We believe other companies
            a strong, more equitable and                              ing voting rights drew harsh  ready  feeling  the  impacts  of  should  do  the  same,''  added
            more  inclusive  American  Meanwhile, dozens of Euro-     criticism  from  Delta  Air  climate  change,  they  wrote,  Jackson,  a  former  adminis-
            economy,''  they  wrote.  The  pean lawmakers, business ex-  Lines and Coca-Cola, whose  citing  the  severe  winter  trator  of  the  Environmental
            letter  was  organized  by  the  ecutives and union leaders on  headquarters are in the state,  storm  that  caused  blackouts  Protection Agency.
            “We  Mean  Business”  coali-  Tuesday also urged the Unit-  and resulted in Major League  in  Texas  and  other  states,
            tion,  a  group  of  companies  ed  States  to  slash  its  green-  Baseball pulling the 2021 All-  deadly  wildfires  in  Califor-

                       Major' announcement planned in student's 1996 disappearance

            (AP) — A sheriff on Cali-    fornia's  Central  Coast  plans to make a major an-       The  news  comes  about  was a student at the time.
                                                                      nouncement  Tuesday  in  a  month  after  the  sheriff
                                                                      the  nearly  25-year  mys-   named  former  student  Paul  Search warrants were served
                                                                      tery of the disappearance  Flores as the “prime suspect”  last year on Flores’ home in
                                                                      of  college student Kristin  in the case and investigators  the San Pedro area of Los An-
                                                                      Smart.                       searched  his  father's  home  geles and at other locations in
                                                                                                   and property in the city of Ar-  California  and  Washington
                                                                      San  Luis  Obispo  County  royo Grande, about 15 miles  state. Investigators conducted
                                                                      Sheriff Ian Parkinson sched-  (24 kilometers) south of the  digs on the campus in 2016.
                                                                      uled a news conference at 2  university,  using  ground-
                                                                      p.m.  at  California  Polytech-  penetrating radar and cadaver  Flores  has  remained  mum
                                                                      nic  State  University  in  San  dogs.                    through  the  years,  invoking
                                                                      Luis  Obispo,  where  Smart                               his  Fifth  Amendment  right
                                                                      was  a  student,  to  discuss  Smart, 19, of Stockton, Cali-  to  not  answer  questions  be-
                                                                      “major  developments  in  the  fornia, vanished in May 1996  fore a grand jury and in a de-
                                                                      investigation" into her disap-  while returning to a dorm at  position for a lawsuit that was
                                                                      pearance.                    Cal Poly after a party. She was  brought against him.
                                                                                                   seen  with  Flores,  who  also
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