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                                                                      obituario/u.s. news Diabierna 30 aPriL 2021

                                                                     FDA revives federal effort to ban menthol


                                                               WASHINGTON              (AP)
                                                               —  U.S.  health  regulators
                                                               pledged    again   Thursday
                  "Dios ta amor... y amor ta Dios,             to try to ban menthol ciga-
               maske mi no ta na e mundo aki, tur              rettes, this time under pres-
               dia lo mi ta banda di boso Curazon, mi          sure from African American
               por stens di loke Señor ta hasi"                groups  to  remove  the  mint
                                                               flavor popular among Black
                               Salmo 33                        smokers.

                   Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta             The  Food  and  Drug  Admin-
                anuncia fayecimento di nos ser stima:          istration  has  attempted  several
                                                               times to get rid of menthol but
                                                               faced pushback from Big Tobac-
                                                               co,  members  of  Congress  and
                                                               competing political interests in
                                                               both the Obama and Trump ad-
                                                               ministrations. Any menthol ban
                                                               will  take  years  to  implement  ucts  still  on  the  market?"  said  But Black smokers are less like-
                                                               and  will  likely  face  legal  chal-  Carol  McGruder  of  the  Afri-  ly  to  successfully  quit,  a  trend
                                                               lenges from tobacco companies.  can American Tobacco Control  that the U.S. Surgeon General
                                                               Thursday's     announcement  Leadership Council.              and  others  have  attributed  to
                                                               is  the  result  of  a  lawsuit  filed  Her group sued along with Ac-  menthol cigarettes.
                                                               by  anti-smoking  and  medical  tion  on  Smoking  and  Health,
                                                               groups last summer to force the  the American Medical Associa-  Menthol  occurs  naturally  in
                                                               FDA to finally make a decision  tion  and  the  National  Medical  mint plants. Known for its cool-
                                                               on menthol, alleging that regu-  Association,  which  represents  ing effect, the chemical is used
                                                               lators  had  "unreasonably  de-  Black physicians.            in cough drops and other medi-
                                                               layed" responding to a 2013 pe-                               cines.  Cigarette  makers  be-
                 Sr. Anthony P. Martinus                       tition seeking to ban the flavor.   For decades, companies focused  gan adding the chemical in the
                        Mihor conoci “Nono”                    The  deadline  for  the  agency's  menthol marketing and promo-  1920s after realizing it reduced
                     *11-11-1965 - †21-04-2021                 response  was  Thursday.  The  tions  on  Black  communities,  the throat hit of cigarettes.
                                                               FDA  said  it  aims  to  introduce  including sponsoring music fes-
                                                               the regulations banning the fla-  tivals and neighborhood events.  Past  government  efforts  tar-
                    Acto di entiero lo wordo                   vor in the coming year.        Company  documents  released  geting menthol have faced op-
                         anuncia despues                       The  action  would  also  ban  via  1990s  litigation  also  show  position  from  lawmakers  from
                                                               menthol and fruity flavors from  companies  viewed  menthol  traditional  tobacco  states  like
                                                               low-cost  cigars,  which  are  in-  cigarettes as good "starter" prod-  North Carolina, but also some
                                                               creasingly  popular  with  young  ucts  because  they  were  more  members of the Congressional
                                                               people, especially Black teens.   palatable for teenagers .   Black Caucus, many who have
                                                                                                                             received  campaign  contribu-
                                                               "Taken  together,  these  policies  In  the  late  1990s,  new  restric-  tions from cigarette makers.
                                                               will help save lives and improve  tions banned cigarette advertis-
                                                               the public health of our coun-  ing from billboards, public tran-  Some caucus members warned
                  Laga tur loke ta spera mi ta bunita          try  as  we  confront  the  leading  sit and most event sponsorships.  that  banning  menthol  would
                  Laga tur locual cu mi encontra na            cause of preventable disease and  Companies  shifted  more  pro-  create  an  illegal  market  for
                          caminda ta bunita                    death," Mitch Zeller, the FDA's  motions  to  retail  locations  like  the  products,  subjecting  Black
                 Laga tur locual cu mi laga atras keda         head of tobacco, said in a state-  gas  stations  and  convenience  communities  to  increased  law
                               bunita y                        ment.
               Laga esakinan termina den tur buniteza.                                        stores,  which  researchers  have  enforcement.
                                                                                              shown are heavily concentrated
                             Cado Wever.                       Menthol  is  the  only  cigarette  in Black neighborhoods
                                                                                                                             But  calls  for  action  have  been
                                                               flavor that was not banned un-                                growing and last year the House
               Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta anuncia         der the 2009 law that gave the  About  a  third  of  all  cigarettes  of Representatives voted to ban
                     fayecimento di nos ser stima:             FDA  authority  over  tobacco  sold  in  the  U.S.  are  menthol  the  flavor  with  support  from
                                                               products, an exemption negoti-  and its elimination would be a  the majority of Black members.
                                                               ated by industry lobbyists. The  huge  blow  to  tobacco  compa-  The  bill  stalled  in  the  Repub-
                                                               act  did,  though,  instruct  the  nies, including Altria and Reyn-  lican-controlled  Senate  after
                                                               agency  to  continue  to  weigh  olds  American,  maker  of  the  Trump  made  clear  he  opposed
                                                               banning menthol.               leading menthol brands, New-   the measure.
                                                               The  flavor's  persistence  has  port  and  Kool.  With  the  slow  The FDA's attempts to get rid of
                                                               infuriated  anti-smoking  advo-  decline  of  smoking,  tobacco  menthol  have  repeatedly  been
                                                               cates,  who  point  to  research  companies  have  been  diversi-  delayed  or  derailed  by  forces
                                                               that  menthol's  numbing  effect  fying  into  alternative  products,  inside and outside government.
                                                               masks  the  harshness  of  smok-  including  electronic  cigarettes
                                                               ing,  likely  making  it  easier  to  and tobacco pouches. But those  In  2011,  an  outside  panel  of
                                                               start  and  harder  to  quit.  The  ventures still account for a tiny  FDA  advisers  recommended
                                                               mint-flavored  cigarettes  are  slice of industry sales.      banning  menthol  after  con-
                   Sra. Maria Gonzalez-Jansen                  overwhelmingly used by young                                  cluding that it increases smok-
                     Mihor conoci como “Shon Iya”              people and minorities, particu-  Smoking  can  cause  cancer,  ing  among  young  people  and
                      *18-12-1935 - †27-04-2021                larly  Black  smokers,  85%  of  strokes  and  heart  attacks  and  minorities and makes it harder
                                                               whom  smoke  menthols.  That  is  blamed  for  480,000  annual  for  them  to  quit.  But  cigarette

                                                               compares  to  about  a  third  of  deaths.  About  14%  of  Ameri-  makers challenged the findings
                Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia               white smokers.                 cans  smoke  cigarettes,  with  in  court,  claiming  some  panel
                              despues                          "The  science  is  there,  the  data  rates  roughly  even  between  members had conflicts of inter-
                                                               is there, so why are these prod-
                                                                                              white  and  Black  populations.  est they hadn't disclosed.
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