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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 14 aPriL 2021

                           J&J delays vaccine rollout in Europe amid clot fears in US

            (AP)  —  Johnson  &  John-                                                                                          AstraZeneca vaccine for sev-
            son  said  Tuesday  it  is  de-                                                                                     eral months due to a surge of
            laying  the  rollout  of  its                                                                                       cases in the subcontinent.
            coronavirus  vaccine  in                                                                                            European    regulators   on
            Europe amid a U.S. probe                                                                                            March 11 endorsed the John-
            into reports of rare blood                                                                                          son & Johnson vaccine as the
            clots  in  some  recipients,                                                                                        fourth authorized for use in
            moves that experts worry                                                                                            the EU, but the first supplies
            could  further  shake  vac-                                                                                         are only now arriving.
            cine confidence and com-                                                                                            Italy  expected  to  receive  its
            plicate COVID-19 immu-                                                                                              first Johnson & Johnson de-
            nization efforts.                                                                                                   liveries this week. The Lazio
                                                                                                                                region  surrounding  Rome
            The announcement came af-                                                                                           planned  to  give  the  prison
            ter  regulators  in  the  United                                                                                    population  the  single  jab,
            States said they were recom-                                                                                        while  the  northern  Veneto
            mending a “pause” in the sin-                                                                                       region  planned  to  use  it  for
            gle-dose  shot  to  investigate                                                                                     home-bound adults over 80.
            reports of rare, but potential-                                                                                     Francesco  Rocca,  president
            ly dangerous blood clots.                                                                                           of  the  International  Federa-
            “We  have  made  the  deci-                                                                                         tion  of  the  Red  Cross,  told
            sion to proactively delay the                                                                                       foreign reporters in Italy that
            rollout of our vaccine in Eu-                                                                                       the news the vaccine was be-
            rope,”  Johnson  &  Johnson                                                                                         ing “paused” meant the regu-
            said.                                                                                                               latory  system  was  function-
            The  delay  is  a  further  blow                                                                                    ing as it should.
            to  vaccination  drives  in  the                                                                                    “There will be repercussions,
            European  Union,  which                                                                                             as we are waiting for millions
            have been plagued by supply                                                                                         of doses. But this means the
            shortages, logistical problems                                                                                      controls are working,” Rocca
            and  concerns  over  unusual                                                                                        said. “If we need to be pru-
            blood clots in  a  small  num-                                                                                      dent, we need to be prudent.”
            ber  of  people  who  received                                                                                      Officials in Germany, which
            the AstraZeneca vaccine.                                                                                            was  due  to  receive  232,800
            The  blood  clot  reports                                                                                           doses of the vaccine this week
            prompted  several  countries                                                                                        and 10.1 million doses by the
            in the 27-nation bloc to limit                                                                                      end of June, said earlier Tues-
            the  AstraZeneca  vaccine  to                                                                                       day that there were no imme-
            older  age  groups,  which  are                                                                                     diate plans to change.
            more at risk from serious ill-                                                                                      “In  principle,  we  naturally
            ness when infected with CO-                                                                                         always take such warnings in
            VID-19.                                                                                                             an international context seri-
            The Johnson & Johnson and    between  the  ages  of  18  and  statement.  “Given  the  im-  South  Africa  planned  to   ously and investigate them,”
            AstraZeneca  vaccines  are   48, including one who died.  portance of these vaccines for  test  the  J&J  shot  in  500,000   Health  Ministry  spokesman,
            made  with  the  same  tech-  The FDA commissioner said  the timely control of the pan-  health workers as part of the   Hanno Kautz, told reporters
            nology. Many leading COV-    she expected the pause to last  demic,  investigation  of  this  research,  and  as  of  Mon-  in Berlin.
            ID-19 vaccines train the body   a matter of days.         phenomenon  is  now  an  ex-  day  night,  it  had  vaccinated   Spain is expecting to receive
            to recognize the spike protein   The Amsterdam-based EMA  tremely  urgent  international  289,787.                  300,000  doses  of  J&J  on
            that coats the outer surface of   said  following  the  U.S.  an-  priority.”          Last  month,  the  African   Wednesday, the first delivery
            the coronavirus. But the J&J   nouncement  Tuesday  it  is  The EU ordered 200 million  Union  announced  it  had   of the jab produced by John-
            and  AstraZeneca  vaccines   “currently not clear” whether  doses of the Johnson & John-  signed a deal to buy up to 400   son & Johnson. Asked about
            use a cold virus, called an ad-  the J&J shot was responsible  son in 2021. Britain ordered  million doses of the J&J vac-  the temporary halt on John-
            enovirus,  to  carry  the  spike   for the rare clotting disorders.  30 million doses of the J& J  cine.            son  &  Johnson  shots  in  the
            gene into the body. Johnson   Last  week,  the  EMA  said  it  vaccine, though U.K. regula-  Johnson & Johnson also has   United States, Spanish Prime
            & Johnson uses a human ad-   found  a  “possible  link”  be-  tors have not yet approved its  a  preliminary  agreement  to   Minister Pedro Sánchez said
            enovirus to create its vaccine,   tween  the  AstraZeneca  shot  use.                  supply  up  to  500  million   the benefits of taking the vac-
            while  AstraZeneca  uses  a   and rare blood clots but that  France  had  expected  to  re-  doses  to  the  U.N.-backed   cine remain greater than the
            chimpanzee version.          it still thought the benefits of  ceive  200,000  doses  of  the  COVAX  initiative,  an  effort   risks but that he would need
            The  European  Medicines     vaccination  far  outweighed  vaccine  this  week  and  was  to  provide  COVID-19  vac-  to learn more.
            Agency, the EU’s drug regu-  the  risks  of  COVID-19.  It  planning to start administer-  cines  to  the  world’s  poor.   “We have to all be aware that
            lator,  said  last  Friday  that  it   noted  the  risk  of  such  clots  ing them next week to people  The  World  Health  Organi-  all the vaccines being admin-
            was reviewing cases reported   is  less  than  the  blood  clot  aged 55 and over. In total, the  zation  last  month  gave  the   istered to the Spanish popu-
            in  the  United  States  of  rare   risk that healthy women face  country  had  planned  to  re-  green light to the J&J vaccine,   lation,  and  the  European,
            blood clots in people who got   from birth control pills.  ceive about 8 million doses of  saying  its  one-dose  formula   as well as American popula-
            the J&J vaccine.             Dr.  Adam  Finn,  a  professor  the J&J vaccine by the end of  “should facilitate vaccination   tions, are safe,” Sánchez said.
            In a joint statement Tuesday,   of pediatrics at Britain’s Uni-  June.                 logistics in all countries.”
            the Centers for Disease Con-  versity of Bristol, said it was  In  February,  South  Africa  Any  concerns  about  the  J&J
            trol  and  Prevention  and  the   possible the way the J&J and  began  vaccinating  its  health  vaccine  could  be  another
            Food  and  Drug  Administra-  AstraZeneca  vaccines  were  workers  with  the  J&J  vac-  unwelcome   complication
            tion  said  they  were  investi-  made  may  have  contributed  cine  in  a  research  trial  after  for COVAX and for the bil-
            gating  six  cases  of  unusual   to the unusual clotting disor-  abandoning plans to use the  lions of people in developing
            clots that occurred six to 13   ders in a very small propor-  AstraZeneca  shot  when  a  countries  depending  on  the
            days  after  vaccination.  The   tion of people.          preliminary  study  suggest-  program  to  get  immunized.
            clots  occurred  in  veins  that   “This  may  help  give  us  a  ed  the  AstraZeneca  vaccine  COVAX  recently  was  hit  by
            drain  blood  from  the  brain   clue  towards  understanding  was only minimally effective  supply  issues  after  its  big-
            and  occurred  together  with   the  mechanism  or  a  way  to  against  the  variant  of  CO-  gest supplier, the Serum In-
            low blood platelets.         prevent  this  problem  from  VID-19 that first arose in the  stitute  of  India,  announced
            All six cases were in women   occurring,”  Finn  said  in  a  country.                 it would delay exports of the
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